New here

tink36 Posts: 4
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, my name is Leslie. I'm a newbie here. I'm trying to loose 35 lbs. I have been battling hormone issues and female problems for the last 5 years and I'm finally to a point where I'm doing much better and ready to loose the weight that I have gained. Right now I'm in Medical menopause which is not helping the weight issue at all. But I'm geared up to get back into shape and loose the weight. This site is so helpful with counting the calories and making better food decisions. I have already cut diary out of my diet and most wheat products. I just need to get better with exercising and emotional eating. Hope to make some fitness pals here and get going on my weight loss journey!

Thank you!


  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Hi, Leslie!!
    Welcome!! Glad that you are here and ready to get healthy. I am relatively new here also...and so far I really love the site!
    Good luck with your goals!! (:

  • Hi there, question.. why did you cut dairy and wheat from your diet? Sorry to hear about the hormone issues, but glad you are better. If your hormones are out of whack it can really be frustrating especially if you're trying to lose weight. My name is Dana, by the way. I'm new to this site as well, found by some friends telling me there was a simple way to count calories. I love it, definitely beats writing everything down on paper.
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Hi and welcome to the site. The people here are really helpful and supportive. Oh and by the way, I can totally relate to your hormonal issues!!!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. This site is great, it is so supportive, helpful, motivational, and easy to use. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this. :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • tink36
    tink36 Posts: 4

    I cut dairy and wheat out because they contain too much estrogen. And the estrogen feeds the endometriosis. Plus, both were really bothering my stomach at times. Since I've been off of them, I feel better. Before I started Depo Provera shots, I had actually lost weight with being off of the diary. But the depo really killed the weight loss. Luckily, I'm on a different hormone now that doesn't seem to be adding weight on me.
  • gwendy70
    gwendy70 Posts: 4
    :smile: Hi, I just restarted this site today, I have tried everything. I am exercising almost daily but the food thing is still a struggle. I retain water very easily so I know I need to drink more water but it is not my favorite thing to get in 8 glasses a day. I am also off for summer break since I am a teacher. No excuses just struggling. I have recommitted myself to weight loss and regular exercise. I need to loose 70 pounds.
    Glad to be here.
  • gwendy70
    gwendy70 Posts: 4
    :smile: Hi, I just restarted this site today, I have tried everything. I am exercising almost daily but the food thing is still a struggle. I retain water very easily so I know I need to drink more water but it is not my favorite thing to get in 8 glasses a day. I am also off for summer break since I am a teacher. No excuses just struggling. I have recommitted myself to weight loss and regular exercise. I need to loose 70 pounds.
    Glad to be here.
  • Welcome GWendy! Good job with the daily exercise. How's your salt intake? Remember, salt also makes your body retain water, so try and limit that amount. And if you don't like the taste of plain water, get those little packets of flavoring, like Crystal Light and add them to your water and eventually you'll learn to like it. And those packets are very low in calories.
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