over calories

i'm such a pig, i am over calories everyday... it's like i know it's gonna be over and i still grab more food. i'm such a food addict.. hate myself!!!!! help!!! so discouraging so upset


  • missfluffyuk
    For starters, the things you're choosing to eat seem very calorie-dense. Try stocking up and snacking on fresh fruits & veggies instead. You're either not logging your water or not drinking enough, so you may be thirsty. Try having a large bottle of water with you all the time, and take a drink of that every time you want to grab something to eat.
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    thanks! i do drink a lot of water.. too much that i dont even keep track.. i'm sure it's more than 8 glasses.. i know this is hard.. i have very weak motivation.. im so scared.. shxt
  • missfluffyuk
    I'm pretty bad too, don't worry. I find that having LOTS of healthy stuff around helps me to make healthy choices.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    The first step is logging everything and being honest about what you're doing. The second step is to start to swap things out and make healthier choices. Tomorrow is a new day-- try to change just one thing at a time. That's what has worked best for me. First I focused on portion control. Then I focused on working in whole grains/veggies. Now I'm focused on hitting macros (still mess up there sometimes). It's a process, but you've taken the first step!
  • spottedlee
    I agree with above posters.

    Also, I noticed that your calories burns are often less than 200 a day. Would it be possible to do more exercise so make up for calories surplus? I hit the gym if I know I will overeat,,.
  • olson_s
    olson_s Posts: 18 Member
    Eggs have that much fat????? 27 grams for 1 cup?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Anything below TDEE is weight loss.
    Anything close to BMR is lean mass loss.
    You are better on the high end than the low IMO.
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    Try making the things you love healthier! I fricking love pizza, so I make it almost every day -- homemade sauce, that Mountain Bread from Costco (paper thin and only 70 calories per sheet), cheese, and random veggies, etc. Totally filling and satisfies my lust for pizza lol.

    The truth is, we're all food addicts. Food is just amazing!! It's one of the few tangible pleasures we get to experience several times a day, so ENJOY it, just learn to substitute. You'll do fine! Become an addict of the forums as well; reading and interacting with other members, etc. has helped me stay focused. Spend some time on the success board!! lol

    Also, are you exercising? You get more food if you do!! ;) I'm in Van (well..Surrey...lol) too. I go to a FANTASTIC gym where I literally burn 500+ calories in half an hour -- look how much more food that is!! :D. Message me if you're interested in the name and you can call and book a free trial. :)
  • Cr8tive_Ingenuity
    cut out your carbs...most likely you are craving carbs..if you reduce your carbs to almost nothing for a few days and eat lots of protein, you will kick into ketosis and you will lose your appetite..after that occurs you have to keep your carbs low..most of us have carb addictions and what you are writing here seems very much like a carb addiction
  • simplebeauty
    simplebeauty Posts: 22 Member
    Log everything you SHOULD eat first thing in the morning (make it your schedule for the day)...then when you are craving something...type it in your food journal FIRST to SEE how many cals etc...it is...this is what I do before I decide to "indulge"...and then I decide if my exercise is/will be enough for the day to justify it...if it doesn't...then the "treat" is for another day.

    For me, seeing it in the log before I eat it makes me think..."is it worth eating that"...when I know that it isn't helping my weight loss I tend not to eat it!!

    As well..use whole grains, tons of fruit and veggies and protein...that's all you need!!
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    thanks everyone! i have been sick so havent been doing as much exercise as i want to. i should eat more fruits for snacks, instead of fattening snacks.. but fattening snacks are more satisfying for sure.. i need to try harder!!!! hope i can do it............
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    You're being honest with yourself.

    Part of figuring out how to improve, is figuring out where you are going wrong.

    Keep tracking everything you eat, make small changes. Learn and grow ... well, try not to grow in size :)
  • amykathleen2005
    amykathleen2005 Posts: 79 Member
    Put in the foods you are planning on eating before you eat them. Once you've eaten them it is too late to notice the bad choices.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Yes, you went over today. If it doesn't happen to everyone, it certainly does happen to most people, more than once! And those people can either pick themselves up and dust themselves off, and get themselves back on track, or they can take the feedback and make some changes if needed. Or a little of both, depending on the situation. For instance: is any of that a trigger food? For me, if I eat a lasagna or baked ziti type food, I tend to have an increase in appetite, and an increase in cravings for *more of that food* no matter what my calories or macros are looking like that day. So I have to work around that, and either avoid it or make a plan to eat it without going nuts. Is there some food or food type that triggers appetite/cravings for you?

    I didn't look at other days in your diary - Does that happen every day? If it's a once in a while thing, don't stress about it so much. One day is not going to derail your efforts entirely unless you mentally allow it to affect your choices tomorrow (and the next day and the next day) in a negative way.

    It can be helpful to look at your net calories for each day, for the last 7 days. Find out what your average net calories are. That average gives you more information than one day does.

    Rule of thumb is to hit it hard tomorrow. Tell yourself that you fueled up today for a great, intense burn tomorrow! And then make that happen. Watch your calories more rigidly for the next few days, and work in an extra workout each day as you are able to even things out in the long run.

    The only thing I can tell you with 100% certainty: beating yourself up will not bring about positive change. You can do this. You can find a way to stay close to your calorie goal, and you can feel great about doing it. ONE DAY doesn't change that. And even if every single day of the last couple years were like that, yesterdays don't change anything either. Yesterdays brought you to this point; it's the choices you make NOW that are going to take you to where you are headed in the future. You've got this... it's just a matter of figuring things out, making some adjustments, and moving forward strong. :flowerforyou:
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Looking at your diary, first thing I thought was, cut down on your white rice by half or only have it one meal a day. OR switch to brown rice for a while, it'll keep you fuller for longer.

    good luck!
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    that may be a good idea! thanks :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Eggs have that much fat????? 27 grams for 1 cup?

    It's the equivalent of 5.25 whole eggs, so yeah. Eggs have 4 or 5 grams of fat each. Healthy fats, at least. That's still a LOT of eggs for one meal.
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    oups.. i guess i wasn't accurate.. i had 2 eggs.. but whatever! overestimate is better than underestimate! :)
  • spottedlee
    oups.. i guess i wasn't accurate.. i had 2 eggs.. but whatever! overestimate is better than underestimate! :)
    ok,, hmmm, I wonder,, could that's the start of finding what is wrong? I often goof when I enter my diary but I check and double check.

    Do you have food scale? if not, buy it. It is BESTEST tool to have in the kitchen. i bought mine at Walgreens for $10. Make sure to get digital scale because if you put the bowl or place on scale before you turn it on, it will show 0g. What I have is interchangeable,, I can go gram or by pound/ounce. From it, you do the math. Let say, I wanted celeral, Serving size is (for example) 150g. But I only pour in 128. You can either mark it as 1 serving or go the actual which it is 0.86 serving.

    To do the math, it is done by actual weigh divided by serving size to come to the number, in this case -- 128 divided by 150 ,, make sure you enter actual if you are going over serving size.

    Again, I must stress,, BUY digital food scale! and double check your entries. It makes a HUGE differnce.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    oups.. i guess i wasn't accurate.. i had 2 eggs.. but whatever! overestimate is better than underestimate! :)

    2 eggs is 140 calories. That's over 200 calories difference. And overestimating is NOT better than underestimating, because eating too little is just as bad as eating too much.