Delicious Avocado Sandwich

AshBear Posts: 63
I just wanted to share this recipe because it's my favorite sandwich! This recipe contains really healthy fats and is great for vegans or anyone looking for an alternative to everyday lunch meat sandwiches:

Half avocado mashed
1 roma tomato chopped
2 garlic cloves, or 1 large chopped
1 TBS chopped onion
a pinch of black pepper
1 tsp lime juice
2 slices of whole wheat bread
2 slices of vegetarian bacon (I use litelife smart bacon)

Mash the avocado and add the chopped tomato, garlic, onion, black pepper, and lime juice. Stir ingredients. On a small skillet place 2 "facon" strips and cook on medium heat until it warms through (it says to lightly oil the skillet, but I don't find that necessary). Toast your whole wheat bread and spread the avocado mixture on the toast. Place your 2 "facon" strips on your sandwich and you're ready to enjoy a delicious sandwich! I like to serve with carrot sticks or baked potato chips.


  • little_wolfie
    Oh that sounds delicious... minus the bacon for me though, I don't like the flavor!

    But I think I know what I'll be having for lunch tomorrow :happy:
  • naner
    naner Posts: 110
    that sounds so good..... I will have to make it. Avocado is my fav! im a vegetarian, but i never tried the bacon. i might have to get some!!! :smile:
  • dnd858
    dnd858 Posts: 64
    This sounds SO good!
  • dnd858
    dnd858 Posts: 64
    This sounds SO good!
  • TJFreeman
    I am an avocado junkie - this sounds delicious!
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    i had this for lunch today. i like to toast the bread. it makes it not as flimsy and sloppy. i realized my all my tomatoes were gone after i had already assembled most of my sandwich. :grumble: i substituted with salsa instead. not too bad!