Any firefighters out there?

Hello all,
Just started MFP about a week ago and seem to be doing pretty well! I was curious if there were any firefighters out there that had any tips for me on making MFP work better for them. Being a full time firefighter, we work weird schedules and sometimes have bad eating habbits that go with it. Working 24 hours at a time with 6 other people who each have their own eating and working out habbits just drives me bonkers and reaks havolk on my body... Just looking for any tricks of the trade. Keep up the good work everybody! Stay safe.



  • Bunnzye
    Bunnzye Posts: 39
    If you don't hear from any firefighters, other people who work different shifts, all night shifts, etc., may have some advice. I worked in a chemical plant where there were three shifts and people had a hard time staying fit because of that, it was just hard. Hope you can get some tips from those who are going through it.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I know it's been a while since you posted this thread, but I thought I'd answer. My crew eats dinner together every shift, so I'm at the mercy of whoever is cooking. However, I can bring food so if they make something I really don't like or that's really bad, I'll make my own thing. As far as logging, I find it nearly impossible to log the calories of foods I don't cook myself (and I don't use the computer at work for MFP), so I just try to keep my portions sensible and use the workday as a day where I'm not hard on myself. I log during my 48 off. If you have a high call volume, you're most likely working off whatever you eat anyway.

    I'd plan to bring stuff to the station to eat, and eat one meal with the crew. That's what I do.
  • crucian007
    crucian007 Posts: 7 Member
    Same here, it's tough to log in at work, especially if u have a crazy day. But I try to take most of my food to work, if possible I insert it the night before and if necessary change it as my day goes on (via mobile app) All the guys on my shift are actually on MFP and we have a bet to see who can lose the most weight by June. It's tough, but it can be done. It's all about your support group and commitment level....and since you're a firefighter I know you have a good portion of both. GOOD LUCK!
  • chriscoates7025
    chriscoates7025 Posts: 131 Member
    I too am a Fire Fighter (part time) formally a full time Paramedic. I am always looking for encouragment and to encourage others on this weight loss journey. Also if you look under groups there is one speciffic for Fire,EMS and Police.