
Can anyone tell me about hypothyroidism? How to deal with it and lose weight successfully?


  • Chaquilas
    Chaquilas Posts: 49 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism. The one thing that helps is taking your meds daily and getting routine labs to be sure your levels are good. It is hard enough to lose weight but extremely difficult if your metabolism is working against you. Eat high fiber small meals. These are tips that have helped m in the past, currently I am not following my own advice but I am working on it. Each day is an improvement.
  • nursegnet
    nursegnet Posts: 155 Member
    First get your meds stabalized. It took almost 2 years for me to get myself right. Go to stopthethyroidmadness they have a lot of information. I am finally loosing weight with MFP recently I believe because my medications are finally working. Good luck.
  • It depends on the type of hypothyroidism you have. I suffer from Hashimoto's thyroiditis which is a progressive autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland and results in hypothyroidism. Women are most commonly affected, and there is a familial predisposition to the disease. I check my TSH and T4 levels on a regular basis and never miss my thyroid medication, which should always be taken on an empty stomach.
    In addition to my hypothyroidism, I had a total hysterectomy at age 27 with removal of both ovaries, and that is when my weight problems began. I have felt like a spayed dog ever since. That, combined with my thyroid disease ~ and some genetics (my German mother was a large woman) ~ makes it difficult for me to reduce my weight.
    The best shape I was ever in was when I was a vegan and ran 4 miles daily. But, I'm now 68-years-old, have a bad right knee, and can no longer run. I do walk 2-3 miles a day, weather permitting, and work out on my exercise bike and with weights. Plus, I maintain a large vegetable garden in the summer.
  • MoniJo82
    MoniJo82 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you so much for the information and support. Feeling discouraged and deppressed about being obese,:smile: but I can over come it. :)