Date Night...Terrified!



  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    Just get a really good workout in ahead of the date so you have plenty of calories to play with. Then just enjoy your date!
  • I've only been calorie counting for just over two weeks, no exercise, and I've cheated at least twice a week. I've still lost about 3 lbs. Considering you exercise regularly, cheating once should not have the much of an impact! Especially if you are responsible with portion control. Order healthy... and if he cooks, just watch your portion size. If you watch your calories 24/7 and never enjoy yourself, you'll get burned out. In my opinion, at least. (:
  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    I wouldn't mention that you're on a diet before the date. Just go and enjoy yourself. If it's a restaurant, order something healthy. If he cooks, enjoy the food in smaller portions. If you talk about how you're on a diet he might take that as you not being happy with yourself and not being confident, or as a cry for attention. Its life and you have to deal with it like an adult.
  • go have fun. It is ONE MEAL. do your best and be honest with yourself. you can take a walk after dinner. Hey every 10 minutes helps.
  • jbahrami
    jbahrami Posts: 206 Member
    If he plans to cook for you, he should ask you about your preferences first to make sure that he's not making something that 1) you're allergic to and 2) something you hate. That would be a great time for you to give him some healthy ideas (without blowing your cover).

    If you go to a restaurant, you can figure it out on your own, like you mentioned.

    Either way, sit back and enjoy the date...don't stress and focus so much on the food...focus on the time you're having! Have fun!!
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    Make it your "cheat day"


    x2. My cheat meal is always when I'm out with a guy, haha.

    Weirdly, my guy also cooks. He knows I'm trying to lose, so he makes moderately healthy things when he does like fish dishes, etc.
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    Eat LIGHT during the day to offset your total calorie intake for the day. Or eat something healthy like fish or chicken. Or use it as your cheat day.

    Regardless, don't be a bundle of nerves on the date just cuz of a plate of food!
  • springfan
    springfan Posts: 39 Member
    Just eat in moderation. If he makes something for you to eat, you are one lucky girl! Have a great time!

  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    Live a little! Just eat what you want for a night.

    If he cooks for you, then it would look terribly rude of you to leave food on your plate so you can stick to small portions and would probably make him think that you're a bit high maintainance. I mean, yeah, it's nice to think that a guy should understand that you're trying to lose weight but for a start, he asked you out, so he probably fancies you as you are and doesn't think you need to lose weight and if on the first date the impression he gets of you is that you are being anal about your weight, well he's going to think that that side of you will only become more and more apparent if you guys start seeing each other more often.

    If you go to a restaurant then you can always try to go for something healthy but again, try not to be too obvious about being anal about your weight.

    There's more things in life than your weight. Who knows? This guy could really work out for you and you don't want to make a bad first impression. If things work out then sure, you can let him know how you feel about yourself and that you want to lose weight but the first date isn't the time or place for that. Just chill and enjoy yourself. I'm sure the scale isn't going to break with a weight gain of 42 stone after one special dinner and as you say, you've been working out loads to free up some calories for it.

    Enjoy yourself :)
  • I love this post! I went out last night on a date for the first time in what seems like FOREVER!!

    We went out for dinner, and I just made smart choices!

    If he does cook for you (he is a keeper for one!) but he will also need to ask you what you like, so just make a few subtle suggestions, don't make it obvious that your watching what you eat though.

    Most importantly just enjoy yourself! I ended up being more worried about what I looked like and what he thought of me, than what was on my plate last night and it felt nice for the focus of my meals to not actually be about the food for once!

    Good luck, hope it goes well :)
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Workout hard before you go and eat whatever you want. Log it in as a cheat meal and move on with the rest of your days. Don't worry about this kind of thing. It's life and you have to learn to deal with it at some point. You will not derail your hard work by having one day over your calories.
  • ncrissey460
    ncrissey460 Posts: 97 Member
    So Friday night i have a date with a guy i went to college with and havent seen in a while. Im pretty darn excited except for the dinner part. He mentioned that hes a really good cook so i dont know if he is going to cook for me or if we are going to go out to a resturant. I dont wanna be one of those girls that "oh im trying to lose weight" and be picking at my food and making it akward. I thought about eating before i went but i dunno. what would you do?

    I would go enjoy your night and dont be worrying so much about calories.You will prob be too nervous to eat much anyway and even if not im sure you wont want to stuff your face like a crazy woman on front of him.You can maybe do some extra exercise tomorrow and work it off.You never know you might find another way of working it off.Ah hmm am like dancing ;) xgx

    HAHA love it!
  • I agree with most of the posts.... but I would not mention anything about being on a diet nor watching my diet!!!
    And like many have said..Enjoy the date, focus on having a GOOD TIME, make it a cheat day. I wish you
    all the best!!
  • ncrissey460
    ncrissey460 Posts: 97 Member
    Well FB might have given it away that im trying to lose weight. LOL but you girls are right Im just gonna enjoy myself and see how it goes. Life goes on its just hard when you've finally hit your stride and you dont want anything to mess it up! haha!!

    We've had a thing for a long time just never seemed to be good timing...soo...maybe...if things go well...i might be getting some exercise in that evening...and if im really good maybe some morning excericse as well..LOL....wishful thinking but ill keep my fingers crossed! haha!
  • weaverteam05
    weaverteam05 Posts: 2 Member
    Just relax and enjoy yourself, be yourself. You can catch up tomorrow. Today is just one day, dinner with this guy is just one meal. Tomorrow you can do what you need to offset any damage that might have been done. Remember we are making changes for life and events will come up that we need/want to participate in where we have no control over the food involved. Don't stress; just remember you can eat most things in moderation. Have a snack before you meet him to take the edge off...... and go enjoy your date!
  • Alchemist33
    Alchemist33 Posts: 3 Member
    Few thoughts..

    1. If he's truly interested, he's not going to care what your order or eat.
    2. I say go all out... one meal a week isn't going to ruin your weight loss goals.
    3. If he cooks and you don't eat.... that's somewhat inconsiderate.
    4. The real question... are you interested at all? Or... is this a friendly date?
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    Be YOURSELF. And, do what you would normally do when dining out. If as you mentioned, you "dont wanna be one of those girls that are "oh im trying to lose weight", then who will you pretend to be? When will you just be you, after the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th date?? Then you turn into the "Oh, im trying to lose weight or I have reached my goal weight so I am careful about what I eat" and the guy is left thinking.. "where did this girl come from, she used to eat whatever" If he likes you and he is good for you, he will respect your commitment to your goals and your dedication to your health.

    That's my two cents. Good luck & have fun!!
  • grag79
    grag79 Posts: 70 Member
    Well FB might have given it away that im trying to lose weight. LOL but you girls are right Im just gonna enjoy myself and see how it goes. Life goes on its just hard when you've finally hit your stride and you dont want anything to mess it up! haha!!

    We've had a thing for a long time just never seemed to be good timing...soo...maybe...if things go well...i might be getting some exercise in that evening...and if im really good maybe some morning excericse as well..LOL....wishful thinking but ill keep my fingers crossed! haha!

    That's the positive thinking endorsed on this site;).Well have a lovely evening and report back tomorrow on how it goes.Well you can edit some details ..xgx
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    I'd also suggest that, maybe rather than say you want to loose weight, just say you're trying to generally eat healthily. Personally (and everyone's different) but I'd rather not let a guy know that I'm loosing weight, it's easier and has less of a stigma to just mention healthy eating. Assuming this can fit into the conversation without being awkward, that way if he cooks for you he knows not to have all deep fried food and if you're eating out, enjoy it but make good selections. One meal isn't going to break the bank, even if you go over your calories.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I don't know how lady types do it...but when I was single if I went on a date my diet stopped when I picked the girl up. I would try not to go crazy but I also wouldn't order the quarter-cup of salad with fat-free water.

    Have fun, don't worry too much. One meal won't kill you.