Hard to eat enough?

I'm wondering if it's just me that finds it difficult to meet their calories? I'm targetted 1200 a day but i almost never meet that, trying to get to it makes me feel as if im constantly eatin., I know i have to eat enough to lose weight but i'm finding it very difficult. Does anyone else have this problem?


  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    I get like this when Im in a roll on a plan I get scareed secretly to eat too much incase i over eat this is a common thing not saying you are but top the calories up with extra drinks etc?
  • mrichternh
    mrichternh Posts: 29 Member
    You can still eat clean and boost your calorie count. Eating things like hard boiled eggs, avacado, bananas (those are around 100 calories but still healthy).
  • Hey girl my target is also 1200 and must honestly say I reach that easily! You have to consume enough throughout the day to reach your goal and to get weight loss results. But all in all it depends on your goal. For gaining some muscle etc you would consume more some days! Do you drink a whey protein shake as a mid morning/afternoon? This works great for me so that I dont feel as if I'm eating way to much ;-)
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 274 Member
    yes, i have never eaten more than 1000 cals a day, as my doctor put me on a 800 cal a day diet after the wonderful support here i am managing to eat around 1200 a day, now i am beginning to think that the reason i have always been overweight was the fact i have never in my adult life eaten enough and my body has always been starving and kept my metabolism low, i am losing a steady weight lost and lost 13lbs in the first month now i know it will all tell in the second month so will need to hope it carries on.
  • And of course...make sure that you count EVERYTHING.
  • dutchjacky
    dutchjacky Posts: 46 Member
    I have problem and am working on it, its so hard as I have undereaten for so long. I am slowly getting there but frightened to exercise more as that means I have to eat even more :( I do try to eat nuts and fruit but have to watch the sugar intake as that gives me headaches - even the natural sugars).
  • I like to plan my meals for the day first thing. Then if I see I still have extra calories (because usually I'm at 1000 and I'm done) then I add in some coconut oil to my food.
  • halagr
    halagr Posts: 10 Member
    I'm so glad i'm not the only one and i've got some great advice fromfrom everyones replies, thankyou! it's a bit of a downer not to have the weight loss results i wanted this week but i know it's because of my eating because i've been busting my *kitten* so hopefully i'll be able to take your advice and do better from now on :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You won't regret trying to work in more calories. I agree with the suggestions above-- especially drinking your calories (like with a smoothie) will help you add them in gradually without feeling sick. You need to retrain your body to eat enough. I had that problem when I joined and I didn't trust it at first but I'm really glad I stuck with it.