body fat percentage - to decrease?

So, my scale says I am 25% fat, which is 36.6lbs, of my 140lbs total. I am 5'6" and 29. I am training to run my first half marathon May fth, but would also like to be more lean muscle and less fat on me. I think a goal of 18-20% fat is better, but would love feedback on what to do to get there. I can't sacrifice marathon training, so would dvd workouts or insanity done in conjunction be enough to start me on that road, or is it something I should focus on when I am done marathon training? Check my food and exercise diary if you have any ideas, let me know!!


  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    No one can help me with this? How to what to? Nothing?
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I started doing strength training at the gym and a "boot camp" class at the running store...I'm also training for a half marathon (my 2nd) and am trying to balance the running plan with cross training. I don't know if that helps you, and I'm definitely not an expert...but I'm seeing some muscle definition from the strength training and I just got consistent with it a month ago...
  • PrincessGlitterTush
    Just keep bumping the chat up and you'll get some good advice. I don't know what to tell you as I'm still losing weight. I'm not sure how this part works?
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Fat loss[ requires:
    calorie deficit through diet and exercise
    adequate protein (I aim for 1g/lb of LBM minimum)
    resistance training (progressively increasing weights to challenge yourself)

    These are to promote the preservation of lean body mass.

    Also, the scales are notoriously inaccurate.
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    Okay, so I need to keep doing what I am doing, and when I can add more resistance training, like insanity into my weekly workouts.... I wish someone could look at what I am doing and give me tailored for me plan!! Guess that's what a trainer is for...
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Okay, so I need to keep doing what I am doing, and when I can add more resistance training, like insanity into my weekly workouts.... I wish someone could look at what I am doing and give me tailored for me plan!! Guess that's what a trainer is for...

    I would get a gym membership and lift heavy on a pre-written beginning program.
  • PoochPottery
    Okay, so I need to keep doing what I am doing, and when I can add more resistance training, like insanity into my weekly workouts.... I wish someone could look at what I am doing and give me tailored for me plan!! Guess that's what a trainer is for...

    I would get a gym membership and lift heavy on a pre-written beginning program.


    We have the same stats! I too am 5'6" When I weighed 140 I had 25% body fat. I am now down to 19% with a goal of 18%. Working a weight program with your training and continue with your calorie deficit. It will happen!
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    If you want a put together plan, consider New Rules of Lifting for Women. Or Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength. Or Nike Training Club's Get Strong workouts (NTC is less heavy, but helped me grow muscles for sure).

    Or check out for their workouts. Have heard good things & of course Staci is there for inspiration:

    (wow, I waited til 7:02am to post her today.)
  • PoochPottery
    Okay, so I need to keep doing what I am doing, and when I can add more resistance training, like insanity into my weekly workouts.... I wish someone could look at what I am doing and give me tailored for me plan!! Guess that's what a trainer is for...

    You could go to for tailored plans.
  • bshedwick
    bshedwick Posts: 659 Member
    Okay, so I need to keep doing what I am doing, and when I can add more resistance training, like insanity into my weekly workouts.... I wish someone could look at what I am doing and give me tailored for me plan!! Guess that's what a trainer is for...

    Keep up the running, that will help in burning fat, but you'll have to make sure you add in additional strength stuff as well.
  • thodock
    thodock Posts: 1 Member
    Having run my first marathon in October I have to say a few things. Yes it is easier on your body if you have less fat and more lean muscle to run the marathon. But if you are running the marathon to loose weight you will be shocked to find out that it will most likely not work. You will be eating more and need to eat more as your training progresses. Yes, you will automatically burn the fat and build the muscle. My biggest suggestion is have fun with training or you will burn out before the marathon is here. Follow your schedule and nutrition plan. Do not diet!!!! You won't have enough energy and will make yourself sick. If you are following a proper training schedule you should have at least 2 days of cross training each week. Do what your have to most fun doing on those days. I did my Just Dance on the Wii. It was my day to myself. Also, Don't Ignore any pains. I hurt my knee 2 months before the marathon because I pushed myself to hard. Be proud of yourself and HAVE FUN!!!!!

    Oh and the day of the marathon my sister in law gave me the best advice. "Smile at every Mile." Smiling througout the race really does lift your spirits and makes the race easier. Also, write your name with magic marker on your bib and your arms or legs. You will be surprised how many strangers and the fans with cheer you on and help keep you going. Good luck.
  • kimclaws
    kimclaws Posts: 101 Member
    if you are eating clean while you are training for your marathon, your BF% should go down on its own, but if you want to add even more cardio to your days then that will help too. Have you tried running with ankle weights or a weight vest? It helps burn more calories, and is also an incentive not to gain any weigh back lol because ten extra pounds while running sucks! lol
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    I am not trying to diet while training for the Marathon, i am eating Maintenance Calories, and doing three days running, one of them long. To work towards the 13.1 miles i need to be able to do. On the non running days, i have been doing either an insanity workout, or Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 workout dependong on how much time i have that day. So 3 days a week, DVD workout, and 3 days running, and one rest, if i don't walk or do a quick Ripped workout...

    I am happy with weight, don't care that so much, just want a leaner figure now, and i know its possible, so all the advise is awesome and i will look into some weight training beyond Insanity when i can put a little more time to it. But i won't be going to a gym, don't ahve the money for that at this time...
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Okay, so I need to keep doing what I am doing, and when I can add more resistance training, like insanity into my weekly workouts.... I wish someone could look at what I am doing and give me tailored for me plan!! Guess that's what a trainer is for...

    Keep up the running, that will help in burning fat, but you'll have to make sure you add in additional strength stuff as well.

    Yep to all the above, you might want to look into "The New Rules of Lifting For Women" (NROL4W) as an oold Army Master Fitness Trainer I would jsut emphaise that you should keep your objectives focused on the activity, tone, and body shape you want and let the percentages take care of themselves at this point. I did look at your diary and you are spot on in maanaging your intake for the days I looked at. So Keep it up and make sure if you get a trainer that they are certified and have a good grasp of kineselogy. Go get em and have fun.
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    If you want a put together plan, consider New Rules of Lifting for Women. Or Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength. Or Nike Training Club's Get Strong workouts (NTC is less heavy, but helped me grow muscles for sure).

    I requested this NWOL for women and am just waiting to get it for reference now...
  • melrose09
    melrose09 Posts: 271
    Basically it boils down to the same old, same old... Eat right, cardio, strength training and rest. Those are the key to almost everyone's goals here.

    On a personal note, I'm at my goal of 12% right now, but I feel like it came off in chunks. Weird. It wasn't a steady decline. I started at 18% was there for a while and all of a sudden it dropped to 16%, then I stopped breastfeeding in October and dropped suddenly to 13%. I kicked up my cardio a notch and now I'm holding strong at 12.3% with a dip to 11.5% just before the holidays. I'm pretty sure the huge drop after BFing was because my boobs deflated into 2 week old balloons
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    Sweet, thanks all! I will keep up what i am doing and add more strength when i can, and definitely be adding strength when the marathon has passed! Any other feedback is always welcome!