over weight again :'(

Hi everyone hope you are all doing well!! I'm feeling so upset today as over the last couple of weeks I've slipped back to being overweight :sad:

I know where I've gone wrong i was so happy at being in the healthy range I let things slip. I used to only treat myself once a week to things like cake or biscuits but slowly its crept back to being nearly everyday because in my head "I deserve it" when really the truth is I don't I deserve better food than that! I've also never done very much exercise so diet is even more important to keep it off!

I've been here nearly a year and can't believe after all the hard work I've put in I've started letting it slip. I don't want to prove all those doubters right and put it all back on again.

I've got to get back on track and fast. Is anyone else in the same boat?


  • yes I was down to 156lbs and after the holidays I put those 10lbs right back on I am only 5ft and am considered obese for my height. Diabetes, and heart disease and cancer run on both sides of the family for me plus I want to live long enough for my husband and my kids I am with you.
  • donniesaurous
    donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
    i got to a lovely weight last year.... since then i've passed my driving test, learnt how to make things like cheese cake and banoffee pie, stopped playing team sports and i'm in a happy and 'comfortable' relationship! i've had a year of letting things slip, time to shift it again, hopefully for the last time!
  • Gosh, I know what it's like to see your weight go up and down on the scales! I'm eighteen but I've always ALWAYS struggled with my weight. When I was eight I was overweight, and it was bad for my health (obviously) so the doctors recommended I was put on a diet and exercise regime to shed a few pounds. I reached the right weight, and until i was twelve I was a good weight, and then I slipped back to being overweight. And I shed it off, and then when I was 15 I got too fat and then I dieted and now I can see that my weight is going up again. I'm very short so compared to everyone else my weight is actually not that high, but for a person of my height I'm getting a bit on the chubby side. This time I'm determind to catch it before I get any heavier though! If you want you can add me for motivation and support, I'm always there to lend a helping hand, I've been through it OVER and OVER again ... It's just the same old story for me, unfortunately.
  • k2sul
    k2sul Posts: 30 Member
    12 years ago I used to be 18 stone (252 lbs)

    Through a 15 month exercise and diet period I transformed myself down to 12st (168lb).

    As a reward, I went on an all inclusive 2 week holiday, and I ate like a pig. I told myself 'sure it's a holiday' and I'll be good again when I get home. Trouble is, I gradually let the bad habits back into my life.

    As of a couple of weeks ago, I was right back to 18st (252lb) which has taken 10 years to accumulate.

    I get so cross, angry, ashamed with myself for letting this happen. I could see the weight gradually going on. People were telling me, but any time I was eating I kept telling myself things like, 'just one more scoop - I'll be good tomorrow'.

    I understand how you feel, and hope you can make another determined effort to reach your goal.

  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    I was so good on MFP last year. I had lost 35 pounds or so in 4 months and was following my diet and exercise program pretty faithfully. Then I was sick for a few weeks and didn't want to work out. Then we were moving and I was too stressed...you know where this is headed. Lame excuse, lame excuse, lame excuse, leading me to putting it all back on, plus about 2 more pounds. I had decided that after the holidays I was going to get serious again. So I'm 2 weeks into my second MFP go round. Oh, and let's not even talk about the gastric bypass I had ten years ago. But I'm feeling optimistic and energetic and hopeful that I can maintain not the weight, but the lifestyle.
  • You have to find another way to motivate yourself. I used to have "treats" too for doing a good job, but my daughter pointed out that I am not a dog, and I don't need "cookies" for good behavior. Made sense to me. What I am going to do is for every 10 pounds I loose, I'm going to buy myself something personal like a new shirt or earrings, or something. It is hard to loose 10 pounds. You have to watch what you eat for 5-6 weeks. Even though 10 pounds doesn't seem like a lot, it's huge to be that discipled for that long. Hang in there!!! You can do it!!! This is your year to look fantastic.