
I got a treadmill for my birthday two weeks ago. I enjoy walking because I can't mess it up. lol Well, today I wasn't feeling up to working out and I walked this morning for 30 min and burned 200 cal. Then later this morning a little birdie got in my ear and pushed me a little further. I went down stairs got on my treadmill and planned to walk another 30 min or so and go on about my day.

I started watching Ellen and decided I would try to run on commercial breaks. So I did. When her show would come on I would drop it back down to a brisk walk. After the 3rd commercial break I started running and I didn't stop. I told myself i needed to run atleast 3 min solid, then 5 min, then 8 min before I new it I had ran more than 10 minutes without a break.
I RAN AN ENTIRE MILE!!! Yes, my MFP's >>>ME<<<< I RAN.
Just to get you up to date on me, I don't run. I havent ran more then 1 min at a time for maybe a couple minutes.... but today I ran an entire mile in 12.5 minutes. It felt so good. I didn't want to stop running. I feel so amazing having pushed myself to my limit and I didn't feel like I had over done it. It was great. But With a 3 yr old 16 month old I have to stop at sime point. lol

Today I worked out for 90 minutes and burned 630 calories. *** Happy Dance***

I love MFP it makes me want to be a better me.

Have a great day!!!
