Working out at lunch

I am debating doing my workouts at lunchtime. I usually only take 15- 30 minutes of my 1 hour lunch so I figure I could run for 20-30 minutes. Anyone here workout at work? Any tips? I work at a University and dread the idea of going back all sweaty...


  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    Dedicate real time, mentally and physically for exercise, no half heartedness
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    Just a question for you but would you get hot and sweaty and be okay going right back to work again?

    I am horrible and don't take a 'real' lunch break. We're so damn busy at work and I eat lunch at my desk while I work. I see some ladies from the other buildings walking around. I live in FL and sometimes it gets freaking HOT out there and you will be dripping sweat when you get back.

    With that said, I think if it's an extra 20 mins of working out then it's an extra 20 minutes. Take what you can get if it's what works with your schedule.
  • NickyCat101
    I am not an athlete so I am perfectly fine with 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week.

    Yea Jessica it is very hot in Texas most times. There is a gym 5 minutes from my office but the students are always everywhere around lunch so I could run around the track the quickest. When it's cool out I could run outside. There are peak times where I barely have time for lunch so I know how you feel but for times when I have no time in the evening to workout I would like to try working out during lunch. This would let me workout 5-7 days a week instead of 3.
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    I walk with my coworker for 30 minutes after our lunch. We get pretty sweaty, however I change clothes before starting our walk. Use a towel to wipe the sweat and keep powder and deodorant in the office.

    It has worked for us!
  • champ358
    champ358 Posts: 5 Member
    I walk as often as I can on lunch. In Connecticut, the problem is not the heat but the cold. I am much happier walking outside than going to the gym at night.
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    I run during lunch and take a shower- I can fit both into an hour. I then eat lunch while I'm working. Is that possible for you?
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    Also live in hot Florida
  • tinastanley
    tinastanley Posts: 55 Member
    I workout at lunch but I work at a fire dept so I am able to take a shower before going back to work. Somedays during lunch I only have time to get a half hr to 40 mins in but I figured every little bit helps. Plus I workout out in the evenings so my lunch time cardio is just a little extra for me.
  • garbanzalo
    garbanzalo Posts: 61 Member
    Once you factor in the time to change twice, have a bath and so on, will you have the time?
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I totally do. I just bring a change of clothes for days I might be a bit "unfresh" without them. Other days I just go speed walking which is nice, but not an all out run. I also take a Pilates class twice a week in between work hours. It's freaking FANTASTIC. I love breaking up my day and getting a few endorphins going.

    I say do it!! :)
  • MzKameka
    MzKameka Posts: 10 Member
    Holla - I workout practically EVERY lunch hour, I tend to do classes most most of which are about 45 mins during the lunch hour- LOVE IT!
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Either have enough time to clean up with baby wipes and freshen your makeup or plan on doing workouts before/after work. I walk at lunch, but even that tends to make my pretty sweaty and in need of freshening. Ignore the comment about being "half @$$" so long as you plan on spending more time on your workout before/after. 20 mins a day is better than nothing, but may not be enough to make a difference if you're afraid to go full force.


    *Edited because I can't spell well after 6PM*
  • NickyCat101
    Yes lunglady that is a good idea. Something easy to eat at my desk would work for that!

    Running in the cold sounds heavenly :D
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Dedicate real time, mentally and physically for exercise, no half @$$

    I don't think that's half assing it at all. I exercise during lunch AND after or before work. I don't think she said anything about substituting it for other workouts.

    I'm all for people squeezin' it in where they can
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Dedicate real time, mentally and physically for exercise, no half @$$

    I don't think that's half assing it at all. I exercise during lunch AND after or before work. I don't think she said anything about substituting it for other workouts.

    I'm all for people squeezin' it in where they can

  • NickyCat101
    Dedicate real time, mentally and physically for exercise, no half @$$

    I don't think that's half assing it at all. I exercise during lunch AND after or before work. I don't think she said anything about substituting it for other workouts.

    I'm all for people squeezin' it in where they can


    Yes and yes :D
  • wallaceangela
    wallaceangela Posts: 4 Member
    I sit basically glued to a chair in a very stressful job and so about 3 days a week on my hour lunch break I head to the park (weather permitting) and walk a leisurely 3 miles or go to the gym at work and get on the tread mill. I do not sweat unless its really hot outside. This is not much exercise but it helps me mentally too. My real workouts are 3 days a week before work at the gym. I run at least a mile and walk another 1/2 mile while doing reps with 5lb. weights for arms and then 50 situps. I just started trying to be healthy and lose weight again so this is all I can handle now.
  • SerenaNatasha
    I DO workout at lunch and i love it!- even though i come back all sweaty its worth it! I'm a girly girl and used to hate the thought of having to come back all sweaty but i've decided-NO EXCUSES. I work out before work and during my lunch time and i think it is the best decision i have made in a long time :-D hope this helps
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 364 Member
    I am debating doing my workouts at lunchtime. I usually only take 15- 30 minutes of my 1 hour lunch so I figure I could run for 20-30 minutes. Anyone here workout at work? Any tips? I work at a University and dread the idea of going back all sweaty...

    My lunch breaks are only 30 mins so as soon as I clock out, I run into the gym (we have a small lame gym at work) and change as fast as I can. I normally will do a 15-20 mins HITT workout and then change back into my work clothes as fast as I can and then back to work. After about 30 mins I am calm enough to eat my lunch at my desk. And yes, I am so sweaty after those workouts but I have a desk job so I could care less.
  • Tupeloblossom
    Tupeloblossom Posts: 142 Member
    I work at a college also and have an hour for lunch. We have a a two story building I climb the stair cross to the other side of the building and down the far set of stairs. I dont get in a hurry so I dont get sweaty. I do the circut a few times.