i'm scared :(

squib Posts: 34
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
As weird as it might sound- I am scared of myself!!!! I have to spend 2 months at my moms house in this summer, and you know how it is at home. Mommy food!!!! Too much of it. :sad: I am scared that I will not be able to stop, because all my weight loss success began only after leaving my moms house. I know that noone will force me to eat, but I think I will have some serious selfcontroll problems :(
I am desperate... :frown:


  • jchudon
    jchudon Posts: 33 Member
    If there's a computer there, continue to input every food you eat. People will probably question you and juge you because "you're crazy to weight everything", "a little more won't kill you" etc etc etc...

    Anyways, if you keep your calorie count up to date, you won't really have much choice but to eat small portions.

    When a computer is not avaiable, I try to eat small portions, avoid cheese, fatty food (chips, fries, mayonese), alcool and dessert. That way, I'm almost sure I'll be ok.

    Anyway, it's well worth it, don't give up! :happy:
  • epalyn
    epalyn Posts: 12 Member
    I have the same problem!!!

    I find that instead of eating, if I drink a glass of water that helps to curb my appetite. Normally I'm not even hungry, I'm just eating out of boredom or habit!!!
  • dclarsh
    dclarsh Posts: 364
    You know what? Moms LOVE to help. Maybe if you beg her to help you out with this whole weight loss thing, she will? Make it sound like you just can't do it without her, and I almost guarantee that there will be steamed green beans and chicken breast on the table every night (well, something like that... there's only so many days you can eat green beans and chicken in a row, right?).
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,277 Member
    Ask that your mom slightly change the menu while your there - it may even help her to eat better!
  • Oh my goodness!!!!! I have the same problem too!!

    With me though it's not my mom making me eat anything, it's just when I'm there I revert to old patterns and eat comfort food...dessert at lunch and supper...lots of bread...and potatoes and meat...and little veggies.

    I just can't seem to take care of me when I'm at my mom's. I revert to be a little kid.

    I'm going to visit this summer and because I just 'fell off the bandwagon' for a few weeks when a friend came to visit and am only getting back into things...I'm a bit nervous too.
  • fitmummy
    fitmummy Posts: 9
    I used to have the same problem, and still do when I go back for visits (where I get lots of fatty yummy foods all condesed into a short space of time - calorie heaven!!!). I am going to stay at my mums for a week next week (and she is an amazing cook) but I have already told her that I am trying to lose weight and get fit. At first she questioned me saying 'you dont need to lose weight' or that 'you look good as you are' which is nice, but this is something I feel strongly about, especially after the birth of my baby. So I sat down with her and explained how I feel, and I told her, even though I've only lost 9 pounds since my daughter was born 3 months ago (5 pound loss since joining MFP) I feel so much better about myself, and more confident etc. I made my mum listen to me, and now she has said that she would like to join my 'healthy eating regime' (I dont use the 'diet' word to my mum - it's too negative) and try to shed a few pounds herself. I am now really looking forward to going, as I had been dreading it a little due to the eating aspect!!

    Maybe trying to explain it to your mums would take the pressure off?

  • squib
    squib Posts: 34
    thanx for suggestions :) Its not my moms foult its just me. I HAVE TO CONTROLL MYSELF!!! and I will. I have a goal to loose 9 kg by the end of the summer (before my 20th birthday) I have to keep motivated.
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