Starting again and looking for some support

After I lost 25 kg last year I got neglectful of my diet and exercise like I used to be and gave up on mfp. In the last 6 months I gained back about 15 kg and am I old lazy self again. But that ends today!

I am currently 130 kg and 1.89 m my first goal is to get below 107 kg which would take my BMI from obese to overweight. My aim is to reach this goal by the end of april. After that I am aiming for 90 kg and once I reach that I will see how I feel about losing more.

So now I am looking for some people who can support me along the road.

In addition I am looking for a small group which has some fun challenges from time to time.


  • k2sul
    k2sul Posts: 30 Member
    You can add me if you like. I'm in Northern Ireland!

    And welcome back!
  • zoewoodland
    zoewoodland Posts: 15 Member
    Hey add me too. x
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Hi Im not sure what kg is id lbs and stones but I lost 57lbs in 2010 regained 42 last year tried to get back on track couldnt and I joined here I am new and have 98lbs to lose to be in mid healthy range I have yoyoed for 22 years so have to change me......
    Well done on taking the plunge heres to a good loss year x
  • GossInABox
    GossInABox Posts: 58 Member
    Hello and welcome back! I've only been on MFP for a few months now, but it's the first thing that's ever remotely worked for me. Currently looking to lose 79lbs (36 kg...I'm terrible with conversions. XD). But I sent you a friend request. :)