Motivation for exercise

I'm really struggling in this department and I think it's because I lost 30lbs on Weight Watchers and didn't work out at all!
Now I'm finding it more difficult with this "life change". I know I have to work out. I used to LOVE going to hot yoga. I went 4x a week. But I'm not motivated anymore!

any motivational tips or words would be very appreciated.

Thank you!


  • What I do to help me get motivated is I tell myself that I'll get a reward if I reach my goal of working out 3 times during the week. When I reach the goal, I'll go buy myself a CD or DVD or even jewelry, clothes, or shoes that I've been wanting. If I do more than my goal, I'll let myself purchase something big like a new video game - this month I bought Dance Central 2 for the kinect and now playing my reward game is also burning calories!
  • For me I recently purchased a cycling jersey that I've been wanting for awhile. The motivation part is that if I put it on now I'll look silly because of my belly. Once I lose my weight though I can start wearing it. I'm calling it my "goal jersey".
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    Variety is key. I do hot yoga but I would be so bored with it if I went I often as you did. Some days I'm in the mood for it, other days I'd rather go for a swim, and if the weather's nice I'd rather be biking or taking a long walk. Have a lot of different activities to choose from and you'll usually have something you want to do.
  • meghan1789
    meghan1789 Posts: 81 Member
    The best motivation I have found is other people. And they don't have to be skinny or slim, but those who are healthy. Last week, it was a good friend who just finished her first triathalon. This week, my motivation was the 70 year old lady who goes to my gym who does 50 push-ups every work out. I'm 22 and I can't even do 5!

    It may not be the best or healthiest motivation, but I find someone who can do some exercise or some goal that I can't, and that's what I work towards.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I started my journey last January with WW on-line. I lost 21ish pounds over the first 2-3 months without ANY exercise. I probably would have lost more if I didn't exercise after that. But, I knew that I wanted to start improving my cardio health and I knew that when I started dumping more weight, I didn't want to be left with a bunch of loose skin and untoned I began with some cardio work, later added resistance training, then HIIT, then increased the intensity of everything. It was a process and I enjoyed working my way up to the intensity I'm currently at. can absolutely lose weight without any exercise. If you want the benefits of exercise bad enough (i.e., improved cardiovascular health and shaping a sleek body), then pick something you think you will enjoy doing. Could be anything so long as its something you will give 100% effort to do. As time goes on, you can add other things or work harder/longer at what you are doing. I know that I feel better after exercising. Gets my endorphins going...major positive :)
  • kvdiva1
    kvdiva1 Posts: 10 Member
    Do you have alot of weight to loose or just a few pounds? I have to loose about 30 pounds and must work out to do so. On the days when i'm really not feeling like going to the gym I just think about how good it's going to feel to get back into my cute clothes, or how much better i'll feel not having to hide fat roles this summer. I guess looking better in my clothes is the biggest motivation to me, probably even more than being healthy. Always keep in mind your greatest motivation for loosing weight and know that only you can make it happen. It might also help to work out with a friend, is that an option?
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Start with things you know you can do. If you hate working out, but think you can stomach it for 30 minutes, start by working out for 30 minutes, increase from there.

    Try to find things you enjoy doing that are also active. Hiking, sports, etc.

    At the end of the day it's up to you. Good luck!
  • Push yourself to do exercises for one whole month, even if you don't feel like to do. After that, your body will get used to it and will ask more and you will miss exercises.
    Well, at least this way works for me just fine because I don't like doing exercises very much.
  • mayerrocks
    mayerrocks Posts: 112 Member
    I concur with H_Factor.

    The trick to stick with an exercise program is to enjoy the exercise. Do you like cardio or weight lifting? there are many different types of cardio, and you could mix'em up. 10 minutes treadmill, 3 minutes stair climbing, 5 minutes stationery bike, 2 minutes Jacobs ladder, 5 minutes elliptical, 2 minutes jump rope, and 3 minute cool down on the treadmill. This is just an example; you could do a combo of weight lifting, calisthenics and cardio. Boxing, and high impact aerobics are other examples. Look for some good videos, try'em and find what you like.

    Remember to begin slowly. You don't want to be in too much pain after the first session, because chances are you will not want to do it again.

    Good luck!

    *WARNING! Doing the exercise you like, is addicting!

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Start with things you know you can do. If you hate working out, but think you can stomach it for 30 minutes, start by working out for 30 minutes, increase from there.

    Try to find things you enjoy doing that are also active. Hiking, sports, etc.

    At the end of the day it's up to you. Good luck!

    ^^^ This! You don't have to do it all at once.... just START by doing something

    I started 10 Minute Solution DVDs (each has 5 - 10 minute workouts) .... I could pick & chose the number of sections. Walk at Home DVDs are great too - start with 1 mile at a time. Now I exercise regularly for the first time in my life (I'm 50). It has become a habit for me.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    You can do it. Start the first week by doing the most fun exercise you can find for as long as you want. Maybe wii? Dancing to music? Going for a walk?

    The next week add some variety. Maybe some exercises you don't like quite as much, follow up with your fun exercise as a reward. Drink lots. Buy your favourite fruit for a post workout snack, even if it is out of season. Smile at yourself in the mirror and say "you did awesome!"

    You can do it!

  • Thanks so much for all the tips and advice! I appreciate it :)
  • "Fitness needs to be perceived as fun and games or we subconsciously avoid it."
    Love This Quote
  • so true. I feel like I'm avoiding it but I know it needs to be done lol
    I wish it wasn't winter. I prefer to work out outdoors, like bootcamps or jobs, etc.
  • Do you have alot of weight to loose or just a few pounds? I have to loose about 30 pounds and must work out to do so. On the days when i'm really not feeling like going to the gym I just think about how good it's going to feel to get back into my cute clothes, or how much better i'll feel not having to hide fat roles this summer. I guess looking better in my clothes is the biggest motivation to me, probably even more than being healthy. Always keep in mind your greatest motivation for loosing weight and know that only you can make it happen. It might also help to work out with a friend, is that an option?

    truthfully, I'd love to lose about 21lbs to bring me back to my thinnest (115lbs) but I'd be content with 11lbs!!
    the issue is EVERYONE is telling me I'm crazy for wanting to lose this kind of weight because I look healthy at the weight I'm at now. compared to two years ago where they say I looked "sunken". But i felt happy at that weight!
    So I kind of feel really unmotivated to do anything about working out.

  • Remember to begin slowly. You don't want to be in too much pain after the first session, because chances are you will not want to do it again.

    I like that "pain". It makes me feel accomplished!
  • You can do it. Start the first week by doing the most fun exercise you can find for as long as you want. Maybe wii? Dancing to music? Going for a walk?

    The next week add some variety. Maybe some exercises you don't like quite as much, follow up with your fun exercise as a reward. Drink lots. Buy your favourite fruit for a post workout snack, even if it is out of season. Smile at yourself in the mirror and say "you did awesome!"

    You can do it!


    this is cute! thank you :)
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I started my journey last January with WW on-line. I lost 21ish pounds over the first 2-3 months without ANY exercise. I probably would have lost more if I didn't exercise after that. But, I knew that I wanted to start improving my cardio health and I knew that when I started dumping more weight, I didn't want to be left with a bunch of loose skin and untoned I began with some cardio work, later added resistance training, then HIIT, then increased the intensity of everything. It was a process and I enjoyed working my way up to the intensity I'm currently at. can absolutely lose weight without any exercise. If you want the benefits of exercise bad enough (i.e., improved cardiovascular health and shaping a sleek body), then pick something you think you will enjoy doing. Could be anything so long as its something you will give 100% effort to do. As time goes on, you can add other things or work harder/longer at what you are doing. I know that I feel better after exercising. Gets my endorphins going...major positive :)

    In my experience it's not possible to lose weight without exercise. I think only very overweight people or those making a drastic change to their diet can lose without exercising.

  • In my experience it's not possible to lose weight without exercise. I think only very overweight people or those making a drastic change to their diet can lose without exercising.

    I was only 6 or 7lbs "overweight". I didn't exercise ONCE and lost about 30lbs. It is possible.