
Okay, so I'm down to the last 15 or so pounds that I'd like to lose and they just don't seem to want to come off despite my best efforts. My best friend recently suggested that I begin running, but I hate it (maybe because I'm so slow). She said that she lost the last 10 pounds she wanted to lose when she added running to her fitness routine. Anyone else experience something like this?


  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    I used to hate running and found it very uncomfortable and painful until I bought proper running shoes. I still didn't enjoy it until I forced myself to do it for a while, and lost weight - the more you've lost, the easier running becomes. And now I actually enjoy it.
    So if you want to give it a go, definitely invest in some good shoes - go to a running store where they watch you run on a treadmill and give you shoes to fit your gait. And then maybe sign up for a race 5k or 10k in the next few months as something to make you feel like you need to train. Good luck.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Definately... Run! My husband use to tell me, " I don't know why your doing all these silly exercises just go out and run". I made up excuses forever why I couldn't run but then when I finally did, I became addicted. I love running and it really does help burn those stubborn pounds that don't want to go away.

    I have found though that I don't like to run track. I haven't tried a treadmill recently but I probably wouldn't like that much either. I like to run through neighborhoods or in parks or somewhere that I have natural challenges like hills or different terrain. I would suggest changing it up a little to find what you like best and then run with it :wink:
  • chelseelovesyou
    chelseelovesyou Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks guys. I have a run planned for tomorrow morning, I am just telling myself I have to get up and do it. Hopefully, it will become a habit.
  • mummytummybyebye
    i love running, i started running to de-stress and lost weight with it, i lost 3inches off my waist in a week, i hadnt changed my eating habits but the exercise got rid of the bloat! just start of small and build your self up. i started off just running round the block now i do 5k 2/3 times a week
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I'm one of the slowest runners you'll meet, and I've been doing it for 15 years! Speed isn't what it's about, it' just a marvellous way to move your body.

    Work out what you hate about it, and address it. If it's because it's hard, follow a proper run to walk programme like C25K (Google it) and go at your own pace. If it's soreness, get properly fitted for shoes and stretch, strength, stretch! If it's boredom, do it with a friend or make yourself an awesome playlist.

    Here are my beginners running tips, hope they help:
  • sjostrich
    sjostrich Posts: 117 Member
    The first few times you go for a little jog, you'll probably get achy lungs/legs, but persevere! Once you find your pace and breathing style, you'll just fly. I definitely recommend signing up for a little race like a 5K to keep you motivated to get out there. I should say now that road races are a bit of a gateway drug however. You have been warned!
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member

    Brilliant.. every one of them...
  • b0t23
    b0t23 Posts: 260 Member
    when starting to jog and run it is best to do intervals where you job for a bit and then walk for a bit. everyday try to change the ratio to where you jog more than you walk. dont push yourself to run the full distance at once. set realistic goals and pace.

    do you do any cycling/biking?
  • jessicasloan91
    jessicasloan91 Posts: 184 Member
    Running is something you have to get into and it takes time..

    I HATED it at first, now I am addicted and I feel like I can't go a day without running

    So my advice, don't give up if you don't like it at first.. it gets better.. promise!!

    ps. I lost all my 51 lbs through running, I don't do any other exercise
  • emilyrosedye
    Something I've learned recently is if you don't enjoy a particular exercise, don't do it! Find something you do enjoy and go for that instead! Have you tried things like Zumba class (so much like a party atmosphere you don't even feel like you're working out!) or another kind of class you could enjoy? You'll find if its something you really like you're much more likely to stick to it even after you've reached your goal weight!
  • emilyrosedye
    p.s thats not to say you shouldnt try it once just to make sure you dont like it!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    My advice is to do something you enjoy, not do something because a friend loves it.

    I say this as someone who runs about 20 miles weekly. I love it, but there are many, many, many ways to stay in shape besides running.
  • elgo1819
    On the topic, if you have a dog, and live in an area where it's safe, take them with you.

    I run with my dog everyday. He knows what "run" means and he gets so excited, every time. I live in the middle of nowhere and run the roads. He's extremely well trained, so I don't leash him unless around dawn or dusk, but I you definetally should if you live in the city or in a common traffic area.

    The best thing about a dog running buddy, they always want to go. Personally, I'm not a good runner, and I never liked running with someone who was, because I'd feel like I was wasting time if they'd have to wait up for me. But your dog won't do that. They just want to go! And, Man's Best Friend will be healthier like yourself :)
  • schmidtka70
    I HATED running...still don't really like it...but oddly look forward to it...all started with C25K (Couch to 5K) I'm on my first week of B210K (Bridge to 10K). I WILL become a runner and I WILL like it! You can download the apps on your iPhone/iPod Touch, Androids etc. and run with your own music playlists!