
MsAziz Posts: 71 Member
I came across this on youtube; a group of people that are called 'Raw Foodist". Basically they only (big emphasis on the only) eat raw. Anything with wheat, dairy, sugar, meat and fish are completely avoided. The whole idea behind it is that when you cook food you denature the enzyme and "kill" all the nutrients, so to avoid this you eat raw foods only.

This is the link to the first part to the video; there are three parts to the segment...
Part 1:

I was wondering what everyone else thought about this idea? It does seem extreme but the children in the video who have lived this way their whole life look very healthy. The whole idea doesn't seem too illogical once you really think about it too.


  • I had a nanny for 3 years who was a raw foodist. She actually went raw after 6 months with us. It was great! She had my kids on green smoothies, avocado and nuts.

    She lost a bunch of weight initially but then stabled out still feeling overweight. It was a high-fat diet -- TONS of raw nuts. She used to make raw chocolate, raw lasagna, raw cookies. The base in all of it was cashew nuts. Gallons of them. Her lasagna was good but heavy, rich and extremely fattening. She also did lots of dehydrating and blending.

    Oh and it can be expensive! Truly raw ingredients -- raw nuts, raw chocolate, the raw sweeteners, kale chips -- are PRICEY. There were a few raw food 'restaurants' in the area and because complex raw meals are so labour-intensive the cost was 3-4x the cost of normal versions.

    That said, this lifestyle goes way beyong weight loss. She was all about detoxing and looking to improve her health all-around including moods and happiness. I think it worked well for her.

    I've kept the green smoothies for myself and my kids. I eat bags of dark greens everyday and lots of berries. I'm careful with nuts.