Distribution of Weight Loss



  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Most noticeable is in my face and love handle area:)
  • Mine seems to be arms, then legs, then hips/butt, and finally my torso, starting at the back.
  • I've lost very little in the areas that MFP has you measure. :( However, I've noticed that my ta-tas are shrinking exponentially, as they always do when I lose weight. I also notice it in my feet... seriously??? Like I really care if I lose weight in my feet. lol. Anyway, eventually, it'll come off in the good places. : )
  • I am on the HCG diet so my calorie intake is 500 and i have been working out. I lost 12 lbs in the first couple of days and now im back up to were i started and i am still following the diet like i should does anyone no why this could be happening
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    First my face, neck and arms. Then my mid-section. Thighs and hips are last. My butt stays no matter what, but that's okay with me!
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    the genetics thing, meh. im not so sure.

    My mum is a classic apple, skinny legs and arms but large upper stomach. but then her ribcage is a different type to mine, hers is convex, mine is very flat.

    i have noticed with the last 14 or so pounds i have gained before starting that it went on my waist, face and upper arms, so i expect this will go first, then its my legs, then my hips finally.

    i wont lose any boobs as theyre falsies lol :)
  • I am on the HCG diet so my calorie intake is 500 and i have been working out. I lost 12 lbs in the first couple of days and now im back up to were i started and i am still following the diet like i should does anyone no why this could be happening

    Only 500 calories a day? I always thought anything below 800 a day was very very dangerous, and your body goes into starvation mode (as does your brain and all major organs -it's called anorexia). There are actors who have done diets like this for a role, but they have all sorts of people checking them all the time.

    When your body goes into starvation mode, anything you eat will be stored as fat. This is because your bdy thinks 'Oh heck! When's the next time i'll get anything!' So stores it away.

    I know quite a lot about this, because as a teenager I was anorexic.

    Take care.
  • Usually when I lose weight, it comes off my waist first, then my thighs.

    my butt never gets smaller though lol!
  • cgraylyon
    cgraylyon Posts: 292 Member
    I lost weight in specific places first, but now that I have been down to the last five lbs. for about 5 months :) The weight seems to be evening out. My husband told me yesterday that same thing. I think we all have our weak spots and that's where it's hardest to loose. For me it was my belly. Good luck to you!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I am sure it is different for everyone.

    I am losing it all over, and according to the tape measure, pretty evenly. However, I only notice it in certain places, if I notice it at all. Sometimes I can't tell by looking at myself, and I need those around me to speak up and tell me that they can see it (and they do, it's so nice!)

    I've lost about two inches each off my bust, waist, and hips. You can start to see my facial bone structure better, and my arms are starting to look a bit tighter. I've only lost 13lbs so far, but by the time I'm done with this, I'm going to be FOXY.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    the genetics thing, meh. im not so sure.

    My mum is a classic apple, skinny legs and arms but large upper stomach. but then her ribcage is a different type to mine, hers is convex, mine is very flat.

    i have noticed with the last 14 or so pounds i have gained before starting that it went on my waist, face and upper arms, so i expect this will go first, then its my legs, then my hips finally.

    i wont lose any boobs as theyre falsies lol :)
    Genetics doesn't mean you are exactly like your mom, love.
  • CaSome11
    CaSome11 Posts: 38 Member
    I've only lost 10.5 lbs, but so far all I'm noticing is that my big beautiful D cups, have slowly dwindled into C's. :( I'm not really recognizing it anywhere else. I don't know where it's all coming off of! From previous attempts I know that the dreaded belly will be the last to go.