Anyone over 250lbs try 30 day shred?

New to mfp. I've lost 20lbs in my first few weeks, but this is mostly water weight/holiday binge leftovers. Now is where the real work starts. I'm about 270 and wondering if I could remotely handle even all level one of the 30 day shred, or if I need to wait antother 20-30 lbs until I'm under 250. I've been walking and can handle long walks, but I usually poop out after 12-15 minutes on my eliptical. At least I dusted the ol' thing off.

Going on a vacation the last week of March. Sure would feel good to be able to buckle my seat belt without a struggle. My current mini-goal is to lose 20lbs in 2 months.


  • drea73
    drea73 Posts: 20
    I did it at 320 pounds. You can do it!!
  • Chloelovesjohn
    Chloelovesjohn Posts: 11 Member
    Jillian even says that she has people 400 pounds doing it so there isnt an excuse
  • Jazzyjules71
    Jazzyjules71 Posts: 150 Member
    I think anyone can do it, just pace yourself, and don't get frustrated with what you may not be able to do. Just keep doing it, and working at it, and it will get better every time.
  • AngelJordan
    AngelJordan Posts: 46 Member
    I was 251 when i started =) and hadn't done any exercising for a good year or so. It was tough and sore the first couple days and now i am addicted and love it! I can get through all the jumping jacks, and jump rope on level one without stopping =)
    You might not be able to follow as quick as they can, but you can def do it. As jillian says "i've got 400lb people doing this, so theres no excuses"
    Good luck hun
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    I do it at 262lbs. It is hard but awesome! I always finish it and think I can do it again. Go for it!
  • LessOfMePlease
    LessOfMePlease Posts: 50 Member
    I was 250ish and handled it fine... except I will warn you to watch your knees on Level 1. And that is true for all, regardless of weight!
  • vtempes
    vtempes Posts: 47
    I am currently 272 and just did day 6 of level 3. It can be done!!!
  • You can do it but prepared your knees won't like you very much for it. I'm doing it for a 2nd time and I weigh 220 right now, but years of being on my feet and being overweight has hurt my knees.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I am 300 pounds and im doing it.. You can do it.. you have to have it in your mind to do it.
  • JollyJane13
    JollyJane13 Posts: 62 Member
    I was 346 pounds when I started it. I just finished Day 12 (Day 2 of level 2) and I have lost 7 pounds and inches are melting away. It is hard, pushups esp, but I do my best. I find jumping jacks painful, so I do something else during that time (butt kicks or skaters). The plank stuff in level 2 is really hard for me at my weight, but I do as much as I can, go as slow as I need to.
  • wickyweightloss
    wickyweightloss Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, Please tell me more about this 30 day shred? What is it , and what needs to be done?
  • I did it when I was 260lbs, you can definitely do it!

    After the first workout it was hard to walk for 2-3 days, for me. My thighs were on fire! If this happens with you, just keep sticking with it, you will be SHOCKED at how quickly your body gets used to it! The jumping jacks and butt kicks were the hardest for me at first, but in 1-2 weeks I was able to keep up with them. I cried tears of joy, it was a huge accomplishment for me.

    I suggest doing more lower body stretches after you're done with the workout, Jillian doesn't do nearly enough. Have fun :flowerforyou:
  • I was 250lbs a year ago. At 236lbs my physician and my personal trainer both said for me not to do it yet because it's hard on the knees/joints in the long run because of all the weight. She said for me to wait until I lost a little more weight.

    Jillian ALSO says to check with your physician before starting any fitness program so if you can, see it fitness trainer or physician first!
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi, Please tell me more about this 30 day shred? What is it , and what needs to be done?

    Its a fitness DVD by the woman who does America's Biggest Loser x
  • Ariaeko
    Ariaeko Posts: 16 Member
    I'm about to start the shred 2/1 myself and am over 250 as well. It should be interesting but I want the results it promises so I'm going to power through it! :)
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    You can definitely do it - you can do anything you put your mind to. If you need a little break, take one but push yourself because you can definitely finish it. Its just 25 mins! I started it at 225-230 somewhere in there and it was a challenge but definitely didn't kill me! Best of luck.
  • It's true, the shred is hard on knees! And I was about 180 when I started (155 now). For a while they were so sore that I worried I had really injured myself. But if you just modify the moves that hurt your knees the most, and take advil or a joint supplement, they will get stronger and better. You can do it!
  • you can for sure do it. im at 240 and have taken abuse on my knees from playin volleyball in school. i made it thru day 1 fine, day 2 i was pretty sore.. and then i used biofreeze (it helps soothe the muscles), today i completed day 3. first i went on a run to make sure my legs could handle it, came back and did 30ds. you can definitely do it. good luck
  • Do you need any special equipment with it ? Is it a one time do thing or do you wait a few weeks/months and do it again? Im not very familiar with it either but ordered it on ebay yesterday after all the awesome things iv'e heard and seen here at MFP.
  • amandabcdefg
    amandabcdefg Posts: 58 Member
    You can do it but prepared your knees won't like you very much for it. I'm doing it for a 2nd time and I weigh 220 right now, but years of being on my feet and being overweight has hurt my knees.

    i was going to say the same thing. i'm only on day 3 of level 1 and my knees are really feeling it..