need gym advise

I just joined a gym and I have 100lbs to lose. I know how to use the treadmill but not sure about the weights. where to start?


  • I was just like you until one day I walked in and asked for some help. After about an hour of how to properly use the equipment, I was offered FREE personal fitness training when it was available. I now work out with a trainer once a week, more if he is working. Keep your music rotating and your beats per minute fast it will help you move. So, go ask. It is possible your center offers free help. You don't have to have it everytime you are there. Once a week will help you get going.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    A lot of people believe the myth that if you have a lot to lose, you should not go near weights> WRONG WRONG WRONG. I would say 5 days a week cardio- 3 alternating days of weights, and not the barbie weights or he man weights. Whatever you can use failing at no more than 12 reps, no less than 8, is the weight you should use. I lost over 100lbs and weight training is so critical because it helps with your metabolism even after you are done with the weights. Also, the treadmill isn't bad, but make sure you change up your routine every once in a while too! :) With the weights, see if with your gym membership you can get a few free training sessions to show you around the stuff so you won't hurt yourself.
  • I would invest in one session with a personal trainer! Explain your situation to htem and they can show you a bunch of basic, yet effective weight exercises that will really help you build the muscle you need to burn fat and lose weight. Sometimes, you can ask the people that monitor gym activity (such as the people in red shirts that walk around the Y) what they would suggest to be some good exercises for beginning a strength training regime - afterall that is their job! (I know because I work at a YMCA)

    Good luck, sweetheart!
  • i am another of those people. i started off at Curves, and that helped me lost about 35 # but then i was stuck. i moved out of the area, and then i joined a local gym. and decided i needed some extra help. I was offered a fitness evaluation, and then i signed up for training as well. even if you just do it for a month until you learn some things it will help you. I have been working with a personal trainer for a year and a half now. well actually 2, after almost a year the first one i had moved on to a diffferant job. But i LOVE my training sessions! i also do 1 hour a week, sometimes 1/2 hour sessions some times 1 hour sessions. Another GREAT options is classes! having others there will help to keep you motivated! The gym i currently also offers Large group training, which is some similar things we do in personal training but in a group, so that will be a cheaper option, and also offers more group motivation!