Has anyone lost and then gained back in one night, just star

I have been diligent the last two and a half maybe three weeks; counting calories, working out 4-5 times a week, drinking lots of water, and using a support system. It was a slow decline in weight but I had lost 5.5 lbs. I forgot to weigh in yesterday, and to my horror, got on sale today and I am a pound heavier tha. I was at my starting weight... AHHHHHH!! I just feel like crying.


  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    It could be your diet or hormonal fluctuations. If you've been following your plan, it's unlikely that you've truly gained weight. Try to decrease your sodium and carbs. If it's your time of the month, you're also going to be heavier. Don't get discouraged!
  • BabyTire
    I know my carbs and sugars could be better... It's startling how high the count is
    In foods I thought to be healthy... BUT, I ended "my monthly time" two days ago.... I'll keep going... I need a change and am determined... Still, I find myself discouraged.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Just keep going - daily fluctuations are pretty meaningless on the long term picture.
    Make sure you are eating well (not too much, not too little), moderate exercise, log accurately and you will be amazed how well you are doing in a few months time.
    You have to look at this as a long term project - otherwise the short term changes will drive you nuts!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    weight fluctuates
  • v3danielle
    v3danielle Posts: 13 Member
    Yes, I am in the same boat as you. I have been working out HARD the last 3 weeks, I mean like 6 days a week, hard cardio running sessions and all, but eating fairly normally. I don't go crazy or anything, but I might have eggs with cheese for breakfast and a slice of pizza every now and then. My weight is still the exact same as several weeks ago, but I'm assuming it is because I am not really dieting. My hope is that over enough time, my weight will even out to what it once was, and I can find a healthy balance between working out and eating what I want.

    To motivate myself, I am setting the goal of doing a half-marathon this October. So I've been pushing myself hard running more and more each time I run, and I can definitely tell a difference in my stamina these last few weeks. I've never been a runner, but the last time I finished my run, I had a HUGE burst of endorphins right as I finished my run, and it felt great! Good luck!
  • KCrandi
    KCrandi Posts: 125 Member
    your weight can fluctuate 1-3 lbs from one hour to the next even. I can weigh myself at lunch and be 3 lbs heavier than when I go to bed. This is why you're better off having one set weigh in day per week. Don't get discouraged.
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    I try to only weigh myself once a week same day same time. Taso is right your weight fluctuates every day and through the day Do not stress yourself and get down on yourself :flowerforyou: Its only a number Take your measurements and try going by those numbers
  • BabyTire
    Thanks all... My new mantra: "you can do this, keep with it!!!". Can't wait for results... But I will. Haha.
  • crazybeautifulkittie
    Breathe. Its happened to me before. And weight fluctuates. What doesn't really is the measuring tape. Keep good records of your measuring (bust-waist-hips) and you will start seeing results. Weight does matter a bit, but may things can influence it. Do not get discouraged and eat everything in sight. Instead you can step up your game a bit and add an extra set to those cruches or an extra 10 mins of cardio. It adds up.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    AHHHHHH!! I just feel like crying.

    Everyone has explained why, let me add, your weight doesn't define you. NEVER get this upset over a number on a scale you are more than a your weight.
  • Puddykat1026
    Puddykat1026 Posts: 164 Member
    Also keep in mind that even if the scale doesn't budge, your body is CHANGING. The scale didn't move for me for about 2-3 weeks. Then all of a sudden the weight melted off in large amounts. I generally lose 1 lb a week & I lost about 3 in 1 week after a plateau. I also noticed my clothes started to fit different during that time frame so even though the scale didn't say I lost weight, my clothes said my body changed. I measured my waist & I lost 4 inches in about 6 weeks. Some weeks that scale just isn't your friend, lol. Good luck!
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Overheard at the bank; There was a short line. Just one lady in front of me, an Asian lady who was trying to exchange yen for dollars. It was obvious she was a little irritated. She asked the teller, 'Why it change? Yesterday, I get two hunat dolla fo yen. Today I only get hunat eighty? Why it change?' The teller shrugged his shoulders and said, 'Fluctuations.' The Asian lady says, 'Fluc you white people too!'
  • therapyruns
    therapyruns Posts: 164 Member
    I'm no doctor, but in my medical opinion, it's water. can't live with it, can't live without it. it's like, ten thousand spoons, when all you need is a knife. ugh...
  • hmartyka
    I have just had the same thing happen to me this morning. I have put on 400gms since yesterday and have done everything right with even 1 1/4 hours excersise yesterday. I was talking to a friend this morning and she says I may be retaining some fluid, so that could also be your issue. But as everyone has said keep positive and we are all in it for the long haul to success.
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Isn't being a lady grand?

    Yeah. That happens to me all the time. Usually on the day of my official weigh-in. Because my body thinks its funny. Hahaha, body!

    That's when you just have to "give the finger" to the scale. Because we all know you didn't make 3 pounds of fat in one night.
  • ChristinaMcKeever
    ChristinaMcKeever Posts: 84 Member
    Yup happens all the time! Then two days later i have lost it again....
  • BabyTire
    I am so grateful for this community!! I've had a few laughs over this thread :o) Thank you everyone!!!! I feel much better and am excited to continue. I really don't think I could do it without you all.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    Don't let the numbers define you ! Back off the scale for awhile and maintain a good diet, exercise accordingly and always remain positive ! People don't realize that their attitude plays a huge part in their success ... if you think you can, then you most definitely will ! Full speed ahead .... :)
  • micahnelson
    micahnelson Posts: 92 Member
    Real simple...

    You went -5.5 to +1. That is a shift of 6.5 lbs.

    To gain 6.5 lbs in two days you would have had to have consumed 22,750 calories ( 6.5 X 3500) above your BMR.

    Do you think you consumed 22,750 calories over your BMR?

    That is 5 Large Deep Dish Uno Classic Pizzas.
    In terms of 2 Liter bottles of Coke, that is 24.8

    Not likely.

    That means your initial weight drop, sadly, was probably just a fluctuation. Your recent weight gain, thankfully, is probably just a fluctuation too. Do yourself a favor and only weight once a week.