Sugar from Fruit and Dairy

Every day, I go over in the sugar category. I don't eat refined sugars or processed foods -- the sugar comes entirely from yogurt and skim milk, or from fruit. Giving up either of these things detracts from obtaining other necessary nutrients. What do people think? Is keeping the sugar category low important if the sugar is coming from fruit and dairy? My fat and carb categories are always low -- sugar is the only one that goes over.


  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I personally LOVE fruit and yogurt, so I don't worry about it. It isn't like yo uare filling yourself with Krispy Kremes and cake. Now if you find you get to a point where you are no longer losing or start to gain again, I'd try to cut out the sugars(whole milk has less sugars than skim--yes, there is more fat, but you even said you go under in that category) as a way to boost the weight loss.
  • mammacoty
    mammacoty Posts: 45 Member
    There is a difference between natural sugars and refined processed sugars. If you are getting it from healthy natural sources, than don't sweat it if you exceed your limit. But yes, if you hit a plateau, then try cutting them out for a week or two should help the weight loss to keep happening.
  • lollipopgold
    lollipopgold Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you so much -- that is a good point; if I'm losing, I'll keep doing what I'm doing, and if I plateau, I know that's one of the places I can tweak. Going to have my morning yogurt.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    A lot of yogurts have added sugar. I love Carbmaster yogurt--very low in sugar.