This is starting to get old!

I just don't get it! I have been sitting at the same weight pretty much since November. I have been sitting at 185lbs. So I started doing a spike day, and I also joined doing a boot camp. My normal work out was the gym or videos at home. Finally last week I saw 184, and I was so fricken excited I couldn't stand it. Today, 187! I hate hate hate my scale. I just don't get what is going on. I don't know if I am eating to much, maybe not enough?! It is driving me insane!!! Yes I do eat processed foods and I eat Smart Ones by weight watchers and things like that but I just do not have the funds to go all organic, (plus I think my husband would kill me) I am just so frustrated I want to cry. I need to be 150lbs by June. That has been my ultimate goal. It will be my 30th Birthday and my hubby and I are going to Vegas. I wanna buy a cute little black dress soo bad. and I wont if my hips and thighs continue to look the way they do. I am just at a loss... I know weight loss takes time, energy, hard work and dedication.. But seriously...... I wish I could see inside my body to see what I am doing wrong. Sorry, but I just had to rant..................


  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    Hey don't get discouraged

    Make sure your liver is functioning well, plays an important part in the weight loss process


    Reassess your eating
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Eat at TDEE or maintenance for 1 month to break plateau and nudge the metabolism.
    Works every time!
    With the extra food you will gain some water weight but after a few days this will go away.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    Eat at TDEE or maintenance for 1 month to break plateau and nudge the metabolism.
    Works every time!
    With the extra food you will gain some water weight but after a few days this will go away.

    OK I am dumb what is TDEE?? HA!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I have found setting up my calorie goal according to "Olivia's method" quite helpful.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Eat at TDEE or maintenance for 1 month to break plateau and nudge the metabolism.
    Works every time!
    With the extra food you will gain some water weight but after a few days this will go away.

    OK I am dumb what is TDEE?? HA!

    total Daily Energy Expenditure.
    How many calories you burn daily.

    How tall are you and how much do you weigh?
    How often do you workout?
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I say get rid of the processed foods as they contain a lot of sodium. You don't have to be organic, just do more cooking. I hated cooking ,as I live alone, but started to do it again.I hated chicken, now eat it constantly, I also bought a crock pot and found low calorie recipes which taste great. Also, I haven't eaten pizza, rice, white bread, cookies , cake since I started. I gave up alcohol. When I want to "cheat", I realize I would rather be thin. My weight loss is so slow, I am older, have thyroid and other issues. If I can do it so can you. Don't give up.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    Eat at TDEE or maintenance for 1 month to break plateau and nudge the metabolism.
    Works every time!
    With the extra food you will gain some water weight but after a few days this will go away.

    OK I am dumb what is TDEE?? HA!

    total Daily Energy Expenditure.
    How many calories you burn daily.

    How tall are you and how much do you weigh?
    How often do you workout?

    I am 5'2 and 185lbs. I try to work out at least 5 days a week. 3 of those days i do my boot camp which I normally burn 400-600 cals. Depending what class I am taking. I normally do Kettlebells and ropes when I do the boot camp
  • islandgirldl76
    islandgirldl76 Posts: 47 Member
    Stop eating processed foods. Eat the outside of the grocery store. Most things if you eat this way will not have coupons but it is totally worth it. The salt and chemicals in processed foods will cause you to gain weight ,bloat, and crave the bad food.

    Also watch your calorie intake and if you are still stuck check with a doctor that take a more holistic approach to medicine. You can ask if they prescribe bioidentical hormones and encourage prevention instead of a bunch of pharma drugs. Not sure if you are on anything else or if you have some other medical condition.

    But not all weight loss issues are related to calories in and calories out if it was that simple we would all be skinny. I have borderline Hypothyroidism and my doctor prescribed a compounded thyroid medication NOT the standard thyroid meds from pharma companies, those CAN cause even more weight/health problems. My weight even though I didn't loose, it started going away from my stomach (which is the most dangerous) and just steady everywhere else. So it is shifting around my body. I am excited about loosing the weight, just got started.

    Just find a good GP or endocrynologist or call around and ask the docs if there are any that specialize in metabolism problems, thyroid, hormonce imbalance, vitamin deficiencies etc and are more holistic. D.O.'s are a good start instead of MD's google the difference. I prefer their perspective. If you have to drive to a big city every few months do it. Not sure where you live.

    Good luck.
  • golope
    golope Posts: 54
    Hang in there! I've been there before - a couple of years ago. One of the previous posts said to check your liver function - it is a good idea to have a basic blood test done. My doctor told me to consider it because with large changes to nutrition and exercise sometimes things can get a little bit out of balance. It could also be a thyroid issue. When you rule out a medical reason, then try to change up your foods and exercise. I know when I'm counting calories I tend to eat the same things a lot because its easier to count. Try going for bike rides or incorporate weight lifting into your work out if you're not already. Muscle burns fat. Don't give up, keep doing the right things, but mix up how you're doing them. These ideas have worked for me, hopefully they work for you too. Good luck!
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    Its called water, you will swing 5 pounds easy because of it!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Eat at TDEE or maintenance for 1 month to break plateau and nudge the metabolism.
    Works every time!
    With the extra food you will gain some water weight but after a few days this will go away.

    OK I am dumb what is TDEE?? HA!

    total Daily Energy Expenditure.
    How many calories you burn daily.

    How tall are you and how much do you weigh?
    How often do you workout?

    I am 5'2 and 185lbs. I try to work out at least 5 days a week. 3 of those days i do my boot camp which I normally burn 400-600 cals. Depending what class I am taking. I normally do Kettlebells and ropes when I do the boot camp

    Set MFP to 2200 calories for 2 weeks and eat clean.
    Maintain your workouts.
    Dont eat back any calories.
    You will lose weight in the form of fat if you are setting protein at 30% and carbs at 40%.
    With upping food you may notice a slight weight gain but thats mostly water weight due to extra food in the system.
    This goes away after a few days.
    Take measurements and forget about the scale for the next month IMO.
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    Hang in there. I do agree with some of the others, you don't have to go organic but you need to stop the processed foods. They contain so much crap and chemicals and this is definatley effecting your weight lose. Also if you aren't doing it now add sugar to your tracker. Not only does excess fat make you fat but sugar is a diet killer. Good luck!!
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    Its called water, you will swing 5 pounds easy because of it!
    For three months though???
  • anndunkley
    anndunkley Posts: 16 Member
    I'd say check all of the obvious things first. Are you drinking enough water? What about your vitamins/sodium/carbs etc and not just looking at your cals? Are you always eating more than 1200 a day? Can you try to cook at home more often instead of processed meals? Even simple meals like chilli or chicken in tomatoes might make a difference and aren't particularly expensive or time consuming. If your diary is open, it might be worth asking some friends to have a look for you.
    Anyways, best of luck and have a great time in Vegas. We've been 3 times now and I love it!! Enjoy :-) xx.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I really don't know if this is your problem or not, but when my friend was eating all processed foods, she couldn't lose at all. When she slowed down, she started losing. Some of things have a lot more sodium in them then you realize, and that can prevent you from losing weight. That doesn't mean you have to go organic by the way. I would LOVE to go organic, but I can't right now. There is a difference, however, between non-organic fresh foods and processed foods. ;) Also, I know if I eat too few calories, or even just slightly too much, I won't budge. I'll stay stabilized around a certain range and will not leave it until I eat just the right amount of calories, and a bit extra if I exercise a lot. I am steadily losing as a result. The last couple weeks I was going over by 200-500 a night--still not NEARLY as much as I used to eat, but still more than MFP suggests, and I didn't lose an ounce. I went back to eating the right amount and immediately dropped 2, so perhaps this is part of your problem if you do that as well?
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    See the only thing is pretty much isn't everything in these stores processed in some fashion or another?? I may have a frozen dinner for lunch. But I dont eat the boxed potatoes or anything like that. or mac and cheese. but for example I have an english muffin for breakfast, that is processed bread. I do eat Whole Wheat Bread but isn't that processed to a point?! I guess i am confused on what is processed and not processed.
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    I say get rid of the processed foods as they contain a lot of sodium. You don't have to be organic, just do more cooking. I hated cooking ,as I live alone, but started to do it again.I hated chicken, now eat it constantly, I also bought a crock pot and found low calorie recipes which taste great. Also, I haven't eaten pizza, rice, white bread, cookies , cake since I started. I gave up alcohol. When I want to "cheat", I realize I would rather be thin. My weight loss is so slow, I am older, have thyroid and other issues. If I can do it so can you. Don't give up.

    I agree...stop with the processed foods. I used to think that buying fresh foods was more expensive but its really not. I don't know where you get your Smart Ones from but they are anywhere from $2-$3 dollars a piece here where I buy them. I can buy an entire bag of apples for the same price that is going to last me WAY longer than that one meal. And I know that apples aren't a meal but you can still make you own meals for way less than buying those frozen boxed meals. Your paying for convienence and packaging.

    If you like soups and stews look up some low fat options...make a big batch over the weekend...and freeze them into individual portions for your lunch. A whole batch of soup might cost you $10-15 when you buy all the ingredients at ocnce (and some ingrediends you probably already have on hand) but you'll probably get anywhere from 10-12 servings depending on how much you make and that's still less than the meals you are buying and this way you control the ingredients...including the sodium which will make you retain water.
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    I know you want to see the scale move, but I was wondering if you have been measuring to see if you've lost inches.
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    If you could make your food diary public, even for a couple of hours, some of us could look and see what we think. Sometimes a small change can make a huge difference. Just a though if you are comfortable with that.
  • jewels68
    I'm stuck too. I have a Lap Band and went and saw my doctor yesterday. Dropping my cals by a 1000 was easy three years ago. The weight dropped off. Past 6 months I've been eating 1100-1200. He now wants me to drop down to 1000 cals, step up the walking or work out and see how that goes. No liquid calories which has been killing me. Too many meeting lately with a Starbucks. I don't drink coffee or tea so I go straight for the vanilla bean frap thing. Found out last night it is 480 cals. There went nothing. By the time I got home last night after one of those, beaskfast and lunch and I two cals left over for dinner. Did I go work out or walk? Nope ate wrong and went to bed.

    I too need to watch the crap I'm eating again. Good luck and I'm going back to my meal planning. It really worked plus bringing left overs are better than the WW meals for me anyways.