5'8 and 70-80lbs to lose!



  • knrob
    knrob Posts: 65
    I am 5' 8" at 201, my heaviest was about 30 lbs ago. I'd like to try to lose another 30 lbs and then determine how I feel from there. I've been on here since last summer, and am loving the program. I had a whiplash induced headache for a year, that sent me into a clinical depression...and gallons of wine later-my weight was at an all time high! I'm med free and feeling like 2012 is going to be my turn around year!!! Would love to add some new friends!

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  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    2012 is going to be OUR YEAR!!!!!!

  • Emily51885
    Hi everyone! I too am 5'8" and I weigh 199 - I really want to get down to about 160. I've tried many times before, but I am SO determined this time! I have to stop making excuses! I just started doing boot camp workouts 4x per week and it feels great!

    It's so comforting to see so many other people in similar situations! Let's do this together!

  • Amberflame
    Amberflame Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Katie

    Good for you, I wish you all the best. BTW, you will look stunning in your wedding dress regardless of your weight if your profile pic is anything to go by, stay positive!!
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    I just learned about another APP for your mobile - FOODUCATE. There is a free version out there. The folks i chat with on weight watchers love it because it gives you choices, calories and points. I just loaded it on my phone. Haven't had a chance to check it out yet though.
    Every little bit helps!!!
  • StaceySherwood
    Hey Girl! I am with you... we weight the exact same and our goals are the same! I am brand new to MFP I just started this on Monday : )
  • ErinsAvon
    ErinsAvon Posts: 72 Member
    I am so happy that you started this Thread! I feel like the only one of my friends who is my height and struggling with this much weight. Don't get me wrong they all have weight to lose as well, but they are starting at 170lbs. It is so frustrating to always be the biggest girl on the scale and know that isn't going to change because of your height and build compared to everyone else. 3 weeks ago I started a 12 week challenge with 16 other ladies I know. We get together over the weekend and weigh in, and are trying to keep each other accountable, and also sharing tips and tricks to get back in shape.

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  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    Welcome to the 'club' Stacey and Erins!! I said yesterday it was nice to meet a group with similar proportions and goals. I honestly don't remember the last time i was less than 200 lbs. Had to be in high school (20+ yrs ago!).

    I think having a weight loss 'buddy' - whether it be online or in person - can really help keep you going.
  • Jessklatt
    I am also 5'8" and actually found this site around this time last year. When I began my starting weight was at 214 (Jan. 2011). After a few kids over the past 10 years I saw my weight go up to 245. I started losing some over the past 3 years. But last year I decided I didn't want to weigh over 200 pounds any more! I hadn't weighed less than 200 since I was married in 2000! It was time. I worked HARD! I ate much better. From Jan 2011 to Jan 2012 I lost 30 pounds and was finally down to 184 pounds. Going from a size 18/20 to 14/16 (some of my pants are even a 12). But I still have more to lose. This year I would like to get to 150-160 pounds. I am working hard again towards that goal. I would love to help support all of you who are just starting, as I have once been where you are! Good luck and friend me if you want that extra boost of support!
  • Angie1089
    Angie1089 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, I'm 5'9", 261ish... Want to lose at least 80lbs. Nov 09 I started working out with a trainer, got down to 240s from 290. Somehow that weight has found me again! :( I could really use some motivational support. Just started on this site a week ago or so. Feel free to add me.
  • ellyvortex
    Hello! I'm 5'8" and am on my way to losing 40 lbs! I started at 200 on the nose, would like to get to 160...and then I'll reevaluate whether or not I want to keep going. I haven't weighed 160 since I was a kid so I don't even know what I'll look like!

    Add me if you want! Having people around who are in close to the same place as you really helps. :)
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    If any one can use a reallllly good laugh - go read the comment by ASTRAMP on this message board:

    I laughed so hard i had tears running down my face. Literally - LMFAO!
  • susanaemendez
    susanaemendez Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome! I'm Susana and I live in Denver, CO. I'm looking to lose about 40 lbs. I'll send you a friend request and let's motivate each other!
  • aallison0507
    Welcome aboard Katie ! I am 42 yrs old 5'8" and currently 258.4 but working towards dropping 100 lbs. I was 134 lbs when I got married 18 yrs ago and after years of infertility issues, miscarriages & depression I finally ended up with 2 beautiful kids and a weight of 302 lbs. My little guy is 4 now and i spent that four yrs only getting down into the 280's. I now have logged in here just about 30 days and I am loving it. Up till now I had not really added friends but in the past couple days have decided since my home life (family) works more against me I should find some people who will work with me on the long road to a healthier life. My kids are 6 and 4 and they will need me to be around for a very long time.
    Best wishes to you and feel free to add me :)

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  • dsue04
    dsue04 Posts: 8
    Add me as a friend if you like
  • dsue04
    dsue04 Posts: 8
  • ErinsAvon
    ErinsAvon Posts: 72 Member
    So what is everyone doing? To get themselves back....
    I started by taking vitamins regularly, Drink at least my 8 glasses of water daily.
    I get 45 minutes of cardio on the Elliptical and Treadmill at least 3 days per week. I slip in a few evenings of Just Dance on the Wii.
    As well as a 45 minutes Boot Camp class, that is mostly Squats and Arms. I strength train my Core and Upper body, with a Lat Machine, and Dumbbells.
    I of course and tracking all my Food with MFP, and am doing my best to stick to a Low Carb, and Low fat Diet. I have also started Juicing, to add extra vitamins and nutrients to my system since I am not a huge Fruit and Veggie Fan this has really helped. I also reuse the pulp from the juiced produce and add them to our meals, and snacks. I have been doing my best to also make everything from Scratch, not only for health reasons, but budget ones also.
    So far so good.... I am already seeing a difference in my clothes and how I feel, After my restart as of the sixth of January.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    We need to start a group here on MFP! What do y'all think? And what could we call ourselves??
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Awesome. I really kicked my butt into gear after I got engaged in June. I am between 5'8" and 5'9" I started at 207lbs and I am shooting for somewhere between 150lb-160lbs. I am 19lbs away from 160lbs! You can totally do this!
  • shemor43
    shemor43 Posts: 8 Member
    I too am 5'8 and need to lose 70 pounds :smooched: , work in progress!