breasfeeding and dieting

Any one else breastfeeding and dieting? I am new to this site . I am struggling with how many calories I need to lose weight and continue to breastfeed exclusively. If anyone can add any info it would be greatly appreciated.


  • AnneH1977
    AnneH1977 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi! I am still breastfeeding my now 14 month old and have lost 6 pounds while still maintaining supply. We burn around 500 calories to produce milk. I eat back my exercise calories, but make sure its something like a plateful of veggies, a fruit or a calcium source. Also make sure you're taking a vitamin supplement and drinking plenty of water as this is crucial in supply. I try to get at least 10 cups in. Plain oatmeal made with skim milk and fruit is an excellent supply booster and a yummy breakfast! Add me if you'd like! Good luck!
  • dsb76
    dsb76 Posts: 24 Member
    I am nursing my 2.5 month old twins exclusively and trying to get back into shape. I give myself an extra 800 hundred calories (if you search for breastfeeding under food you can add it for negative calories each day) and I also eat back most of my exercise calories. I've only been tracking 2 weeks and I find having a food diary is great when I am always ravishingly hungry - I still cave to cravings but I am so much better about portion size and not over doing it. I am rarely hungry by evening time if I have made wise choices during the day.
    I agree with the above poster about watching your supply. Some people's supply is much more sensitive to number of calories you consume so beware of dropping too many calories too quickly.
    Add me if you like.