to get past them?

I'm currently honed in on my diet, no cheating, low fat / carb, high protein...calories too. I am logging everything and doing between 30 and 50 minutes of cardio a day.

I was losing very quickly and I know that is common, but with the last ten pounds to go...I've been stuck at the same weight for almost two weeks now. Do I just keep on keepin on? This is so frustrating because based on the science of it all, I should be losing still. I'm depriving my body of (or burning off) a pound's worth of calories a week (actually more) and I'm just not seeing it.

Could it be I'm converting the weight from fat to muscle and that's why my weight is staying the same?

By the way, my size IS changing, so that is a GREAT sign, but sadly, I would LOVE to see it translate on the scale too. I guess I should just throw that sucker away. Hmmmm?


  • bulletproofkasper
    bulletproofkasper Posts: 126 Member
    also interested :)
  • By the way, my size IS changing, so that is a GREAT sign, ...

    Isn't that the real goal though?

    Personally I seem to have flatlined at 70Kg, only after loosing 5kg. However it's still a bit early to tell. Will probably up my activity time and/or lower intake.
  • Lizzie2As
    Lizzie2As Posts: 30 Member
    Bump. I want to know the answer too!
  • surferfreak07
    surferfreak07 Posts: 221 Member
    I had this problem when I hit the 1 stone mark so I started taking protein shakes and CLA tablets which I got online at, I've since shifted just over a stone and I always tend to go back to them if I feel like I'm at a plateau.
  • first of all you cant change or convert fat to muscle.

    You can burn fat and you can build muscle.

    However the best way i have found for plateaus, is to have a cheat weekend believe it or not.

    One or 2 weekends a month i spend the weekend eating over my usual calorie limit, not by much, maybe 250 to 500 over.

    And i compose that of foods i love buyt wouldnt usually eat, like a english fry up (the fats satiate me throughout the rest of the day) and maybe a roast dinner, i try to grill the breakfast and keep it healthy as possible but i do go over the top a little on the portion.

    This tricks my body into thinking i am no longer eating healthily and dieting, then when i return my body starts to lose weight again as oppose to being stagnant.

    There have been a few articles online about this and i subscribe to the method for sure, but everyone is different.

    That all being said i can control my weight easily as i run a lot and i average about 5lbs a week weight loss if im aiming for weight loss.

  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    Apparently eating more can help with a plateaus, you should type it into the search button and have a look, there has been some good posts about it recently. The general gist I got is eat more and lift heavy :) Maybe try zig zag calories.
  • ReinventingLisa
    ReinventingLisa Posts: 104 Member
    The best advice I read in a magazine years ago when I was stuck, was to do these things to see changes:

    - Limit carbs to no more than 100 grams a day
    - Aim for 100 grams protein a day
    - Aim for 20-25 grams fiber a day
    - 5-6 mini meals no more than 3 hours a part
    - Drink 3 cups of green tea daily (I make this also with oolong for more of a burn)
    - Supplement
    - HIIT Cardio (high intensity interval training)
    - Add cayenne or spicy up foods for more of a burn
    - 8 cups of water or more a day
    - Limit sodium intake where possible

    I was able to see changes quickly! Not only with weight, but the best was the fast loss of inches. For the fiber, I usually had a high fiber cereal like Fiber One since Kashi wasn't around then. I usually made it into a snack with melted peanut butter. It's easy to get 100 grams of protein daily with consuming eggs, chicken, lean meat sources and some dairy.
  • debswebby
    debswebby Posts: 326
    You say its been ALMOST 2 weeks. Just my opinion but that isn't a plateau. When you've been losing well for a while it does bottom out. Even if it was a whole 2 weeks it would still be too early to start panicking.
    Keep a careful track of what you're eating. If you think there is something that could be cut back on do so. But I would give it at least 2 more whole weeks before worrying about plateaus.
    The nearer you get to goal, the harder it is to lose. Keep on keeping on for now and measure yourself. You may see big results there.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    By the way, my size IS changing, so that is a GREAT sign, but sadly, I would LOVE to see it translate on the scale too. I guess I should just throw that sucker away. Hmmmm?
    Me too! I've been noodling around the 12 stone mark for almost two months now, but I'm finally seeing that darn belly shrink! Less visceral fat as it redistributes to a new set point, perhaps?
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    This is my exact problem, only that I have way more than 10 lbs to go. It seems as if I'm not doing anything wrong, but the scale won't move. I'm losing inches and sizes too, but not weight. :(
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Eat at maintence for 2 to 3 days and then go back to your weight loss calories. That does the trick for me every time.
  • MsMarketeer
    MsMarketeer Posts: 24 Member
    judgejava I meant the "Conversion" in more of a conceptual sense than literal. Because muscle weighs more than fat I was meaning to refer to the conversion of weighing fat versus weighing muscle...guess it didnt translate well....

    I really want to thank you (and everyone else) for the advice. I think when we really apply ourselves we get results...and it seems to happen SO fast...then stuck at a particular weight for a while.

    Thanks to watching "biggest loser" we think we'll pull big numbers every week...but we would too if we worked as hard as they do daily. I can only dedicate 30-60 minutes a I should be grateful for the changes I'm making.

    I will do what is suggested and check in when things shift again. :)

  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    bump to see what is said..
  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    first of all you cant change or convert fat to muscle.

    You can burn fat and you can build muscle.

    However the best way i have found for plateaus, is to have a cheat weekend believe it or not.

    One or 2 weekends a month i spend the weekend eating over my usual calorie limit, not by much, maybe 250 to 500 over.

    And i compose that of foods i love buyt wouldnt usually eat, like a english fry up (the fats satiate me throughout the rest of the day) and maybe a roast dinner, i try to grill the breakfast and keep it healthy as possible but i do go over the top a little on the portion.

    This tricks my body into thinking i am no longer eating healthily and dieting, then when i return my body starts to lose weight again as oppose to being stagnant.

    There have been a few articles online about this and i subscribe to the method for sure, but everyone is different.

    That all being said i can control my weight easily as i run a lot and i average about 5lbs a week weight loss if im aiming for weight loss.

    Thank you for your input! Something to think about~
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
  • jovz10
    jovz10 Posts: 531 Member
    well, i only plateau once... through experience, i changed my goal from lose a pound to maintain... i just let my exercise and activity decide what my weight lose going to be (don't eat any of my exercise back)... since i did that (about 3months now), i haven't plateau... i only have 8lbs to go...
  • Your ideal is not necessarily your bodies ideal. If you are living healthy and your body is staying where it is, than this might be your healthy weight. Just food for thought.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
  • Vanilladays
    Vanilladays Posts: 155 Member
    Hello, it was a sad time for you when you lost weight that advise is not to revisit it.
    Losing weight is such a personal journey, highly emotional and confronting so look forward not back for a way that works for you. You see people losing weight by not eating, but you also see people starving and surviving JUST!!!! You can't conceivably MAINTAIN weight loss by not eating. This is the trap so many people fall into. You set yourself up to fail.
    Metabolism plays such a big part in weight loss. If you are lucky enough to have a good (undamaged) metabolism then you may well lose weight easily when you cut calories. If you are like me then the less you eat the harder it becomes!
    I was at my wits end until recently. Because I just couldn't manage losing the last 15+ kg I had to go. Even when I ate very little I found I couldn't keep my weight loss going. So I kept giving up and straight away I would gain what I had struggled for weeks to lose. This went on for over two years.
    I knew a little about 'starvation' mode but found myself falling into the trap regardless.
    I recently joined Curves and something clicked and I started to really understand what I have been learning about for so long. My body needs to be fed. Starving it only sent messages to start storing those carbs.....stored as FAT! Now this is a scientific fact NOT a myth.
    So a calorie intact too restrictive will not help in the long haul. Healthier choices, lots of natural (less processed) foods and enough exercise is all it takes. Watch the calories of course....I am quite obsessive about this now.
    When I began counting calories I started at 1200, I did this for two months and lost about 7kg but hit a plateau. I then increased to 1600 and have lost over 9kg in two months. That's with a few days of 2000+ as my metabolism tweakers. Scientific studies have shown you restart weight loss better by eating more rather than less. I have found if I am plateauing then having a day or two of higher intake followed by a day or two of 1200 gets things moving again.
    Just to give you a brief picture of my journey, I have lost 60+kg over about 10 years. I hit plateau after plateau until recently and find now I am finally in control.
    Ultimately you have to enjoy life, losing weight has to enhance this enjoyment not tie you in knots and take away any normality. I never felt NORMAL, I always thought of myself as unlucky or different when it came to my body, that I was doomed to be overweight cause it was just too hard. I changed that image of myself and have amazed myself with what I am now achieving.
    You are young and deserve to be happy and healthy. Make the right choices and you will have everything you dream of.

    PS I have cut and pasted this from another topic site as they are both related to the same issue. So sorry about the rave twice over!

    Take care all.
  • Vanilladays
    Vanilladays Posts: 155 Member
    first of all you cant change or convert fat to muscle.

    You can burn fat and you can build muscle.

    However the best way i have found for plateaus, is to have a cheat weekend believe it or not.

    One or 2 weekends a month i spend the weekend eating over my usual calorie limit, not by much, maybe 250 to 500 over.

    And i compose that of foods i love buyt wouldnt usually eat, like a english fry up (the fats satiate me throughout the rest of the day) and maybe a roast dinner, i try to grill the breakfast and keep it healthy as possible but i do go over the top a little on the portion.

    This tricks my body into thinking i am no longer eating healthily and dieting, then when i return my body starts to lose weight again as oppose to being stagnant.

    There have been a few articles online about this and i subscribe to the method for sure, but everyone is different.

    That all being said i can control my weight easily as i run a lot and i average about 5lbs a week weight loss if im aiming for weight loss.


    Just wanted to say I think you are a wise man......