Any moms out there that had c-sections?



  • hdlb123
    hdlb123 Posts: 112 Member
    I have heard a few success stories with that, but honestly a lot more of the "I still have the pooch" stories. I will always have mine, but I also had 3 c/s.
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    I have always returned back to normal after my c sections. I will not say it is easy. It takes a bit of work. Cardio and lower ab work. I am not sure ho long ago your c section was, but BE CAREFUL if it's within 6 months.

    I started 30 D's 9 weeks after my c section, and had to stop because it caused bleeding (sort of like a period)
    I tried at 13 weeks and got the same.
    Now at 7 months post, I can finally do it. It is still uncomfortable though. anyway..just a heads up!
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    Oh and I had two C sections. May 2009, and June 2011~
  • iv had two back to back my kids are 13.5 months apart and my youngest is 4 and i highly doubt my stomach will ever be flat LOL but ur skin i know has to do with genetics so iv heard well my mom has a great stomach for 50+ however i got my dads genes LOL but good luck im at where u started but my goal right now is 190 im hoping atleast by that size my stomach will atleast be smother and flatter :P even with my scars
  • 2 C-sections here And Hysterectomy from belly button all the way down.. :sad:
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    ME! Never thought my pouch would go, but as you can see <<<<< it did! strength and cardio + commitment = success :) xx
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Day three of turbo fire and BOY am I feeling it!! I think I worked it a little too hard yesterday but hey- no pain no gain right? Lol. I am already beginning to see and feel small changes. So exciting!! :)

    Just have a quick question for moms out there who have had c-sections. I was overweight when I got pregnant and ballooned up to 225 by the end of it. Anywho, is there any hope for a flat stomach after all this? Any of you c-section moms have a flat stomach now?
    My wife has gone through delivery with 5 of my kids - 2 C-Sections.

    She worked her way back to peak fitness each time, and yes, her tummy is flat - very nice.
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    I had 2 c-sections over the age of 40. I'm down 70lbs with 20-30 more pounds to go. My stomach and pooch are definitely smaller, but... I don't see the pooch ever going away for me. But... I'll be happy if I can just get is smaller so I look better in clothes!
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    I've had 2 c-sections & the tummy never gets totally toned after. I even had two trainers tell me so. You can hope to get rid of almost all the fat by doing tons of cardio & toning, but not the 'looseness'. The bottom line is that they cut through skin, your abs and nerves: The trainer told me how those nerves and blood vessels around the area are practially dead & gone after being sliced up, so blood & nutrient & exercise 'flow' just aren't ever going to get to that area like it should. I'm fairly vain, so I'm considering lipo whenever I'm done having kids... it's really frustrating never wearing dresses because there's always just a little pouch popping out of my silouhette. I'm sick of little kids poking it at church, asking "What's that?" and people thinking i'm "preggo & just not telling people yet.". ULGH. You just have to learn to dress differently. My whole wardrobe is based around my tummy being hidden now.

    Actually, cutting THROUGH the abdominal muscles is very old school and unless it is a definite emergency they won't do it. Instead they separate the abs. True there is abdominal damage but the muscles are still intact. Also, blood vessels will grow back together or form new pathways. Otherwise you won't have a pink tummy, it would be black and dead. Gross, I know, but true. There is hope. Not everyone will achieve a flat tummy post c-section but it is possible.
  • LA723
    LA723 Posts: 92 Member
    Day three of turbo fire and BOY am I feeling it!! I think I worked it a little too hard yesterday but hey- no pain no gain right? Lol. I am already beginning to see and feel small changes. So exciting!! :)

    Just have a quick question for moms out there who have had c-sections. I was overweight when I got pregnant and ballooned up to 225 by the end of it. Anywho, is there any hope for a flat stomach after all this? Any of you c-section moms have a flat stomach now?
    My wife has gone through delivery with 5 of my kids - 2 C-Sections.

    She worked her way back to peak fitness each time, and yes, her tummy is flat - very nice.

    If you don't mind me asking, what did she do to get her tummy flat? I'm losing weight steadily but my belly seems to be the slowest in catching up to the rest of my body.
  • michelleellis
    michelleellis Posts: 63 Member
    I've never had a problem with gaining weight in stomach area. When I had my c-section, my stomach returned back to its orginal size. I have a relatively flat stomach and I am thankful.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Ummmm...I have a bit of an apron still. It's gotten a lot smaller, but I don't see it ever been flat, flat.
  • I have had two, and I am sorry, but cannot be encouraging on this. Maybe someone else has found the secret, but I would think the cutting would have some effect. Try a good med website like Mayo Clinic or Web MD and see if they have any comments under C-sections.
  • yolandawilson
    yolandawilson Posts: 13 Member
    yes all three of my children and its hard to lose that bottom area afterwards i even had a doc tell me i can work out all i want butonly a tummy tuck wll fix it so thats my goal this year to get a tummy tuck
  • MzColie
    MzColie Posts: 17
    I have had one c section due to my son being breech. I noticed breast feeding helped a lot but fast forward 2 years later and though my stomach looks relatively flat I to have a tiny bit of a pooch...I'm still trying to find ways to get rid of it reverse crunches and planks have helped a little we shall see
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    I had 2 c-sections. Last one 12 years ago. When I had thinned out again- I had to lose 50 lbs, my stomach was flat and toned. I had a strong stomach going into the pregnancies though. I did ALOT of ab work after I was healed. I did notice though, that the ridge of scar tissue I had at the incision site under the skin didn't go away. But in a bikini it wasn't even noticable. So there is hope! Lots of ab work, especially lower- reverse crunches!
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    Had 3 c-sections. Started 6 week six pack today.
  • I just delivered my 3rd 10 weeks ago. It was my third c-section. I am determind to get in shape and lose the weight. I gained 35 with this one plus I have an extra 20 that I could never get off from my first. So far since having the baby I have lost 12 pounds. I only have 44 to go before I am at my ideal weight! I have never had a flat stomach since not sure I ever will. :sad:
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