Getting in shape for my wedding/honeymoon!

Hi, I'm 29 and getting married in 4 months. Is anyone else out there also trying to get in shape for their wedding and honeymoon? I don't want to just crash diet to look skinny in my dress, I want to get healthy and happy. I could really use some encouragement!


  • I'm not getting married, but have very recently gotten married! I managed to lose quite a bit of weight before my wedding, not as much as i wanted though which was disappointing. Unfortunately I have put it all back on since the wedding :( Now that i don't have the incentive of the wedding to make me try hard, I'm using the long-term health benefits as my incentive.
    Good luck, and enjoy the next few months, it goes really fast!!
  • I am in the same boat as you but i am getting married in June 2013
  • spiffysara27
    spiffysara27 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks and good luck! You did it once, so I'm sure you can do it again!
  • zoedicko
    zoedicko Posts: 50 Member
    hi i am in the same boat as u, im getting married in may and need to loose weight but like u for a better lifestyle x
  • I'm getting married in September and trying to lose some belly weight! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • Welcome! I'm getting married in September -- feel free to add me! I've got to get in wedding day shape!
  • EmilyWillBeSlim
    EmilyWillBeSlim Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, im getting married in November, but would like to be in at my goal weight for August.
    At the mo my goal weight is 140lbs, but as i cant remember being less than 160lbs, it might be too far.
    Good luck, feel free to add me
  • spiffysara27
    spiffysara27 Posts: 19 Member
    I can't remember being 160 either! My current goal is my Driver's License weight, which is 170.
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
    Hello all,

    I getting married in December in Jamaica and i just want to wear a bikini comfortably. I know its possible. i quit smoking 6months ago and curbed my impulse eating. Since I have been on MFP its has helped tremendously, tracking what I eat and my activities. Im concerned bout all this wedding stuff tho. I dont think I the typical bride because I really could just have a nice flowing dress barefoot on the beach. My fiance on the other hand lol.

    Take care and best wishes to you all in gettting this done, its different with a coutndown too!
  • I'm getting married at the end of April. I'm 5 foot 5 inches and currently weigh 220 (the most I've ever weighed in my entire life). I really want to lose weight before my wedding and I want to continue to lose weight after the wedding. So I'm trying to have a healthier lifestyle in general, but right now my wedding is my big motivator. I'm not sure what is realistic in terms of a weight loss goal I can reach before my wedding. Any thoughts? Or tips? Anything would be appreciated. Thanks!
  • I'd like to be in shape at your wedding, so that I can look really slutty and score with a hot archaeologist, so I'm going to used the same in-shape deadline as you! <3