Visual validation

Hey all,

There's currently a post on this forum discussing people (of similar height) having amazingly different bodies at the same weight. This got me thinking about the incredibly personal nature of each person's weight loss, and how arbitrary numbers are really. What I want to know is, what are the physical changes you anticipate the most in your OWN body?

Personally, I can't wait to see me clavicle (collar-bone) again. I think women's collar-bones are so elegant! I can't wait to feel my hip bones and for my thighs not to touch (at least completely as they do now). Even when I was skinny fat, my arms were hideous, so I want to have lithe uppers. Finally, my face majorly shows any weight gain and looks like a moon at the moment. I'll be delighted to see cheekbones and defined features again. These are the markers that excite me more than reaching 105.

In short, it's all relevant to YOU. What do you want to see?


  • Flyer615
    Flyer615 Posts: 173 Member
    Well, I've gotten to the point that I can see one thing that I couldn't before. :blushing: However, like you, I'd like to see my legs in a little better shape. I'd really like to see muscle tone. I think, on a guy, nothing looks better than muscular arms and chest. My "six-pack" has pretty much always been in a cooler. I'd really like to see a different kind of ripple in my stomach. I think that's about it for me.

    44 down - 78 to go
  • krbn2
    krbn2 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm hoping my cellulite will decrease. : )
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i just want my tummy to stop overhanging my jeans when i sit...this seems harder and harder as i lose. i lose weight, need to go down a jeans size because the jeans are too baggy around my legs and butt, then the stomach is tight again, but i can't go the size up or my butt looks ridiculous because the jeans are too big.
  • buckystars
    buckystars Posts: 129 Member
    i just want my tummy to stop overhanging my jeans when i sit...

    Me, too! That would be amazing.
  • i love to look at this website:

    it has woman of all sorts of body types and it helps to validate where you are and where is realistic for you to be.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    with the weight I've lost so far I've gone from a tube to an hour glass and its fabulous! I didn't know I had curves (that weren't rolls ahaha) i'm looking forward to seeing what other little surprises are under all that wrapping. (and I totally agree with the colar bone thing, I'm loving those!)
  • LovesAdventure
    LovesAdventure Posts: 66 Member
    I too want my thighs not to rub together. I;d also like my arms to look better in a tank top.
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    I too, look for my clavicle as a sign that I'm losing weight. I actually look at models clavicles, and if it is too sharp..doesn't look good.
  • twilightsm
    twilightsm Posts: 41 Member
    I would like to get rid of my "kangaroo pouch" That fat roll under the belly button and above the other place... I've had it since I was eight years old. It would be cool to see what I look like without one.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I just spotted my collarbones about 5 lbs ago and was ecstatic! I can feel my hipbones when I lie on my side now which is fun also.

    My best friend is 215 lbs and 5'10". She's very fit, but she carries her weight in her thighs and hips. She has lost 90 lbs, and her current weight suits her body type very well. She looks and is very healthy.

    For me, I have a small-medium frame. Me at 215 was not pretty.

    Everyone is different.
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Ummmm...well I've always wanted bigger boobs, but those have just gotten smaller...*cough*
    My hip-fat. That's what I want gone. I was actually oggling myself in the mirror this morning, and I can honestly say I like what my body looks like now. I want more tone/definition, but If I was a guy, I'd sleep with myself... *Joke*
  • I with you on the clavicle goal! I can't wait until my cheekbones are even more defined. I don't have the crease along with my back fat anymore, however I'd like to have less of it to pinch! And for my arms to slightly resemble Michelle Obamas would be fantasticcc.

    As far as the thighs touching goal, I saw this a couple days ago and got reminded of it again!
    Everyone is entitled to their own goals but it isn't one of mine...
  • I with you on the clavicle goal! I can't wait until my cheekbones are even more defined. I don't have the crease along with my back fat anymore, however I'd like to have less of it to pinch! And for my arms to slightly resemble Michelle Obamas would be fantasticcc.

    As far as the thighs touching goal, I saw this a couple days ago and got reminded of it again!
    Everyone is entitled to their own goals but it isn't one of mine...

    Ahh! I should have been more specific. I meant that currently from my knees up, my thighs meet. Not majorly I must say, but much more than I'm comfortable with as they didn't before. Upper thighs should ALWAYS touch, and if they don't, it's because the person is very underweight (from the examples I've seen, anyhow). Just to clarify I'm not encouraging emaciation or striving for it!
  • tessa022707
    tessa022707 Posts: 44 Member
    I want my boobs to shrink! I know I know blasphemy, but I am so tired of hauling these girls around. I am tired of trying to look over or around them. I am tired of them getting squished when I tie my shoes or shave my legs. I am tired of bras that are more like water buckets. I want cute little lacey purple or teal or leopard print bras not plain old white with an eye and hook closure that could withstand hurricane force winds. Sorry if thats TMI. Oh and I would love to feel my hipbones again. All in good time. I have to remind myself that the tortoise really did win the race!
  • I feel you on the bra front (no pun intended)! Even at my lowest weight, though, mine have never decreased in size, sadly. I actually went up a cup size and down a back size! I wouldn't mind them so much if it wasn't so damn hard to get small back sized/big cup sized lingerie that doesn't resemble a medical bandage. :(
  • LovesAdventure
    LovesAdventure Posts: 66 Member
    I with you on the clavicle goal! I can't wait until my cheekbones are even more defined. I don't have the crease along with my back fat anymore, however I'd like to have less of it to pinch! And for my arms to slightly resemble Michelle Obamas would be fantasticcc.

    As far as the thighs touching goal, I saw this a couple days ago and got reminded of it again!
    Everyone is entitled to their own goals but it isn't one of mine...

    Ahh! I should have been more specific. I meant that currently from my knees up, my thighs meet. Not majorly I must say, but much more than I'm comfortable with as they didn't before. Upper thighs should ALWAYS touch, and if they don't, it's because the person is very underweight (from the examples I've seen, anyhow). Just to clarify I'm not encouraging emaciation or striving for it!

    Actually, my thighs never touched until I was well into my thirties and twenty five pounds over weight. And that's after three kids, meaning, I had given birth three times and my thighs didn't rub together. It was later after I gained weight and was over the weight range for my height that my thighs started rubbing together. When my thighs didn't rub together, I was still a very healthy weight. Not under weight at all.
  • Fair enough! Different body types, as mentioned in the OP, I guess! I wish I had those thighs in MY twenties! :)
  • ger53
    ger53 Posts: 35
    I would like to be able to see my feet again and be able to cut my own toenails, because right now I can't get around my big gut! I would also like to see some chin definition not just a big neck! ARGH ... I will do this!
  • NC_Girl
    NC_Girl Posts: 177 Member
    I would love to be able to get into the bath tub and have the water come up over my belly before it starts to drain through the overflow. When I get to that point I will know that I have succeeded!
  • sjworley_1
    sjworley_1 Posts: 4 Member
    Good site!! Thanks for sharing :)
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