first 11lbs please help

I started this a week ago. I have kept under the 1500 cal limit set for me by MFP I am averaging about 400 to 600 cal burned during cardio 6 times a week and I am taking ripped fuel 5x. I have lost 11 lbs in a week and a half. i started at 231 and am now at 220. I know I cant stay at this pace but am I doing anything wrong. i want to make sure I lose the weight in a healthy manner. Any suggestions or tips are welcome.


  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    So long as you're not too far under the 1500 and so long as you're eating most of your exercise calories back, then you should be just fine.

    11lb is a lot, but most people lose a lot in their first few weeks. If it doesn't slow down to 1-3lbs a week after the first month, it might mean you're not eating enough.
  • mattemery
    mattemery Posts: 38 Member
    I started this a week ago. I have kept under the 1500 cal limit set for me by MFP I am averaging about 400 to 600 cal burned during cardio 6 times a week and I am taking ripped fuel 5x. I have lost 11 lbs in a week and a half. i started at 231 and am now at 220. I know I cant stay at this pace but am I doing anything wrong. i want to make sure I lose the weight in a healthy manner. Any suggestions or tips are welcome.

    Mind stating how tall you are?

    If you aren't like, 6'5" or something and pretty lean in the first place, this is probably fine in my experience. You loose a lot of water and waste the first week. It won't hold up at that pace. But I lost a lot the first 2-3 weeks before I finally leveled off to about 2 lbs a week.
  • vamiles
    vamiles Posts: 15
    So long as you're not too far under the 1500 and so long as you're eating most of your exercise calories back, then you should be just fine.

    11lb is a lot, but most people lose a lot in their first few weeks. If it doesn't slow down to 1-3lbs a week after the first month, it might mean you're not eating enough.

    That's probably exactly what it is You are not intaking what you are burning. Weightloss is about give and take. You give your body nourishment to do the exercises and in return, you gain muscle mass/tone and lose fat. The misleading factor here is that you have to stay under the 1600 calorie limit set by the site; this is far from true. The site gives basic guidlines. If you work out a lot you have to eat accordingly. A lot of cardio requires a lot of green foods, a lot of water, and a lot of proteins and simple sugars. This means that you will most likely consume up to 2500 calories in a day if you are like me (3000+ some days) depending on your activity level. Never go out and run 7 miles on an empty stomach, or try to do a full workout on 250 calories in a day (unless you plan on eating the remaing 1750 or so calories your body needs after the workout) it's not a good practice. You should eat what you need prior to the workout and then have a small meal (aka snack <400 calories) with protein and BCAA's after the workout to make it a sucessful one.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Is ripped fuel 5x a diet pill? If so, the weight you lose will probably not be long term. Once you stop the pills you will gain it all or most back most likely
  • aldailey27
    5 ft 11 inches