Plastic Surgery...???

Hi Everyone!

So I know that most of you are probably against the idea of plastic surgery but I'm not. I was wondering if any of you have had any plastic surgery and what the pro's and con's are. My hubby and I made a deal before I had my daughter that once we were done having kids I would get a "Mommy" make over. (Tummy tuck, boob lift, boob implants). I have a lot of excess skin from my 70lb weightloss BEFORE my daughter, then the pregnancy stretch, and then the 65lb weightloss since I've had my daughter. And I still have another 35lbs to go! SO i know it's only going to get worse.

Has anyone had a tummy tuck? If so, was it worth it?

Has anyone gotten a boob job with a lift? If so, did you get the "lollipop" look from the incision?

Thanks in advance!


  • anihop
    anihop Posts: 18
    I have not had any plastic surgery but would love to!! Good for you - I am green with envy. :)
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    Ditto that:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    I think you'll find that actually a lot of people on here are pro-plastic surgery. I'm having a tummy tuck in the fall & I'm so thrilled! I started a new thread yesterday:
    Seems like a few ladies have gone through the tummy tuck & are really happy with the results! I know down the road I'll probably go for the boobs & my inner thighs, but right now my tummy is #1.

    Best of luck!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Yeah - I say if you can afford it - do it!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Go for it!!! A friend of mine had a tummy tuck and she said that the recovery is really rough, but it is totally worth it, she looks far as the boobs go, it depends on the doctor and the way they perform the surgery on whether you will have that kind of scar or advice is do a lot of research on the doc before you go under the knife....!
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    Usually if you get breast implants you do not need the lift. My mother-in-law got breast implants and they turned out wonderfully. She said that her boobs were deflated and saggy from having children. Implants actually look the best on women that have had children. This is because there is already some room if the breasts have been deflated and the results are way more natural. I have to suggest that you get a D-cup. Most women who get breast implants say that their biggest regret is that they didn't get bigger boobs. Most women are satisfied with a D-cup. That is just my personal opinion though. Make sure to get silicone instead of salene. My husbands aunt got salene and they look so hard and fake. My mother-in-law also wanted to have liposuction and a tummy tuck, but they said she was not a good candidate. I should warn you that a woman that was in the waiting room that had a tummy tuck a month prior was saying that it was not worth it and it was rediculously painful. My husband recently had scar tissue removed from his abdomen and a hernia repair done. The doctor said that the results were very similar to a tummy tuck. He was in a lot of pain, but he got over the pain fairly quickly within about two or three weeks. The key with a tummy tuck is you have to move around. If you do not move around and stretch your muscles while you are healing the muscles heal back very tight and that is way more painful in the long run.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I say if you can afford it go for it! I have discussed with my hubby the option of getting a lift. I am only 27 and I have the boobs of a 90 year old. I mean talk about deflated .... :laugh: He wanted me to get implants too but I am fine with the smaller size I just want them to match the rest of me. I still have a ways to go though. I want to reach my goals first. Oh and I guess I'll have to save up :happy:
  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    I am hoping to get implants some time soon. My hubby and I agreed on that for after we were done having kids too:wink:
    I know several people who have had them and love them. The recovery was tough, but not bad. About 6 weeks. I don't know about the tummy tuck though, don't know any one who has had one. I wouldn't mind a tummy tuck to get rid of the excess skin....
    Good luck with everything!!
  • Vans
    Vans Posts: 388 Member
    I had a reduction and the scar is the anchor. I chose not to have draining tubes so that I wouldn't have to have a second surgery to remove the "puppy ears" under the armpits.....
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    I had a reduction and the scar is the anchor. I chose not to have draining tubes so that I wouldn't have to have a second surgery to remove the "puppy ears" under the armpits.....

    "Puppy ears" hehe, i've never heard the term but I totally have those!! Well, I'm happy I have a name for them now!!
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    WOW! Thanks everyone! I won't be getting anything done til

    1) I've reached my goal weight
    2) Had ONE more baby
    3) reached my goal weight AGAIN! lol.

    THEN I will have one. But it took us 3 and a half years to get pregnant with my daughter so maybe we'll only have her. :-) If so, MOMMY MAKE OVER, HERE I COME!! :-) (I just need to shed about 40 more lbs)
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I am personally TERRIFIED of surgery. I wish I wasn't because I would LOVE a lift. I've been failing the pencil test forever. I've done research in hopes that one day I'll get over my fear and have two pieces of advice. 1) research your doctor to make sure they are certified by the Board of Plastic Surgeons and check for any complaints registered at the Board of Plastic Surgeons. 2) If possible, have the surgery at a hospital. Most preventable deaths from elective surgery are because the surgery is done at a clinic and they can't make it to the hospital quick enough.
    Sorry if my post seems morbid but I just want you to have the BEST experience you can.
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    Hey there,

    I've had both done a tummy tuck and a boob job. My Avatar right now, the pic, was taken 6 weeks after I had them done, I'm very fit, and the docs wouldn't put implants by going through under the arms, because of the muscle I had there, they said it would be way too painful.. my incision was done under the breast, I went from a 34 AA, to a 34 DD and I love them...1st week,was pretty painful, by the 3rd week, I was fine, back in the gym....very little discomfort, you can't see my incision unless you actually lift my boobs up :laugh: it's in the crease..I love em, I opted for one of the most expensive implants, memory gel implants, they are the most natural feeling cohesive gel implants on the market. I don't have that so fake looking "ledge" look to my boobs, even if I squish them together...:laugh: I opted to have my surgery done throught the internship program, this resident doc, who was supervised by a plastic surgeon a all times, this way I paid only for the implants, nurse and any needles/ saved me half the cost, under 3200. for the breast implants, and 2800.00 of that cost were the implants themsleves. The tummy tuck, I found to be not so painful, the breasts hurt way more, you have to wear this undergarment restrictive thingy for awhile but I was up and moving around by day two by the 7-8 day I was sore but back doing my daily stuff, other than lifting and such. Again I went through the resident program at my hospital again and paid 2600.00 for my tuck....look into these programs they are well worth investigating, these internships/residents are already doctors, who are now trying to specialize, they are with the plastic surgeon at all times, it saves you 50% right off the bat, if you have both procedures done at the same time, it'll save you even more money, the only downfall, the procedure took approxiamtely 40 minutes longer then if the surgeon himself were to have done it.
  • arashton
    arashton Posts: 15
    I've thought about having plastic surgery to help my tummy and loooooooong BIG boobs and the tip that molsongirl gave about internships is really great. I'd have to look more into the safety issue and locations of where they are done, but it's a great idea.

    Her tip falls in the same line of getting a simple hair cut at a beauty school and getting minor car work done at a mechanics school. As long as the results are the same, I'm ALL for SAVING MONEY!
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    Hey there,

    I've had both done a tummy tuck and a boob job. My Avatar right now, the pic, was taken 6 weeks after I had them done, I'm very fit, and the docs wouldn't put implants by going through under the arms, because of the muscle I had there, they said it would be way too painful.. my incision was done under the breast, I went from a 34 AA, to a 34 DD and I love them...1st week,was pretty painful, by the 3rd week, I was fine, back in the gym....very little discomfort, you can't see my incision unless you actually lift my boobs up :laugh: it's in the crease..I love em, I opted for one of the most expensive implants, memory gel implants, they are the most natural feeling cohesive gel implants on the market. I don't have that so fake looking "ledge" look to my boobs, even if I squish them together...:laugh: I opted to have my surgery done throught the internship program, this resident doc, who was supervised by a plastic surgeon a all times, this way I paid only for the implants, nurse and any needles/ saved me half the cost, under 3200. for the breast implants, and 2800.00 of that cost were the implants themsleves. The tummy tuck, I found to be not so painful, the breasts hurt way more, you have to wear this undergarment restrictive thingy for awhile but I was up and moving around by day two by the 7-8 day I was sore but back doing my daily stuff, other than lifting and such. Again I went through the resident program at my hospital again and paid 2600.00 for my tuck....look into these programs they are well worth investigating, these internships/residents are already doctors, who are now trying to specialize, they are with the plastic surgeon at all times, it saves you 50% right off the bat, if you have both procedures done at the same time, it'll save you even more money, the only downfall, the procedure took approxiamtely 40 minutes longer then if the surgeon himself were to have done it.

    Thanks so much for all that info! It is VERY helpful. I live 30 minutes away from Stanford University and I've heard that they do Plastic Surgery for half the price but I never understood why. I was always skeptical but now with your info, it makes sense. I will definitely do more research. :-)
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I've thought about having plastic surgery to help my tummy and loooooooong BIG boobs and the tip that molsongirl gave about internships is really great. I'd have to look more into the safety issue and locations of where they are done, but it's a great idea.

    Her tip falls in the same line of getting a simple hair cut at a beauty school and getting minor car work done at a mechanics school. As long as the results are the same, I'm ALL for SAVING MONEY!

    I had all my dental work done through the local Dental School. They have all graduated and are dentists, they are just coming back for a specialty. I had braces:blushing: because I needed an implant for my front tooth. No WAY I am having a false tooth to take out each night at 40 years old!!
    But I couldnt afford 7k for implant and 5k for braces. It cost me a total of 3k for everything!

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    OH!! ON subject.............if someone gave me 20 grand in plastic sx FAMILY wouldnt recognize me!!!

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    OH!! ON subject.............if someone gave me 20 grand in plastic sx FAMILY wouldnt recognize me!!!

    :laugh: :laugh:

    LMAO and ditto
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    You shouldn't need implants.. my sister had a breast reduction surgery done when she was in high school- and she is now in her 30's and has had 2 kids.. all she had was reduction- they did a "T" incision on the underside of each breast from the nipple down- the recovery was bad (painful).. but you can't even see her scars anymore- and she has two wonderful "perky" breasts... she highly recommends the surgery to anyone thinking about it! When I reach my goal- that is my "reward" to myself also--- getthing the extra skin off and getting my boobs "lifted"

    Congrats to you =)