"Shiny" - "Toaster" - "Hunter"

Mythel Posts: 72
edited November 2024 in Chit-Chat
Shiny - Toaster - Frak - Hunter - Reaver - So Say We All - Cardiff - Brown Coat - TARDIS

Do you instantly know what these words refer to? Then you're just the geeks I'm looking for.

What are your favs that you currently watch?


  • SoozieQuarks
    SoozieQuarks Posts: 14 Member
    When the new US season of Torchwood comes to Netflix, I'm gonna be all over it. But right now, I'm currently obsessed with the UK version of Being Human. Unfortunately it doesn't have any fun catchwords/phrases, more than general British slang anyway. But it does have a ridiculously hot vampire guy. So that's a good trade off in my book. The US version is not bad either, just quite a bit more violent. (And I like the CGI of the werewolf a lot better. You think BBC would have more money for that than the SyFy channel, but I guess not.) And in the US version the vampire character's first name is the same as the UK vampire actor's name. Which is the kind of weird, strange trivia I tend to remember for absolutely no good reason. : /
  • Mythel
    Mythel Posts: 72
    I watch Supernatural and just started watching Alcatraz. Haven't watched Being Human yet. Might just wait for it to stream on Netflix. (Also anxiously awaiting Game of Thrones for Netflix.) I've taped Lost Girl but haven't watched it yet. I also watch Big Bang Theory which even though it is a comedy I think most geeks enjoy it.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member

    I just got in my Doctor Horrible labcoat for a villains/heroes party next weekend, and in honor of said coat, watched the Ariel episode of Firefly last night. And got angry all over again for it being cancelled. But anyhow.
    We tried watching Being Human, and just couldn't get through it.
    About to start Game of Thrones series this weekend. If you haven't read the books, go do it!!!
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    Shiny - Toaster - Frak - Hunter - Reaver - So Say We All - Cardiff - Brown Coat - TARDIS

    Firefly, BSG, BSG, Left 4 Dead (? But could be other things too), Firefly, BSG, Torchwood, Firefly, Dr. Who. We should be friends. XD

    Also, I'm in a bit of a lull. I'm not watching mush right now. Waiting on Walking Dead and Game of Thrones to come back!

    Also! Watched some of Being Human, both the BBC version and the American. I'm not sure how I feel about it!
  • Mythel
    Mythel Posts: 72
    About to start Game of Thrones series this weekend. If you haven't read the books, go do it!!!

    I'm a huge book geek so I've read them plus oh so many others!

    Cannot watch Walking Dead...I've got this thing about zombies. They really really really freak me out.

    I also watch a ton of cartoons. This was normal before I even had kids of course now it's not just superhero cartoons but also includes things like the Octonauts.
  • blissy_girl
    blissy_girl Posts: 45 Member
    lol, I keep saying I am not a geek... but I know exactly what you were talking about!!
  • Mythel
    Mythel Posts: 72
    Blissy_girl just accept it. You are a geek! <3
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