No stranger to mpf, but looking for motivational friends

I started my journey in January 2011, down 52 total lbs, I have 30 more to go and for some reason this is the hardest 30 to get off. I am slightly addicted to exercise so that's not a problem, but I keep cheating food wise. I am looking for friends that are in the same situation as me that we can help motivate eachother. I've signed up for a 5k and a relay race this summer, I HAVE to get the rest of this weight off. Thanks in advance and I look forward to motivating eachother.


  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    I am great at motivating people. You are free to add me. But, at the moment I am just starting exercising. I am not addicted - yet!!!
    I am very good and dedicated to the meal plan. So we are exact opposite! LOL

  • Lani844
    Hi! Your upcoming races are awsome goals. I am looking to lose about 15 lbs, and have signed up for a race too....a full distance Ironman this summer. It would be great if we could keep each other motivated towards reaching our goals. Best of luck!