Donuts in breakroom



  • JeliBaggins4444
    I'm not that great at operating these posts yet haha... this is in response to tmbaker03: Yes... that's a great idea. One time I made the mistake of looking up a "munchkin" *after* I ate it and was very disappointed. One of those stupid things is like 80 calories! Well next time if you have a temptation, message me and we can help each other :-p

    Also, just thought of something else... if anyone wants to friend me on here that deals with similar office situations, feel free to (or friend me regardless). It would be great to have the extra support all the time! I inspired a couple of my friends to join this but most of the time all I see are messages telling me to give them encouragement because they haven't logged in :'(
    (some have found other means of staying healthy and others don't listen to my motivation lol)
  • SargeZ06
    Throw the donuts in the trash for the good of all your co-workers... Do it for the team...