

  • 10 days?! That's freaking awesome!!!! Keep it up, it's definitely working for you!
  • sweetie1975
    sweetie1975 Posts: 154 Member
    Holy crap...only 10 days...if that's not motivation enough to exercise, nothing is WTG!!
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
  • KristinArredondo
    KristinArredondo Posts: 127 Member
    Thank you everyone! Stay tuned for my 30 day results! I can't wait to even get there! :
  • ImSoPerfectlyFlawed
    ImSoPerfectlyFlawed Posts: 127 Member
    That's awesome in 10days, great job and good luck!
  • jdw617
    jdw617 Posts: 2 Member
    That is awesome keep on track you are doing fantastic!!
  • SamMorBelsmom
    SamMorBelsmom Posts: 164 Member
    Holy Cow that is amazing! Keep it up and imagine what you will look like when you are all done...
  • MrsFelton2010
    MrsFelton2010 Posts: 339 Member
    Wow I can only imagine what your body will look like when your done
  • KristinArredondo
    KristinArredondo Posts: 127 Member
    THANKS! I'm sure my results will slow down, considering i know sometimes either you dont lose at the beginning or you do. I'm hoping it sticks! (the losing that is...)
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    I tried to find your blog but couldn't find it.... how do I do that? Cause I have p90x but am doing the 30ds first to get into a little better shape.:) Your results are amaaaaaazing!!!! Fantastic job!!
  • rpantusa
    rpantusa Posts: 267 Member
    yup, a huge diffrence that is amazing in just 10 days! :) way to go, keep it up, i wanna see when u are done too! :smile:
  • rkr22401
    rkr22401 Posts: 216 Member
    Just started week 5 of P90X. For those of you worried about whether or not you are in good enough shape...just do it. The trainers demonstrate multiple ways to do each exercise so you can tailor it to your fitness level. For instance, I do the pullups with my feet on a chair (providing just enough assistance to pull my chin over the bar). You can do pushups on your knees, use lighter weights (or bands), etc.

    It is an investment of over an hour a day, but I work 13 hour days and go to grad school in my spare time so it can be done. My abs are starting to make their first appearance in years and I still have almost 50 lbs more to lose. What I've found interesting is my weight loss on the scale slowed when I started P90X but I can see visible changes in my BF% and my clothes are falling off of me. Past diet/exercise programs I'd lost lots of weight but probably half of that weight loss was muscle, and I eventually put it back on. I can tell I'm building muscle while losing fat on P90X.

    Another interesting part of the program is that even after a month, I am mildly sore every single day. With other programs I am typically sore for the first week, then my body adapts. P90X mixes things up constantly so you never adapt. Don't be intimidated by the soreness. It's a good kind or sore that tells you you've done something. I am not affiliated with the producers in any way and I wholeheartedly endorse it.

    There are a few P90X groups on MFP to keep you accountable or you can start your own group. I expect it will take two trips through the program to reach my ultimate goal, but I have no doubt I'm going to get there. Stay tuned for pics this summer.
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