New People Welcome!!


Hi! I'm Cindy (you can call me spinqueen72)
I just found out about this site (& the phone app) from a friend at the gym a couple days ago! I am soooo loving this site!!!
I have been battling my weight for 16 years (that's how old my daughter you get the idea). I have tried EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN, to no avail!!!
I recently found out that I am hypoglycemic...anemic...and was pretty much starving myself! I am not really an "eater"...I hate cooking, and I actually was only eating about 700 to 1000 calories per day! I went to a trainer, who reprimanded me immediately for doing that! All these years I have tortured my metabolism & thyroid...& my weight gain was my body's revenge!!
Every time I actually did body stored it as fat! I didn't know that my metabolism was 6% higher than the average person (even though I was tired all the time), and that my body naturally burned 1900 calories on its own (RMR). I was tested for all of that..and was pretty much shocked at the damage I had done to myself!
The trainer immediately got me eating 6-10 times a day. She put me on a really good whey protein. She had me doing 45 minutes of cardio per day, and 1 hour of weight training per week. Which I still do. I was 261lbs at that time. I dropped 28" and 30 lbs!
After a while (6 months) I was unable to afford training anymore (stupid economy) I went off on my own. Somehow I managed to slip back into old habits...and gained the 20 lbs back! Discouraged..I resorted to HCG, Slim Fast, fasting, you name it..I tried it.again!
I'm done with all of that now! I am an exerciser...I love the spin bike. I get on that thing and block everything out for 45 minutes to an hour. I can get it up to 140mph..which is pretty awesome, but I've always had strong legs to begin with (years of not having a car..I walked and rode a bike everywhere). I am still doing weights 3 times a week...and I still do my protein.
I came to MFP because I need more's really hard to live with two thin people who can eat whatever they want! I never hear any good comments because they see me every day...they don't notice any difference..even if I do!
Anyways....if you're new, like me, but you're in the same boat........come grab a paddle! I'd love to be on the journey with you!


  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    Hi Cindy! I'm Leslie, welcome aboard! I'm new too, you're welcome to friend me if you wish.
  • shoedooo
    Hi I'm Sharde. Im a 26 year old relearning how to be active and eat healthier. Out of the 3 weeks of running and eating correctly, i have lost 2 pound. I have lost inches for sure. Im taking this journey solo kind of sort of and relearning discpline when it comes to food. Hope I can help support some people and possibly get the smae in return!