To Cheat Or Not To Cheat.,..

Hi all. I was driving to work on Thursday morning listening to the local radio station, were a fitness proffessional was saying how anyone serious about dieting/losing weight should never have a cheat day.

I totally disagree with this. I have at least one cheat day a week, if i`ve been really good i may have two. I may put on a couple of extra pounds, but so what. If i couldn`t have at least one cheat day a week, i`d still be over 18st. Take last weekend for example. I got up and had my normal yogurt and protein mix at 10.30, then had a can of condensed mushroom soup at around 2.30, then decided to go to the pub for an hour. The hour turned into 10 hours ( i only go out one saturday a month) so as you can imagine, i`d had a long day and ingested a hell of a lot more calories than i should have done, where if you look at my food sheet you can see for yourselves.. Following this i ordered a 12" garlic bread with cheese and a large mixed grill kebab, smothered in Garlic and Chili sauce. Weighing in the next morning i was still 14st 11...But the monday morning i was 14st 13lb.

My point being that by this morning i was back down to 14st 9lb. Following my blitz at the weekend i had 2 moderately low carb days followed by more cardio and weight lifting than i would normally do on a Monday.

So all in all a 4lb drop over the week but a overall healthy weight loss of 2lb from the week before.

So don`t go kicking yourself if you have a cheat day, 1 it gives you something to look forward too. and 2 it kickstarts my week off knowing my metabolism has had a shock and goes into overdrive the monday and the tuesday.

Anyone's thoughts/comments more than welcome.


  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    I cheat for one meal on saturdays. I have lost weight and knowing i will eat a bit heavy i excercise hard too.
  • Completely agree. We NEED a cheat day so we don't get obsessed and too wrapped up in calories! I just started making Sunday my cheat day.

    The only bad side of this is that once I start eating junk, I really won't stop so then it becomes a binge instead of a cheat.
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member

    What he said in this NOT a diet it is a way of eating, therefore it is not a CHEAT day. I think it is allowable, it is what keeps me sane and on track
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Every weekend I use to cheat from Friday-Sunday! It works when you first start out, but when you are close to goal it doesn't. Then I was told you should have 1 cheat meal not a cheat DAY LOL. I think that is more sustainable . . . but still that didn't work for me for long. I will enjoy maybe 1 cheat meal a week when I reach goal but now I am focused to get to my goal range and sustain. That means make smart choices each meal every day.
  • Tupeloblossom
    Tupeloblossom Posts: 142 Member
    I have just started on my trip to getting healthier but I did "cheat" last night. We celebrated my sons birthday and my husband and I anniversary ( a little late =) it was Dec. 24th). I ate what I wanted. Tried to keep the portions down but enjoyed myself. I do not have a set cheat day but I feel it is important to keep myself motivated so if I fid myself cheating every once in a while I do not kick myself. I just work out harder.
  • OSUloulou
    OSUloulou Posts: 74 Member
    Calling it a cheat day makes me feel like i am doing something wrong..... I do engage in high calories days from time to time, but still try to make wise food choices and stay within my overall weekly calorie goal. I think a high calorie day every now and again is healthy for everyone:)
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I think you have to figure out what works for you personally. I don't have a cheat day as such, but I eat/drink a lot more at the weekends. I try to account for it by exercising a bit more, but if I have a reason to go out for example, I just have whatever I want, otherwise I feel it's a bit pointless going. However, I have accepted the fact that for me this is a long journey. For those with a small amount to lose, or maybe even for me when I am close to goal, a few months of total restriction might work. For now though, t's definitely a case of eating well & exercising most of the time, and cutting loose every now and then.
  • over lots of years i've done the weight lose thing lots of different ways and the "cheat day" idea has worked ....when i've been dieting. My sat binge would usually run to sun etc.. i think this is because when dieting i felt deprived so much that when allowed per say i went crazy.
    This year i'm done dieting i want to change my life so i think if i'm going out for a meal i don't want to be a diet bore or be feeling bad for enjoying myself. I want to learn to control myself instead of food and that little demon on my shoulder doing it for me.I want to learn to make better choices and learn moderation and should i go a littl(lot) over one day i know like those skinny peopple out there that come mon i will be eating normal again an maybe excercise that bit harder...
  • Yesterday I was out all day, so I had pizza for lunch, and chicken nuggets and fries for dinner. It was so yummy but I felt terrible at the end of the day because I knew my weigh in was today. Well I STILL lost a pound this week even though I haven't been as strict on what I'm eating. I just try to make sure I stay under my calorie goal, and it seems to be working! I think a cheat day is good for some, and not so good for others. You just can't get discouraged and give up!
  • I have to have a cheat day. I've tried before not having one and always give up. My cheat day is usually Sunday but this coming week I switched to Monday. I still have to excercise and I loosely keep track of my calories. I didn't do my usual exercise program yesterday because I did some gardening and counted that. I was tempted this week by all kinds of foods but what kept me on the right track was telling myself I will be at my favorite mexican restaurant on Monday eating and having a couple of margaritas.
  • I agree, I don't think it is bad to have a cheat meal or a cheat day. But I don't have a "planned regular" cheat day; instead, I have "planned target" cheat days when I know I am going to cheat, and in fact, plan on it. For example, during this years NFL playoffs, when my team was in the NFC championship, I planned to have hot wings, drinks, etc. I exercised that day to diminish some of the affect, but I still went over, and that was ok. I STILL lost 2.2 lbs from the Wed before to the Wed after. I don't plan another day until the Super Bowl. I'm new to this program, and this is working for me. But yes, I agree with most of you, a cheat day may not be the PERFECT plan, but I think it works for the vast majority of us in keeping our moods good!! :flowerforyou:
  • I've been at this for almost 4 weeks steady now - and I think I've had pretty good results. And while I don't dedicate a whole day to "cheating" - I haven't deprived myself of something that I wanted. I figure as long as it's not something consistent that you indulge in EVERY day then you'll still end up losing weight. Like last night I went to a hockey game and had a bit of candy and last week we had a pot luck at work. I still worked my butt off at the gym - but at least I know that I can enjoy life without having to suffer through social activities that involve food. Just gotta figure out what works for you :)
  • txbutterfly69
    txbutterfly69 Posts: 115 Member
    I cheat on occasion or else I have binge attacks. I don't see it as cheating, but allowing myself a treat for the week. I don't eat like that everyday though. Yesterday I allowed myself to have pizza and enjoyed every bite. Today I'm back to my healthier eating styles. Not going to look back of feel guilty.
  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    I don't have a cheat day, only a cheat meal. I will do this maybe once every 2 weeks or so and it helps! Shocks the system and I workout even harder the next day. I plan my cheat meal but I make sure I hit all my macros and do it on a non training day.
  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    I don't have a cheat day or a cheat meal. I am me and some days I do amazing and some days I do poorly. I work out 5 days a week and 2 days I don't. I do my best and still have a life. I go out to eat sometimes. Every once and a while I need a night off from the kids or a date with my husband. I have learned that its ok to have one brownie or one slice of pizza. over doing it is not an option and skipping a meal so you can eat out isn't good either. As long as I'm doing my best most days to come under my calories I will still see the weight come off.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    I don't believe in a "cheat day" or "cheat meal".

    I don't restrict anything.

    I DO believe you can have high calorie days within limits and lower calorie days. If I want it, I'll have it and work hard to remove it from my net calorie intake.

    I will let you decide if you want me as a friend or not

    Hi, I'm Barbra (my friends call me Barbi)

    I've lost the same 80 lbs 3 times until now.....I've finely figured learned the key to weight loss.

    I believe in eating all or most of your calories burnt by exercise to keep your weight loss steady and fuel your body for the exercise you are doing.

    I believe you have to eat the calories MFP tells you too which is on your diary as "my goal"

    I believe your "net" should never go under 1200

    I will not tell you your doing a good job on your diary if you're under your "net" calories

    I will also not comment if your diary is not public

    I WILL be a great support if you are eating right, exercising, and doing it RIGHT without going hungry.

    because it works