So discouraged right now!



  • Keep your chin up sweetie! Like some of the other replies have stated, water retention (thank you monthly bill - you suck!!) could be the culprit. Some ideas to try: make sure your drinking at least 8 glasses of water so that your body doesn't feel dehydrated and then will HOLD on to whatever water you DO have in your system. The more you drink the less you will/should retain. Also, play around with your caloric intake. I started out at about 1500-1800 and I WAS losing, but very little. I have found that for me it works to stay 1000-1200 calories a day. Faithful journaling and some exercise should help to turn things around. Lastly, the scale is a good barometer of your progress, but even better is how your clothes fit. Take some measurements of yourself and keep track of those as well. All those numbers decreasing will put the smile back on your face. We're all in this together - you can do it!!
  • aliciapenny
    aliciapenny Posts: 51 Member
    Keep your chin up sweetie! Like some of the other replies have stated, water retention (thank you monthly bill - you suck!!) could be the culprit. Some ideas to try: make sure your drinking at least 8 glasses of water so that your body doesn't feel dehydrated and then will HOLD on to whatever water you DO have in your system. The more you drink the less you will/should retain. Also, play around with your caloric intake. I started out at about 1500-1800 and I WAS losing, but very little. I have found that for me it works to stay 1000-1200 calories a day. Faithful journaling and some exercise should help to turn things around. Lastly, the scale is a good barometer of your progress, but even better is how your clothes fit. Take some measurements of yourself and keep track of those as well. All those numbers decreasing will put the smile back on your face. We're all in this together - you can do it!!

    Exactly! the more you drink the less you retain!
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Do you know it takes 3500 calories over and above to create just 1 lb of fat? To gain 4 lbs. in a week you would had to of taken in 14,000 calories more than you burned. Douptful that is the case. Fat doesn't just disolve so easy. Think about a pound of bacon and think about how hard it would be to melt that fat and get it to dissappear. That is what you are expecting your body to do almost over night. Well at least in 6 night. And not just 1 lb. of fat but 4 lbs. of fat. Truth is it is most likey not even fat but as everyone else as said before me (water) or some of the bulk food you have consumed in 7 days that has not yet exited your body. If you were to weigh every day you would see the scale go up and go down............... this is what it does. Finally it will drop where it hasn't gone before and you will still see it go up and down but maybe not to the current number. Weight inches its way off your body the very same way it hopped onto your body. Little bit at a time. Be patient and watch it go, just don't expect it to jump off your body by leaps and bounds.
  • Do not allow 1 bad result to demotivate you. Take this as an opportunity to reflect on the past week, and see what you can add (training etc) along with your diet and look at tweaking your diet. I think aoverall that there is a lot of good advice in all the replies you have received to date.
  • Hang in there, Heather! Set some short-term goals for this next week. That is how I have to live my new lifestyle. I feel goal-setting is a very important part of the weight loss strategy. Move on now and get back on track. Put the past in the past and live for today. Take a deep breath and exclaim "Today is the first day of the rest of my life!" And, remember, time is going to go on, whether or not you lose the weight. YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Do you know it takes 3500 calories over and above to create just 1 lb of fat? To gain 4 lbs. in a week you would had to of taken in 14,000 calories more than you burned. Douptful that is the case. Fat doesn't just disolve so easy. Think about a pound of bacon and think about how hard it would be to melt that fat and get it to dissappear. That is what you are expecting your body to do almost over night. Well at least in 6 night. And not just 1 lb. of fat but 4 lbs. of fat. Truth is it is most likey not even fat but as everyone else as said before me (water) or some of the bulk food you have consumed in 7 days that has not yet exited your body. If you were to weigh every day you would see the scale go up and go down............... this is what it does. Finally it will drop where it hasn't gone before and you will still see it go up and down but maybe not to the current number. Weight inches its way off your body the very same way it hopped onto your body. Little bit at a time. Be patient and watch it go, just don't expect it to jump off your body by leaps and bounds.

    ^^Exactly! I call them my 'wobbly pounds.' I think of it as a recentering of my weight, but it seesaws back and forth for a while, before moving to the next recentering point. I weigh everyday, and that's absolutely what I see.
  • jmorrisof2
    jmorrisof2 Posts: 108 Member
    I know how you feel!! Last week i gained 4 lbs.. turned out that MFP had calculated my caloric intake wrong and I was eating 400 more calories a day than I should have been.. I weighed in this morning and I have lost 4 lbs.. so, you might want to recalculate your BMR and see what happens! Good luck!

    I am wondering if this is my issue. I was feeling a little discouraged the last two days because I have been working really hard and the scale gained 2 pounds. I am thinking that I was eating too much meaning that I was eating back all my exercise calories. But I heard that the #'s aren't always right on here. I tried to remember back to when I was losing weight what I was eating. I am thinking I will try 1500 calories. Thanks for posting because I feel you.
  • Absolutely thanks!
  • I've been eating less than 1,200 a day but I know I just need to exercise.
  • Thanks everyone for all your advice! I will definately be exercising, drinking water, and not letting the scale discourage me. I feel a lot better now! :wink:
  • Ninatoots
    Ninatoots Posts: 192 Member
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
    testing to see if my ticker shows up.
  • stay strong! at least you realize it and are working on becoming better! dont give up now! just remember there are people heavier/more unhealthy who wish they were your size! keep up the good work!
  • Remember just as in anything in life, there will be ups and downs. The important thing is not to give up. Use your frustration to motivate, go sweat it out in the gym. And like a lot of people have said, it's probably just bloating or water weight or whatever...don't let it get you down though...remember there are lots of good changes happening with your body that you can't even see or track, but they're important for your long term success!
  • stitchnb89
    stitchnb89 Posts: 2 Member
    I feel the Same way. I did very well on here from aril last yr til Sept. then i started this back up 2 weeks ago because i gained almost 20lbs since sept.
    2wks ago i entered in what ended up being the wrong weight and then a couple days ago when i weighed i lost 6lbs and mfp said i lost nothing i was so discouraged until this morning i found out its all because i entered in the wrong weight 2wks ago eventhough i entered the correct weight like a day later
    so now i lost 6lbs and my progress ticker says i lost 0lbs so hard to find the motivation to keep going.