Eat back calories burned



  • shapcomp
    shapcomp Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks. I was just reading another forum, and a heart rate monitor was recommended as being better than the MFP website. Do you agree?
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    Thanks. I was just reading another forum, and a heart rate monitor was recommended as being better than the MFP website. Do you agree?
    i do. most will say they still arent 100% accurate, but they are closer than mfp. my hrm has given me numbers that are anywhere from 10-600 calories lower than mfp
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    MFP already builds in your deficit when you set up what you want to lose each week so any calories burned during exercise should be consumed to fuel you body for your workouts. My BMR is 2450 and I set my MFP to lose 1 lb. a week.. I consume 3200 calories a day (that is with eating my exercise calories back) and am still losing 1 to 2 lbs. a week after 31 months and 295 lbs. lost on this journey.....

    That is amazing. Congrats!
  • wow Ed! That is a fantastic amount of progress. Nice going! keep it up
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    MFP already builds in your deficit when you set up what you want to lose each week so any calories burned during exercise should be consumed to fuel you body for your workouts. My BMR is 2450 and I set my MFP to lose 1 lb. a week.. I consume 3200 calories a day (that is with eating my exercise calories back) and am still losing 1 to 2 lbs. a week after 31 months and 295 lbs. lost on this journey.....

    Congrats on your progress. Where does MFP build in the deficit? I set my goals 2,400 it shows me what I eat lets say 2,200 and says I have 200 left. If I work out and burn 1,000 calories it tells me I have earned 1,000 calories and now I have 1,200 calories left. The theory is to eat back 50-75% so 600-750 calories.
  • If you eat back what you lost what would be the point in losing them in the first place?
    still hungry... overeat, therefore needs to burn to make up.
  • pukekolive
    pukekolive Posts: 237 Member
    I am very heavy - 270lbs - and my HRM (Suunto M4) gives me calorie burns for exercise about 10-15% higher than MFP - the HRM knows my weight, my max heartrate and my actual heartrate during exercise so it is probably more accurate but I log the lower figure (i.e. MFP).
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i do. i dont always eat them back on the day of the exercise - sometimes i just cant... but i always even it out by the end of the week.
    what is your average weight loss per week ( If you dont mind me asking) And how many calories to you consume in a day?
    sorry it took so long to get back to you, somehow i missed this question lol - last year when i was weighing in weekly i was losing 1-2 pounds a week. this month i started weight training so i decided not to weigh myself until feb so that the temp gains id possibly see from lifting didnt get me down.
    on my non exercise days i eat close to my goal of 1520... lifting days are around 1700-1800 and on my cardio days its closer to 2200.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    If you eat back what you lost what would be the point in losing them in the first place?
    I wondered the same thing, I guess its just to tone up and build muscle?
    when mfp sets up your goals, the deficit is already in place. so when you exercise you make that deficit bigger.. .its not necessarily a good thing.
    most plans will tell you to eat (for example) 2000 calories and burn 500 a day. to net 1500 and lose a pound a week.
    mfp says "ok- you want to lose a pound a week, eat 1500 calories." "OH! you burned 500 calories, great - you need to eat those too" you still eat the same number of calories either way, you still lose 1 lb a week. mfp just leaves room for you to either not exercise (if thats your choice) or if you randomly miss a day you wont mess up your loss for the week.
  • ginger_nut
    ginger_nut Posts: 24 Member
    I've noticed by just eating what I normally eat AND accounting for my normal exercise calorie deficit, I seem to almost hit my 1200 calorie goal on the head. So not sure if I will lose weight this way, since I haven't changed my eating habits. Apparently, I normally eat 1200 calories anyway...
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    MFP already builds in your deficit when you set up what you want to lose each week so any calories burned during exercise should be consumed to fuel you body for your workouts. My BMR is 2450 and I set my MFP to lose 1 lb. a week.. I consume 3200 calories a day (that is with eating my exercise calories back) and am still losing 1 to 2 lbs. a week after 31 months and 295 lbs. lost on this journey.....

    Congrats on your progress. Where does MFP build in the deficit? I set my goals 2,400 it shows me what I eat lets say 2,200 and says I have 200 left. If I work out and burn 1,000 calories it tells me I have earned 1,000 calories and now I have 1,200 calories left. The theory is to eat back 50-75% so 600-750 calories.

    Have a look at your goals page - you will see your maintenance calories (the amount you need to eat to stay the same weight), your daily calorie allowance and the deficit (the difference between the two).
    Unless you chose "mainttain my current weight" in your initial setup, you will see the deficit here. This means that there is no need to make the deficit larger by not eating your exercise calories.
  • LolaGotThin
    LolaGotThin Posts: 111 Member
    I might not eat them ALL back, but I eat back some, as long as I'm hungry. And I'm losing about 2 pounds a week.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    every time. i'm dialed in
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    All the time. I'd starve if I didn't.
  • jillyt85
    jillyt85 Posts: 161 Member
    I try to, I seem to be about 200 or so below everyday though, I just get to the point where I don't want to eat and I'm not going to make myself eat either. I was over once because I was sick that day and didn't get out at all. But I've only been here for a week and havent weighed myself to see if losing weight yet.

    You eat them back so that your body has enough energy to do everyday things. Exercising is to get you in shape not to make it like you have eaten nothing all day.

    I never eat my exercise calories back because I ALWAYS gain weight when I do and I still have enough energy to get up at 4:30 am 4 days a week to run, go to work chasing a toddler all day, come home and make dinner and clean. I don't understand how people can eat their exercise calories back without gaining.
  • KamiDeni
    KamiDeni Posts: 3 Member
    I usually dont eat all of them back. I go by what my body needs. If I feel hungry I'll eat enough to satisfy me within the calorie range. If I'm not hungry then I won't eat the extra cals and count that as extra cals lost. Plus I know there will be days where I am weak and go over my alloted cals so in my view I'm saving those uneaten cals for my weak moments.
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    You have to be careful with videos b/c you don't know exactly how many calories you are burning personally. The video could have the POTENTIAL to loose up to 1000 calories for the hour but probably most people will only burn 700 (for instance) A HRM could help you with this. SO to log in the full amount that the videos say you can burn and then Eating ALL those exercise calories you could be overeating. I would eat a little less 100-200 then it will give you rougly b/c you need to use some margin of error.
  • shapcomp
    shapcomp Posts: 33 Member
    Wow! Amazing! According to MFP, I burned 900 calories between 60 minutes of biking at 16 mph and an hour weight work out. If I added that to my 1200 and went up to 2100, I am sure I would be twenty pounds heavier in two months!!
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    Wow! Amazing! According to MFP, I burned 900 calories between 60 minutes of biking at 16 mph and an hour weight work out. If I added that to my 1200 and went up to 2100, I am sure I would be twenty pounds heavier in two months!!
    You should have a deficit of 500 calories every day. If you do that your calories should be at 1600. Good luck