Can someone look at my food diary? eating too much?

I have been at this for about three weeks, and I have not lost any weight at all. In fact, I have gained weight. I have also been measuring and I have not lost any inches. I am training for a half marathon, so I didn't want to cut too many calories, but I thought I would be losing about a pound a week. Am I eating too much? I am about 151 lbs and I would like to get down to about 130. Also, I recently changed my carb goals and that is why it looks like I go over every single day.


  • Looks good to me. maybe try eating about 1400 cals a day to see if that works for a week or two.
  • mjok31
    mjok31 Posts: 84
    How often are you eatting? Saw a few days where you aren't logging anything for lunch or a dinner.....maybe that has something to do with it??
  • Haha no, I eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks throughout the day. Sometimes I just get lazy and log things quickly on my phone, so it's easier just to leave an item if the item was logged in that meal previously. I need to get better about that.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Looks good to me too - the cookies have lil nutritional value with high calories and carbs - but other than that all looks good.
  • debilyn574
    debilyn574 Posts: 92 Member
    I'd say cut out the alcohol - I saw 3 days this week with drinks (sorry, but you asked for feedback!) You can check out my diary and see what I eat - it seems I am eating a lot more than you, but for the same number of calories. I went from 154 to a low of 132, so this is what worked for me and I cut out alcohol completely for a full 6 weeks!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I'd suggest moving the balance of your calories away from dinner and more into breakfast and lunch. And yeah, try to cut the alcohol. Do you log the exercise you do and eat back the calories?
  • I'd make sure to track as many things that you eat as possible. It's hard to tell when you are eating your snacks, so I'm not sure if that is why you are not logging anything for lunch.

    What I noticed was that more often than not you are going over on carbs and sugars. So, maybe you can look at the foods that you eat that are getting you close to, and over, the limit for those two categories.

    What are you doing for exercise? Increase the intensity of whatever it is. Speed up for a minute at a time, increase the resistance, change up your routine. ???

    Try a few of those things, in addition to the other feedback, and see what happens. (I know...a lot easier said than done!)

    ;-) good luck!
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    I agree with the others re: alcohol. It's a killer I also struggle with...I love my red wine and refuse to give it up :)
    My guess would be your high carbohydrate intake (refer Mark's Daily Apple website... ) Fantastic book, well worth the money. It contradicts everything nutritionists tell you about wholegrains, but makes so much sense.
    I am personally having success since changing my whole approach to eliminating harmful carbs, including processed food, and feel so much better.
  • meg0013
    meg0013 Posts: 102
    have you watched your sodium intake? you could be holding water weight. aim to keep it under 2500 a day and try to drink 75 ounces of water a day. (about 1 ounce for every 2 lbs)
  • have you watched your sodium intake? you could be holding water weight. aim to keep it under 2500 a day and try to drink 75 ounces of water a day. (about 1 ounce for every 2 lbs)

    Totally agree with this. Half your body weight in ounces of water. Sodium was killing me for a while and I didn't even realize it until I started tracking it. Processed foods are full of sodium, even if they seem healthy cause they're low in fat/calories. I know it takes a little more creativity, but try making more of your foods rather than buying ready-made. I didn't see any improvement until I made this change... Just a little bit of my opinion.

    Good luck!