Can someone look at my diary?

Tomorrow is my weight in and I checked today and I haven't had a weight loss and I fear tomorrow will be the same. I'd like someone to look at my diary from last Thursday to today and see what improvements I can make. I know I drink too much sometimes and I don't always make the best choices, but please go easy on me... lol... I'm looking for constructive criticism not bashing. I'm thinking alcohol def has to go and also eating more throughout the day and less at night, but I want some suggestions on more healthy foods I can add in. I only eat chicken and fish so that narrows down that category. Thank you!

BTW I'm 164 pounds 5'0 I work a desk job, I want to get to 125 by August--- and I work out 6 days a week each work out I burn 500 calories.


  • You probably are in starvation mode. The body will hold fat if not getting enough calories. Aslo more protein and water looks like are needed to me. You can look at my diary if you like :)
  • Drinking certainly isn't calorie free. Making better choices in food intake help. I know how you feel, I sometimes have the same problem. I try and plan my meals ahead of time so I am not scrambling at the last minute and just grab whatever to eat or worse, have to buy food from the cafeteria, which there are healthy choices, but it is difficult when something else looks really good. :smile: hope this helps some.
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    Thank you I know I need to up the protein and less carbs, I do drink water throughout the day and only water mostly except for a little bit of juice here and there mixed with water, but I don't log it, but I agree more water!
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    It looks like with the exception of a couple of high calorie snacks or meals, the food you're eating are good choices. If you cut out the alcohol, you'd probably be good. Overall, it looks like you might not be eating enough. I saw several days where you skipped breakfast and only had coffee. Make sure you have a healthy breakfast every day. And I agree with ginabgdc - you might want to add more protein.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    shake it up a looks like you are nt really exercising

    Try exercising and eating back those cals
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    shake it up a looks like you are nt really exercising

    Try exercising and eating back those cals

    I've been burning 500 calories a day 6 days a week on the treadmill, you think I should up that? (don't mean that sarcastically!) I'm so nervous to eat back my exercise calories!!!
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    Ok First of all stop skipping meals. Watch your sodium and DRINK MORE WATER!! Watch portion sizes and condiments. Cut out cheese to save calories..or if you're like me and MUST have cheese go for the laughing cow. A triangle is anywhere from 35-50 calories. Great on sandwiches or alone as a snack. Just a few things I noticed right off the bat. Good luck.
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    Thank you I know I need to up the protein and less carbs, I do drink water throughout the day and only water mostly except for a little bit of juice here and there mixed with water, but I don't log it, but I agree more water!

    I have a hard time getting the right balance of protein and carbs, too. I found that having a protein shake for breakfast (made with almond milk to avoid all the sugar that's in skim milk) helps me get those back in balance. As an example: I usually have my egg white omelette for dinner instead of breakfast because I'm backwards, and the protein shake for breakfast instead of yogurt or oatmeal means I can have a piece of whole grain toast with it and still be good on my carbs. It means I'm less hungry at night, and it really boosts my protein for the day. I was almost always 30 grams short of my goal and now I'm reaching it.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,317 Member
    I'd guess you aren't eating enough.

    Your general food choices aren't that bad, but a lot of processed stuff. That in itself robs you of nutrients you need.

    How much weight are you trying to lose, and what do you have your activity level and "Goal" - i.e. - pounds per week you are attempting to lose? I take it you are a woman in her 20s or 30s?
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You eat a lot of processed foods. Maybe more fresh cooked foods with less sodium.
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    Yes. I agree really need to cut out the frozen and processed crap. I am 5'0 164 pounds I am trying to get to 125 pounds by August, I'm getting married in September.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    You need to fulfil your daily calories, you're falling very short on a lot of days.
  • stef827
    stef827 Posts: 215 Member
    I would sugguest adding a few healthy snacks and not going more than a couple to few hours without eating something :) good luck to you. 13957828.png
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Hi Shreyja,

    I agree with those who say you are not eating enough. Maybe eat around 1400 cals a day. You sound like you are excercising a lot so no need to up that - infact you are doing loads - well done you! I also agree that missing meals is not helping - that sends your body into starvation mode just like eating too few calories. Someone mentoned eating less carbs and more proteins - I agree - especially if you are eating more carbs at night but have you considered switching your meals around? It works really well for me! I tend to make sure I have a good sized breakfast. I then normally eat my 'dinner' for lunch (meaning a big meal with carbs) and by dinner time, I will have worked off the carbs. I then have a small meal at dinner - Like a soup/salad or yogurt and fruit and maybe a wee bit of chocolate if I still have the allowance. That way all the calorie heavy food is being worked off during the day for sure. Saying that, not everyone likes eating dinner at lunch but it deffo made a real difffernce for me.

    You sound like you are uber committed so I'm sure you will succeed no matter what :-) xxx
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    If you are actually burning 500 calories on the treadmill 6 days a week and are only eating say 1400 calories a day ... after exercise you're only eating 900. You need to up that. Drink more water. You seem to eat a LOT of frozen/ready to go meals which are high in sodium.. which causes one to hold onto water weight.

    Eat more fresh things... increase your fruits and veggies.
  • boston6
    boston6 Posts: 158 Member
    I'd add sodium to your display. Looks like some of your choices are very high in sodium which makes you retain water.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    If I do too much treadmill and elliptical, it won't help me. I'm 5'4" and 135ish. I really have to mix up my exercise. I've started incorporating yoga, zumba, dance, etc. Also, I've really just started pumping some iron. :laugh: I think this is really helping me burn calories and get toned..... Oh, and yes add the sodium column to your food list. The sodium really makes a big difference in my food choices. I try to stay under every day. :happy:
  • I agree with those that say you are not eating enough. Try and eat about 6 times per day. Raise your protein and lower your carbs. If you are burning 500 calories a day when you exercise then you can up your carbs on that day to complete your workout strong. I think you are probably retaining water looking at your food choices. Have you tried a good thermogenic like Oxyelite Pro, that might also help you burn more calories if you feel that is necessary. I am more concerned about the number of meals that you eat though. You can up your metabolism greatly by actually eating more. Your food choices have to be good though! Listen to the good advice some people are giving you and you will be good!! Good luck!
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    i saw that you are afraid to eat back the exercise calories you lose - you have to eat these back or your body will be fighting to survive and not lose fat, but muscle instead. ALWAYS east breakfast - there are a lot of healthy low calorie high nutrient choices. I usually bring a bowl of cereal (bran flakes or Special K) with me and eat it at my desk (keep the almond milk in my fridge in my office). it's quick and easy and it gives me a lot of nutrients first thing.
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    Thank you all for your constructive advice I really appreciate it, I think I'm going to break my food diary down into 6 meals so I am eating throughout the day and try to avoid processed foods as much as I can!