Discouraged! 1 month of counting cals/working out w/ no resu

I am getting so discouraged and keep teetering on the edge of giving up (if it wasn't for my new found passion for jogging, I probably would!). Since January 1st I've been eating 1200 calories per day (sometimes on a weekend day I go over my calorie limit, but I count everything and am at least eating calories to maintain my weight, but defintiely not enough to gain weight). I've been working out like crazy! 4-5x per week which includes jogging and elliptical. I have lost NOTHING! My clothes are not fitting any differently either! Help! Am I putting my body into starvation mode by eating only 1200 calories? If I work out, I eat more and make up the difference with those calories. Last "cycle" of weight loss for me was last April and I ONLY counted calories (1200 per day) and I lost close to 20lbs in about 3 months! What is the issue this time?!


  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Are you saying your eating 1200 calories per day and working out like crazy? is that 1200 calories net?
  • chrinsky
    chrinsky Posts: 16 Member
    If I'm given 1200 calories in one day and burn 300 calories working out, I'll eat 1500 that day. So, I'll eat the calories that I work out...does that make sense? I hope I'm not being too confusing!
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    Thank you for posting this - I was trying to summons up the courage to start my own thread.

    I am SO discouraged. I have been under 1200 cal (sometimes far under) for 25 days and since starting exercising about 10 days ago (for the first time in over 20 years) my weight loss has stopped. In fact I've even put ON 500g/1lb.

    I know what everyone's going to say: 'It's your body getting used to exercising" "It's water weight - drink more" "You're not eating enough" & the token "Muscle weighs more than fat" but all I want is the bloody scale to move DOWN not up!

    I realise I just need to keep going, but man psychologically this is torture. My head starts playing games & I want to eat even less (although I'm trying to eat more - I did well yesterday) as I have always been a believer of 'Calories In v Calories Out'. But I'm proving that theory wrong, even though scientifically it doesn't seem possible. Common sense tells me it's impossible to gain weight eating so few calories, yet here I am.

    I log EVERYTHING with complete accuracy - I have no intention of cheating. What's the point? It'd only be fooling myself.
    I know I don't drink enough water, I'm working on that.
    I do not eat my exercise calories - it seems to defeat the purpose.

    The lack of weight loss is doing my head in - never before have I put in this much effort (ie exercising), but I have dieted/starved my way to double the weight I was two decades ago.
    I am a walking/talking example of diets NOT working - I have been starving since 1988. I am *finally* trying to do it 'right' by exercising as well and the results aren't there.
    It's very disheartening and yes, it is tempting to give in. I won't, but it's tempting.
  • chrinsky
    chrinsky Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story! It is super discouraging! I just don't physically understand how it's possible for my scale to have not gone down at all. It would be one thing if my clothes were baggy or fitting differently because then I'd know I'm losing inches (I should be measuring myself, I know), but they are not. I drink a lot of water!!! I just don't get it. The scale logically has to budge soon, right?!
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    i would maybe suggest calorie cycling... or playing with the macros a little.
  • chrinsky
    chrinsky Posts: 16 Member
    i would maybe suggest calorie cycling... or playing with the macros a little.

    What do you mean by calorie cycling? I've never heard of this! Thanks for the suggestion! :)
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story! It is super discouraging! I just don't physically understand how it's possible for my scale to have not gone down at all. It would be one thing if my clothes were baggy or fitting differently because then I'd know I'm losing inches (I should be measuring myself, I know), but they are not. I drink a lot of water!!! I just don't get it. The scale logically has to budge soon, right?!

    I hope so, for both our sakes!
    It defies logic doesn't it, and I know people read/hear our stories and think we must be lying or eating more than we say (or moving less), but that's NOT the case. There are no 'hidden' calories, no cheating, no lying. In fact if anything I OVER estimate the weight/size of food portions, and UNDER estimate the exercise amounts as I'd rather be 110% sure.
    I believe some of us are resistant to 'normal' dietary methods and even when we do lose it is at a far slower rate than others (who seem to drop a pound just getting the mail out of the letterbox each day).
    It is totally unfair, but it's our reality. I hope one of us has a break-through soon and is able to share ideas & 'secrets' to help others in the same situation.
    My aim, for the next few days, is to eat as close to 1200 as I can & see if that makes a difference. Fingers crossed.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    If I'm given 1200 calories in one day and burn 300 calories working out, I'll eat 1500 that day. So, I'll eat the calories that I work out...does that make sense? I hope I'm not being too confusing!

    Thats the correct way of doing it! I see alot of people on here eating 1200 calories and burning 600 and not eating it back and wondering why they don't lose weight.

    You might need to eat more in general since you only have 20lbs to go. maybe eating net calories of 1500 instead of 1200. if nothing else works you could try that for a week and see what happens!
  • I've read a couple of threads similar to yours and alot of them say to increase your calorie intake if you aren't losing after a few weeks. It sounds strange to me too but I'd say give it a shot. And maybe change up your excercise routine a little because I heard doing the same stuff in the same order tends to hinder alot of people too. Good luck!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    um, are you really sure you haven't experienced any results?

    read: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/H_Factor/view/eff-that-scale-how-you-re-winning-without-it-201225

    as for why the scale isn't moving, there are number of things that might help...and, unfortunately, its hard to say which one of these will work best for you. keep in mind that part of the journey is trial and error...to find what works best for you. if you persist, you will usually find the right combination of food, water, rest and exercise.

    anyway, here are some ideas in my plateau blog: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/H_Factor/view/breaking-a-plateau-170648
  • Have you been monitoring your body fat? In the summer, when I started doing this seriously, I lost about a stone, stone and a half maybe, and then everything COMPLETELY STOPPED for a month or two. I was eating meticulously and exercising 5 or 6 times a week and was feeling so disheartened.

    I tried the machine at the gym (incase my scales were broken, wishful thinking!!) which also measured body fat percentage and I was shocked to see it had gone down by 4% since the previous month. It was still pretty annoying, as I wanted to look or feel different, but it made me realise that all my working out wasn't doing nothing.

    I got stuck at the same weight for so long that I did eventually get sick of eating super healthily and exercising all the time and seeing no results. I fell off the bandwagon for a few weeks - I went on holiday, then we came home and had a couple of takeaways, wasn't going to the gym etc, and I thought it would have ruined everything. It didn't - I didn't even gain any weight!! And as soon as I started exercising again, it started to come off again, making it easy to switch back to "dieting".

    I know people say "mix up your calories", but I never really believed it that much. Or "mixing it up" was having a few extra hundred one day, for me. But actually, those few weeks obviously really confused my body. So now whenever I plateau, I take a week or two off from the gym and don't shy away from eating what I fancy. :)
  • I would def start measuring yourself. I had a good loss first week but that is to be expected when you stop eating junk. Last week calorie counted everything, worked out 6 days out of 7 (some light workouts but better than before) felt great couldn't wait til weigh in and lost.....1lb!!!! Was gutted!! But this week I measured and two weeks in I have lost 1.5 inches on waist an 1 inch on hips. Gave me a bit more encouragement! Still dreading this weeks weigh though!!! I know what people are saying about eying more but it's 8ish by the time I get home and as a teacher only have a certain amount of time to eat during day and find to up calories I need to snack which I don't like. Will see what this week brings and reevaluate accordingly!!
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    Do you eyeball your serving sizes or do you measure? It can really trip you up if you are not accurately measuring your portions. Have you used the BMR calculator on here under tools? You might want to check it out and see if you are eating below your BMR (the amount of cals it takes for basic body functions), because you really don't want to go below that.
    Also, I just wanted to encourage you. When I started, it took me six weeks to get a loss and I was doing everything right. I have it set for a pound a week and when I calculate if out, I have lost almost exactly that over time. I have gone 2-3 weeks without losing anything and then I will lose 2-3 pounds in one week. All that to say that at the end of the day, you may not be doing anything wrong. It sucks and those first six weeks were depressing, but the work did begin to pay off.
  • d5d14m66
    d5d14m66 Posts: 150 Member
    I, too, had trouble when I stayed at 1200 net calories, but have lost 6 pounds in about 6 weeks (my goal is 15 or so) since counting Weight Watchers Points Plus. Most days, I go over 1200 calories, so I think that for me, what is working is the ratio of fat/carbs/protein/fiber. I know that the basic math formula still holds true (3500 calories = 1 pound), but I also think the types of food we eat play a role in our metabolism.

    I do "eat back" my exercise calories, or in the case of WW, activity points. Having weekly freebie points also encourages freedom in the daily diet, and I think that goes along the lines of what people are calling "calorie cycling." Some days you eat more than others, but your weekly total pretty much stays consistent.

    This isn't a sales pitch for WW, just a comment on what's working for me.
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    calorie cycling is gradually increasing your cals throughout a week, but sporadically so it keeps your body guessing.

    it can often jump start weight loss, if you google calorie cycling there is loads of info x
  • Are you wearing a heart rate monitor to track your calories or estimating? You maybe burning more calories than you think if you are working out that much and jogging.
  • For some reason, I always found that when I exercised I lost weight really slowly or not at all. I don't understand the logic behind it, but for me, when I stop exercising I lose weight again. So as awful as it sounds, I don't exercise while I am cutting calories. I usually only have between 10-20 pounds to lose anyways.. so then I start exercising when I am on maintenance and it keeps the weight off. It is only when I stop exercising again that the weight creeps back on.. then I start the entire process again :) lol
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Change up your exercises! I find that when I've limited myself to 1200kcals a day my body starts to get used to th kcal intake after three weeks n my weight loss hits a wall. Stop jogging start interval sprinting instead if your on a treadmill 1 min run 1 min walk if your outside I like to use street lights run 5 walk 3 lol helps me to break through that wall!! Good luck
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Eat more. Up it by 200 calories a day. Most you can gain is under half a pound with that much increase, and it may well be all you need to set everything in motion.
  • mkevans
    mkevans Posts: 9 Member
    I say hang in there... I was a size 22 and weighed 220 and the first thing my trainer told me was to NOT GET ON A SCALE!!! Inches come off faster than pounds and if youre worried about the scale it can be discouraging. I do a combination of intense cardio and weight lifting... intense is Spin Class, Step Aerobics and Kick Boxing to help me slim down I lift light weights with a lot of reps heavy weights with little reps to build lean muscle. Also its all in what you eat fiber and protein tends to keep you full longer so I would increase those eat carbs in the morning for the energy but cut them off by 12:00pm. If you get hungry eat a piece of meat for the protein and drink LOTS OF WATER!!!!