Deployed and still havent really seen a difference, what giv

I am stationed in Japan and now got deployed to Afghanistan, been here for about six months. Before my tour I was eating like crazy and working out but not really watching what I was eating. Here I have been exercising 6 times a week and always on my feet, not eating all the fatty foods I'm used to, and I still don't really see that much of a difference in my body. I barely noticed that my face and boobs have slimmed down but I took a photo about 1 month ago and yesterday I took another one wearing the same thing but I really can't see the difference...I dont know what I'm doing wrong or why I'm not really losing any inches. My clothes do feel a little loose but when I put on my civilian pants to test they still pretty much fit the same.

I just dont get it. I gave up my greasy eggs and bacon for Kashi cereal or a Slimfast shake every morning and theres no restaurants or taco bell to pig out on here. I do snack but I usually try and keep it healthy. I snacked alot and ate like crap before I deployed and now that I'm eating much healthier, working out and drinking alot of water and activity...I don't see much of a difference. I took a bid pod test a year ago and it told me my body only burns 980 calories per day without any activity...

so confused on whether I should just work out harder or restrict my calories even more. I'm 5'0" and weigh 115. There's a scale here but last time I checked it said I was 126 way that could be accurate.

Any advice or suggestions would be helpful. Thank you!


  • oliviaseward
    oliviaseward Posts: 66 Member
    hi! my name is olivia...i had to look when i saw that you were deployed i am too! im in the airforce and currently at manas... when i first got here i was pretty much eating whatever and not really working out i was 175 and started to drop the weight because i wasnt snacking and was walking everywhere but it wasnt coming off fast enough i then decided to jopin mfp almost a month ago and i see the difference. ive been eating right and working out everyday since i joined MFP and been doing zumba and jillian michaels vids... please dont be discouraged i know it seems like youre not changing but im sure you are if anything you are making your body healthier you will start to see the improvements just stick with it! im now down to 159 with the goal to lose 24 more before i go home.... 3 months left... ugh but we can do it!
  • JaneMills0
    JaneMills0 Posts: 40 Member
    You look great and your BMI is slap bang in the middle of healthy. Which it should be given the job you do. I guess you are just putting on muscle, and eating what your body needs. Chill a bit and worry about weigh loss when you are back home.
  • xmalfan
    xmalfan Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks Jane and Olivia. Yeah I'm definitely keeping the routine still and acknowledging that the exercise is still beneficial. Congrats on the weight loss Olivia thats incredible! I do Jillian Michaels work outs as well. I will pass through Manas when I get back in March, never been to their gym but I'm sure its better than our old, small one haha.

    Perhaps I will chill about it. I guess I shouldn't complain and be more patient. thank u again!
  • dslmech98
    Im also deployed in Afghanistan (though not military anymore) and it can be hard here concidering the lack of choice in meals especially if your on a small camp like I am. Just keep at it but keep in mind, just because your not losing weight doesnt mean it isnt working. muscle is heavier than fat so even though your not dropping weight like your hopeing your still losing. Also because your BMI is very close to what its supposed to be thatll slow it down too.
    I reciently had to start working out due to health reason. My idea of a workout was walking to DFAC. Even though I dont see it, alot of people have been telling me I look like I've lost alot of weight. Maybe your not seeing the forest for the trees. If you have a friend that you would be willing to ask, get their honest opinion. Another thing you can do is the tape measure, that'll record body size changes where a scale can't (the weight of the fat/muscle thing). Keep at it youll do alright.
  • fxst78
    fxst78 Posts: 221 Member
    Depending on where you are there is a very good chance you are taking in more calories than you realise.

    The DFACs here are pretty bad when it comes to adding in oil to everything they cook. Even the steamed vegetables have a layer of oil on them!

    I would say your best bet is to aim for clean food and hit the weights! If you can add some lean muscle mass you will be better off. Don't give in to the extreme cold and eat heavy meals!
  • xmalfan
    xmalfan Posts: 8 Member
    Im also deployed in Afghanistan (though not military anymore) and it can be hard here concidering the lack of choice in meals especially if your on a small camp like I am. Just keep at it but keep in mind, just because your not losing weight doesnt mean it isnt working. muscle is heavier than fat so even though your not dropping weight like your hopeing your still losing. Also because your BMI is very close to what its supposed to be thatll slow it down too.
    I reciently had to start working out due to health reason. My idea of a workout was walking to DFAC. Even though I dont see it, alot of people have been telling me I look like I've lost alot of weight. Maybe your not seeing the forest for the trees. If you have a friend that you would be willing to ask, get their honest opinion. Another thing you can do is the tape measure, that'll record body size changes where a scale can't (the weight of the fat/muscle thing). Keep at it youll do alright.

    Cool sounds like you might be at Camp Eggers where I'm at? yeah I need to get a tape measure because the scale might be useless in my case. I might not be noticing cause I see myself every day, thanks for the support!
  • xmalfan
    xmalfan Posts: 8 Member
    Depending on where you are there is a very good chance you are taking in more calories than you realise.

    The DFACs here are pretty bad when it comes to adding in oil to everything they cook. Even the steamed vegetables have a layer of oil on them!

    I would say your best bet is to aim for clean food and hit the weights! If you can add some lean muscle mass you will be better off. Don't give in to the extreme cold and eat heavy meals!

    You might be right. The DFACs here are pretty bad, the food is frozen and we really have no idea how much oil they add. I've started to recently just take only whats somewhat fresh on their and protein wise get the leanest option they have, which lately hasn't been much. I need to add more weights to my workout instead of just body weight exercises.

    Thanks for the tips everyone.