Anyone want to know how to workout with kids at home?

Just do it!

Really, get them used to Mommy working out everyday. Mommy gets to do this. I make sure they have a snack, sippys, a movie on, and I go downstairs and get to it. They know it's mommy's thing. My little ones now join me and love it! My 2 year old says "Dance!" and goes to town!

Had a good picture to show, but it keeps chopping it off, anyone know how to fix that?


  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    Great job! I have always trained with kids at home. My youngest daughter, almost 2 now, just knows it's part of Mommy's routine and she plays and sings with me (between sets) in the training room while I lift.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I agree! I have a FT job and a 2 year old and 4.5 month old and still am able to get workouts in at home a few days a week (as well as my gym time in the early mornings before work). I wait until my youngest is napping or very content and then I get started and my 2yo watches, tries to do what I do, or ignores me and plays with his own toys, lol.
  • We bought our 4-year-old a set of 1 pound dumbells. He works out with us, lol. :)
    I agree with you. You just have to make it a "matter of fact" sort of thing. We workout in our home. Period. This is what we do.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    You do have to just do it.

    That said, my almost-2 daughter tends to workout with me. She's fun when working out. I love watching her interpretation of the moves! She's also wandered around, too. I know she's been kicked once when she came up behind me during 30 Day Shred.

    My three year old son is my problem, though. He is constantly in the way, dumps toys out right behind me (OW!), won't listen or stay put, refuses to work out with me most of the time, and whines when I'm not giving him attention. I ignore it. I have to yell sometimes. And I do try to make my husband watch the kids for a bit so I can actually give Jillian a half hour of my day.

    I find it much more difficult to not get irritated though when my husband gets to go to the gym and get an hour and a half (or more) uninterrupted. I'm working on that. :-)
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I stay at home and babysit full-time (usually 5-6 kids at my house daily). I workout at nap time. :smile: I have a home gym so it's nice, but DVD's are also an option. You just have to find a way to make it work and DO IT!!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    So true!! I am a stay at home Mom with a 2 year old, 3 year old, and 5 year old. If I didnt workout at home I would never do it. I usually pop in a DVD in the afternoon while my 5 year old is at Kindergarten and my 2 year old is napping. The 3 year old either joins in or has a snack and plays on her own. It's Mommy time and it's only 30-60 minutes out of the day. And I think it sets an excellent example for them to see Mommy making her health a priority.
  • I used a Wii to lose the weight that I did. The kids actually encouraged me to work out because they would always ask me to put on the exercise games. I don't want to disappoint my kids so I Wiied the lbs away with them doing the exercises (to the extent they could) with me.
  • trlyblssd79
    trlyblssd79 Posts: 101 Member
    Thnx to Carrie's great advice ( above) I also workout during nap and I love it!
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I agree,they got used to seeing yme workout and know not to bother me and sometimes my daughter will try to workout with me. :) But, usually does her own thing while I work out. The only downside to that is I found her outside-in the backyard- one time buck naked. My neighbors probably thought I was an unfit Mom,lol. So, i always make sure the sliding door is usually locked and her favorite show is on. Crazy girl ;)
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    I agree! I am a "just accept it" kind of mom. Kids don't need to be constantly entertained by their parents anyway. They should be able to focus on their toys or a picture book or something for an hour a day.
  • I have a 3-year old German Shepherd who seems quite a lot like your 3-year old. Toys all around my step and my ball. Have kicked him several times, but he is 90 pounds, so no risk of any injury to him....he STILL doesn't get it though, just lays there and watches, kicks in the face or no kicks in the face.....brings his toys, thinking, "maybe she'll play with THIS one." With that said, I just started routinely exercising at home, so I'm sure in another few days, he'll figure it out.....