Anyone hail from Tucson, AZ? (NW Pref)

Looking for someone to be a walking buddy a couple days a week.
DISCLAIMER: I am a drinker and a smoker and don't do well with girly girls.
Promise not to smoke while walking, sometimes that even grosses me out, but need someone who is not all uptight about the issue. I already heard it all, at least once in my 20 years of nicotine addiction.
ANYWAY, the weather is getting so nice in the PM and I am finally back under 160. Now I need to push for 150...


  • Sorry, in Maricopa here. Not a LONG ways away, but far enough that walking buddies would be impossible. I do hope you find one though. I have been going alone and sometimes hard to keep the motivation... good once I get going, but knowing not obligated to anyone but myself makes it tough. I am a smoker too , no lectures from me... not when I am exerting myself day... :) Good luck to ya though!!!!! And good luck on getting to your goal, you are doing great!!!
  • I actually work pretty far north.
    Oh well, maybe keep in touch. There are sooo many great hiking trails between here and there and the weather is AWESOME!!!
    Have you ever done Picacho?
    Hiked it once and there was a twenty something girl crying halfway up the foothills. Made me steel my reserve and finish the hike despite the pain.
    Sure didnt want to smoke after that one :smokin:
  • Im from Paris, Texas i was just wondering how dod I start a blog? Im new to this I just had my pancreas removed October 10, and was wanting to connect with people who have had digesstive issues or anyone with new info on carb counting and fitness! :smile:
  • I have not tried blogging yet. I am barely starting to go on the discussion forums!
    Just post a message, there are so many people here, and many have some pretty solid advise. (I have been doing the same thing here as I do on Facebook, I am a voyeur, isn't that terrible!)
    Hope your recovery goes well and wish I could help you with the fitness thing, but I am the farthest thing from an expert, I kinda buy into the whole "beer is good for you because it contains tons of b vitamins" thing :drinker: