Proper Weight Monitoring

Ajenda79 Posts: 8
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I was curious how often I should weigh myself to ensure accuracy. I have weighed myself everyday for the past 2 weeks and it seems to fluctuate about 1-2 pounds every 2 days or so. For example, I weighed myself yesterday and was 169 then today I was 171, I would like to hope I didn't gain 2 pounds in 1 day. I have been following the calorie guide here and I also work out 4 days a week. So, I was curious if this could be reflecting muscle weight instead of fat.


  • After 2 months of weighing myself every day (on my daughter's WiiFit :tongue: ), I finally got frustrated and have decided only to weigh myself once a week. It means I no longer spend days feeling dischuffed because I've "put on a pound" and hopefully the line graph will now move steadily downwards rather wobbling up and down all over the place!!

    Whatever you decide to do, good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • TKelly06
    TKelly06 Posts: 225 Member
    Like LittlBigBird, I also weighed myself on the Wii everyday for three months and often found myself frustrated at the constant fluctuation in weight. Now I weigh myself once a week and it works for me. I alaways look forward to my weigh in.
  • girlygirl82
    girlygirl82 Posts: 66 Member
    I also weigh myself once a week. This may be my own little mind game, but i like to go through the week pushing myself to eat well and within my calorie range, and also pushing myself in the gym all week with out looking at the scale to see exactly how much I can make the numbers drop by Sunday... my weigh in day. I personally feel that if I weigh myself more than once a week and see that I am making progress I might slack a bit more and not get the best results that I could have.

    I hope that makes sense!

    Do what works for you, but working toward the best possible goal I can to sometimes even shock myself works best for me.

    GOOD LUCK!! :smile:
  • rseachrist501
    rseachrist501 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello:smile: I try weighing myself at the begining of the week in the morning. Some people suggest every two weeks or once a month. If you do any of these and you adhere to the calorie intake given to you and you do cardio I gaurantee you will see results on that scale.:wink: For example: my starting weight was 356lbs on May 19th and right now I'm at 350 to 349lbs. I also agree with girlygirl82 that you will push yourself to stick with the program alot more to make sure you see weight loss insted of weight gain. As for it being muscle mass it is unlikely that you would see a gain in this little amount of time. It is said the human body on average can only gain 1 to 2 lbs of muscle in a month.:smile: I hope this helped...If you stick with it it will work...good luck.
  • bikermama
    bikermama Posts: 14
    I tend to weigh everyday and my weight will also fluctuates by 2-4 lbs. I try to weigh once a week on the same day at the same time with the same amount of clothing on, this gives a more accurate count for recording my weight. There are so many variables that effect our weight that weighing daily can sometimes cause more frustration than encouragement.
  • zoink66
    zoink66 Posts: 116 Member
    I used to weigh every day. I would feel awesome if the scale said I was down a pound or two and be walking on air the entire day and try even harder during my workouts and eating right. But on the downside, if the scale said I was up a couple of pounds, I would be absolutely crushed, especially if I'd been doing everything perfectly.

    So everyone's right: only weigh yourself once a week, early in the morning before you eat/shower/workout/etc., same time every week. That's the only way to get an accurate portrayal of how you're doing.

    I actually have to put the scale on the top shelf of my closet behind the towels to prevent the temptation of stepping on it every morning! :laugh:
  • Ajenda79
    Ajenda79 Posts: 8
    I wanted to thank everyone for the responses. I will change my routine for only once a week for better accuracy. I also agree with girlygirl82, I noticed I lost a bit and kinda splurged overt he weekend. In order to prevent this, I will continue my routine and hopefully have a pleasant surprise at the end of the week.

    Thanks again, and good luck to everyone with your goals :-)
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