Is this serious? Experts please.



  • lulabox
    lulabox Posts: 96 Member
    Not an expert at all. I did something similar and felt the same the other day and even considered taking pain killers. I did a full body workout and couldn't really move my arms and could hardly walk down or up the stairs. It was SO bad I was getting worried but I decided to give it a few days. It left on its own after 2 days and the pain calmed down. Now I get normal cramping.

    If it feels more than extremely sore muscles or doesn't go away, see a doctor.
  • lulabox
    lulabox Posts: 96 Member
    and another thing, not every one has financial means to see a doctor for every little ache and pain.

    Whenever I see posts like this, I am thankful to be European :S
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    M: Movement
    E: Elevate
    T: Traction
    H: Heat
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    and another thing, not every one has financial means to see a doctor for every little ache and pain.

    Thanks. I am not really able to call a doc whenever I may have possibly hurt myself. It kinda takes a bit of time before I'll go in for anything.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I also can assume its on your weaker side, right?
  • lulabox
    lulabox Posts: 96 Member
    and another thing, not every one has financial means to see a doctor for every little ache and pain.

    Thanks. I am not really able to call a doc whenever I may have possibly hurt myself. It kinda takes a bit of time before I'll go in for anything.

    We have free healthcare for everyone here but it's basically expected you won't bother your doctor for every little ache and pain so you just wait and see if it gets better... Fair enough I say.
  • IMO the arm is just way underused and you worked it too hard. Take 2 or 3 days off until the pain eases, and than take it slower the next time and ease back into it. To help with the pain now you can try rubs like tiger balm, or try icing it, 20 minutes on and 20 off.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    and another thing, not every one has financial means to see a doctor for every little ache and pain.

    Thanks. I am not really able to call a doc whenever I may have possibly hurt myself. It kinda takes a bit of time before I'll go in for anything.

    We have free healthcare for everyone here but it's basically expected you won't bother your doctor for every little ache and pain... Fair enough I say.

  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I've been in that kind of pain after lifting when I'm not used to it before, so my immediate thought would be that it's just really bad muscle soreness.

    If it's not improved at all though within a day or 2, the doctor would be a good idea just in case it's something worse :)
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    I also can assume its on your weaker side, right?

    yes it is. i'm going to ice it for the rest of today and re-assess in the morning.
    you all are so helpful!
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    We have free healthcare for everyone here...
    Really? No taxes? Who pays for it? :wink:
  • lulabox
    lulabox Posts: 96 Member
    We have free healthcare for everyone here...
    Really? No taxes? Who pays for it? :wink:

    Yeah taxes if you're employed, but you still get access if you're not. Money doesn't grow on trees :wink: ... you knew what I meant!
  • duharvalgt
    duharvalgt Posts: 319 Member
    Soooo I just recently got back into doing weight training a little instead of doing all cardio. Meaning, it's been awhile since i've done weights/resistance training of any kind. Yesterday, aside from some leg machines, I did the rowing machine for about 10 minutes total. I didn't think it was too strenuous. It felt like a good workout. I wake up this morning, and my left arm(inner area mostly) is in SO much pain. I cannot fully extend it or pick up anything or lean on it at all. I've felt normal soreness after a good workout, and this isn't it.

    So for the experts, did I just do too much? Will it go away soon? Should I see a doctor?

    If the area the pain is coming from is soft muscle tissue that might be greater doms as you havent workout out that body part for a while.

    If the pain is close to the joint/bone area that is most likely bad.

    Maybe you should see a doctor if you are uncertain?
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    and another thing, not every one has financial means to see a doctor for every little ache and pain.

    Whenever I see posts like this, I am thankful to be European :S

    I'm thankful to be Canadian! If i'm hurt or sick, I can just go see a doctor without having to pay...
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    If you can't afford the physician, give it a few days and try some Icy Hot possibly (I assume it's just like Biofreeze which I had gotten during physical therapy last year). I did something where I hurt one elbow after lifting weights, and I got an x-ray and everything was fine. After two days it went away. Nurse it, but don't let it be an excuse to not do what you can.
  • stinastudios
    stinastudios Posts: 117 Member
    I had almost the exact same thing after going back to weight training after a long hiatus. In my case it was just extreme muscle soreness. Ice and not working it out for a few days helped it slowly get better. Hope you're better soon!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Haha - makes me laugh to think about it now. Wasn't funny at the time. Was incredibly embarrassing. Took me about 10 minutes to walk across the room - thank goodness I lived in a ground floor apartment back then and not the house I'm in now!

    Was this you?

    especially walking there at the end.
  • bmkx0
    bmkx0 Posts: 308
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    Unless you have other medical conditions that keep you from taking these meds...
    Alternate Ibuprofen and Tylenol (as directed on the back of the package) and ice as well (not more than 15 minutes at a time). This will reduce the swelling and help with the pain. As soon as you can get the swelling (where there is pain, there is swelling, even if you don't see it) under control then the pain will subside and the muscle can heal. If it's not feeling better in a few days then I'd suggest being seen by a health care professional. Good luck.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Haha - makes me laugh to think about it now. Wasn't funny at the time. Was incredibly embarrassing. Took me about 10 minutes to walk across the room - thank goodness I lived in a ground floor apartment back then and not the house I'm in now!

    Was this you?

    especially walking there at the end.

    Very similar, just a bit more hunched - my knees wouldn't go that straight!