Am I the only one?



  • lbpfox
    lbpfox Posts: 6 Member
    I very rarely eat my full quota of calories. My life is so busy that only have a short time to get something to eat. Since I am trying to eat healthier, those foods don't have as many calories. Like someone else said, I was a chronic meal skipper in my teen and early 20's. That has really made losing weight difficult for me. In my late 20's my dr. said I really needed to start eating more or my body would eventually shut down. So, now that I am close to my 50's, it is even harder to lose weight. I try to eat but am not really that hungry and between my boys' hockey practices, teaching piano lessons, directing the church choir and being a first grade teacher, finding time to add a healthy snack doesn't always work either. So, I just keep doing the best that I can.
  • lilyflor
    lilyflor Posts: 123 Member
    I do struggle to hit my target calories because this all "consume your burn calories" doesn't make much sense to me... I have been trying to add more during the day but I still don't get close on most days, on the days I do is when I eat something unhealthy like pizza or french fries.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I have a hard time keeping my cals down lol, but I never eat the cals I burn in work out
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Nope...eating *enough* is certainly not my problem! But it is for my mom. She is a meal skipper. And has diabetes, so skipping meals gets her into TROUBLE. But she eventually found that she felt better and lost weight more easily when she ate all her menopause and all!
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    People who are/were chronic meal skippers (guilty) can have a hard time adjusting to the new and higher calorie sets... especially if they skipped meals and chowed down on crap like chips in front of a game system instead of parking it at a table for an actual dinner. I guess it does sound a bit weird when it comes down to it. :ohwell:

    This^^ is me. I never ate anything but dinner, since I was a teenager and I'm 39!! My son is an athlete and told me I am eating way to few calories but I told him, "its just the way I eat and I'm not hungry until dinner, so..." Well, when I started tracking my calories I realized that I was was under 1000 most days and had been doing that for 25 or so years!! Not eating enough is a hard habit to break too. So I started adding calories to my day...then I started working out ..UGH, now I have to eat MORE!! Then when I decided that I was at a good weight (I'm about 5'4" and 123lbs) I changed my settings for maintenance. UGH even MORE calories!! A couple of weeks later (today) I weighed in at 120.5lbs...MFP set my maintenance too low, so I increased it manually....UGGGHHH MORE calories!!

    So yeah, from day one until now I have increased my caloric intake by about 225%....that's a lot to get used too!
  • No you are not the only one! I could eat eat eat!:drinker:
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Lol, I hate to admit it but on intense workout days, yep, I really struggle with eating exercise calories to get to 1200 net. Some days I hit it some days I don't , good thing it's only three or four days a week.
  • I'm struggling to eat enough food period. With my workouts anywhere from 60 minutes to 2 hours (that will go up as summer approaches and more training) I have a ton of healthy food in the house. It's what I eat. It's how i've lost 130 pounds so far but I try and I try and I just can't eat the calories it says I should. By the time all my meals are done, I eat about 6 a day in snacks and meals etc. I am full and can't possibly eat anymore. I have like 2000 more calories it says I should eat. I've already had like 2200 today.
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    I'm just starting at this, plus I'm just starting to beat this flu bug. But one thing I have noticed is that I have less problems eating the recommended quantities and nutrition levels if I don't rely on reaching them with 2 or 3 big meals. I do lots better if I "budget" my snacks and spread out the foods throughout the day. I wonder if it's more or less steering us into taking in calories all day to rev up our metabolism.
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    oh its for sure easy to grab a candy bar or a big mac and its over!!!! but it gets better with time :-)
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    oh its for sure easy to grab a candy bar or a big mac and its over!!!! but it gets better with time :-)

    Strangely never done that.
  • I think it's the change in the types of foods we are eating when starting new diets. I thought the point of this was to start a life style change of eating healthier? I'm not going to go out and eat at mcdonalds just to make my calorie goal! Most healthy foods naturally have less calories than the junk I ate before. I'm eating salads and grilled chicken instead of big mac's and fried chicken yeah it's going to be harder to hit that goal. Add into the fact that I'm doing cardio every day, it just makes it that much harder.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I think it's the change in the types of foods we are eating when starting new diets. I thought the point of this was to start a life style change of eating healthier? I'm not going to go out and eat at mcdonalds just to make my calorie goal! Most healthy foods naturally have less calories than the junk I ate before. I'm eating salads and grilled chicken instead of big mac's and fried chicken yeah it's going to be harder to hit that goal. Add into the fact that I'm doing cardio every day, it just makes it that much harder.

    Who said anything about eating McDonalds? I didn't.

    It's quite easy to hit 1600 each day. I eat my 5 servings of fruit and veg. I have tuna snack packs. I eat 300-400 calories for my main meals. I've eaten McDonalds TWICE in six months. I don't need that junk to get my calorie goals.
  • I believe it was in one of the 20 other threads on this topic....
  • Lzysgrl
    Lzysgrl Posts: 5 Member
    I hear you!! I have a hard time staying UNDER my calorie goal... :(
  • Kelleinna
    Kelleinna Posts: 160
    I think it depends on where your focus is at. Me, I'm one of those people who will get involved in a book, a movie or a project and sort of forget all about that eating thing for hours or days at a time if nobody shoves food at me. Where I ran into trouble is that somewhere along the way I developed the habit of mindlessly eating while involved in a book, movie or project and had no idea how much I was consuming. I've recently managed to break that habit, and now I'm struggling to get up to MFP calorie goals... and that's with FOUR meals per day that I am obligated to eat at a table with seven preschoolers. (Breakfast and lunch with the AM class, then lunch again and a snack with the PM class). Even with those 4 meals AND my son begging me to go to McDonald's tonight, I only managed to net 988 calories and I am TOTALLY done for the day. It's 9:30 and I'm not going to eat anything else, forget it.

    I think those who are really concerned/obsessed with food and planning meals and stuff are the ones who tend to have a hard time staying under the calorie goals. Me, I don't worry so much about the food. I live in America, and if and when I realize I am hungry, there will be food readily available. :)
  • I thought I was the only one who does that...

    If I'm starving and I don't have many calories...I will throw and extra 20 minutes in so I can eat....
    I refuse to go over my calories and I hate, HATE being hungry...
  • Everyone is different, so why create a thread trolling some of the people on this forum because they have a hard time putting down food? Some of us have busy schedules, some people work wild shifts at work, and some people are still getting used to eating these different kinds of foods. Then you have people working out every day and eating much healthier low cal foods.

    If you aren't hungry...then don't eat.
  • I am not understanding the whole eat the calories you burn thing. To lose weight, don't we want a calorie deficit? I aim for 1500, and ignore the extra calories I get from working out. If you eat your base calories, and then also eat the ones you burn, aren't you at a balance and going to stay the same weight, in theory?

    I guess I will keep doing what I do, in the last 3 weeks I have lost 8 pounds, so what I am doing is, for now, working for me!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Everyone is different, so why create a thread trolling some of the people on this forum because they have a hard time putting down food? Some of us have busy schedules, some people work wild shifts at work, and some people are still getting used to eating these different kinds of foods. Then you have people working out every day and eating much healthier low cal foods.

    Not trolling. I just flat out don't understand it.
    I am not understanding the whole eat the calories you burn thing. To lose weight, don't we want a calorie deficit? I aim for 1500, and ignore the extra calories I get from working out. If you eat your base calories, and then also eat the ones you burn, aren't you at a balance and going to stay the same weight, in theory?

    I guess I will keep doing what I do, in the last 3 weeks I have lost 8 pounds, so what I am doing is, for now, working for me!

    Good for you! If it's working I'm really glad. Just if it stops working for you, I would then reconsider the eating back.