Feeling super frustrated!!! HELP

Ok, so I started using MFP on january 5th and by the 21st I had lost 16 lbs- I have followed my diet all week, working out like crazy, even started weight training, weigh myself today I and have GAINED 5 lbs (this was in the morning, after I went to the bathroom, and before I ate burger king our of pure frustration 0_o) I was told by a friend of mine, the first week of weight training you'll gain, because your building muscle and blah blah blah, but I just dont believe it, not after a week, not 5 lbs of muscle. I expected to see AT least a 1lb loss, .5 loss, ANY loss, but a FIVE POUND GAIN!??! I feel like I put forth all this effort, and it just didn't work so why bother trying.
PLEASE, advice, INFO, HELP, I'm drowning here and I need someone to throw me a life vest!


  • luviedovie
    go by how you feel, not always by the number on the scale.
    pay more attention to your diet. a lot of the results come from diet vs. exercise.
  • Rockontoothpicks
    Don't get frustrated. Ok well that is not reasonable advice...so lets say after you take a moment to get frustrated (because it happens to everyone) take a moment to take a deep breath and stay focused on your goal. You have been eating well and now you have added weight training....you are on the right path. Unfortunately as hard as you are working, your body and the expectations of instant reward are not on the same path but just you wait. Next week you will lose the weight again (and slowly build the muscle).
    In fact use your frustration to dig deep and push yourself during your work outs. Wait one week to weigh yourself (I know how hard that is...I had to take my scale out the bathroom) and you will see that you are having positive results. Trust me (I have had my angry Burger King temptations too) just hang in there
  • Susan0816
    Susan0816 Posts: 41 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself!! You could gain if going from a couch potato to alot of workouts. Are you drinking your water to keep hydrated? Try to stay away from Burger King and Mikkey D's just the sodium alone will cause you to gain. Just be sure to get a balanced meals. Could also be that TOM. Change of medications??

    Feel free to message me...
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I've taken a look at your diary and you really aren't eating enough. You are way under your calorie goal every day.
  • BrnIdGirl
    BrnIdGirl Posts: 129 Member
    The scale can bounce around alot. If you had extra salt or are retaining water. Please don't get discouraged. 16 pounds in 16 days is nothing to sneeze at.
  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    I know how you feel. I had a 7 pound gain OVERNIGHT! It went away of course and it wasn't a true gain.

    I wouldn't read to much into it. Go by how you feel!
  • monzie76
    Muscle DOES way more than fat. If you are exercising regularly and eating right you will FEEL and SEE the results. Don't rely so much on the scales but on the way you FEEL!!! Keep it up!
  • petewilson69
    Hi... stay away from weights... and do cardiovascular work outs.. weights will build muscle. Cardiovascular work outs will burn fat.. and drink green tea. It really works by increasing your metabolic rate.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    the thing is you didnt gain 5 lbs of muscle in a week - but your muscles are holding on to more water to help them repair from the lifting sessions. so while you saw a gain on the scale, its basically water weight and will gradually go away as you get into a good routine. keep drinking lots of water and getting enough protein
  • tataliciousd89
    When recovering from strength training your body will retain water as well. To repair, your body enables the inflammatory response to get more nutrients into the area. This happens a lot when you very first start tearing down and rebuilding muscle. It will even out as you continue.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    Hi... stay away from weights... and do cardiovascular work outs.. weights will build muscle. Cardiovascular work outs will burn fat.. and drink green tea. It really works by increasing your metabolic rate.
    bad advice
    weights will help build muscle which burns more fat by just existing. a good routine of weight lifting and cardio is best.
    women cant bulk up like men either - especially eating at a deficit. its just not possible without steroids and eating at a surplus and tons of other factors
  • GibsonDarlin
    GibsonDarlin Posts: 202 Member
    I have read that you muscles retainer water, when you weight lift and change your exercise routine..


    Make sure you are eating well to nourish your muscles !!

    Dont give up!

    and BK every once in awhile is OK!!!
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    sexyminxinthemaking Posts: 451 Member
    that gain will disapear in a few days so dont worry too much about it, it happens to the best of us x
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    It isn't muscle. You can't put on muscle that fast. However, you CAN have your muscles retain water to repair themselves and put on water weight that way (especially if you just started lifting). Ignore the scale and keep doing what you are doing. Don't self-sabotage.
  • kiesh82
    kiesh82 Posts: 131 Member
    I looked at your diary and your problem is that you're NOT eating enough! Especially if you are weight training! You are only eating 800-900 calories some days but your body needs more fuel than that. Not eating enough, especially when exercising(!) will cause the opposite effect - you won't lose you'll actually gain or plateau. There are tons of threads on MFP bout this, do a search on "eating exercise calories" and "starvation mode."
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Hi... stay away from weights... and do cardiovascular work outs.. weights will build muscle. Cardiovascular work outs will burn fat.. and drink green tea. It really works by increasing your metabolic rate.
    bad advice
    weights will help build muscle which burns more fat by just existing. a good routine of weight lifting and cardio is best.
    women cant bulk up like men either - especially eating at a deficit. its just not possible without steroids and eating at a surplus and tons of other factors

    ^^^Listen! Women NEED, and I said NEED to do strength training in addition to cardio exercise. Cardio does burn a boatload of calories and it certainly keeps our heart, lungs, and all the parts of the CARDIOvascular system healthy. But, unless you want to be a bent-over old lady :), you need to do weight-bearing strength training to keep your bones and muscular system as healthy as your heart and lungs!

    And, who the hell cares if maintaining more muscle means you weigh a pound or two more? You will look HOT… better than if you're all mushy but a couple pounds lighter!!

    NO, muscle does NOT weigh more than fat… omg… a pound = a pound. But, it is DENSER than fat and therefore takes up less VOLUME. Meaning, a pound of muscle looks better than a pound of fat! :D And unless you're a very unusual women.. meaning you have way more testosterone than normal… you are not going to "bulk up".
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    DON'T USE THE SCALE TO JUDGE YOUR PROGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Use body measurements, the mirror, and check how your clothes fit you.
  • rwattson
    Please remember that inital weight lost (first week or two) is partially water weight but you started strong and had amazing results! Your body was doing what it was suppose to do and now what? I understand your frustration but what your friend said is partially true. You are breaking down and building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat (***is denser than fat***). The other part of this is weight training requires more protien. The protien will give you the calories and proper nutrients to rebuild that muscle. If you do not have enough of this in your diet your body will pull back and hold onto more calories so you have the energy to work out. PROBLEM: Carbs break down differently and are used differently in your body. So, body says "well, I can't use it now but I will save it for later.... " Hence some weight gain. A solution to your problem would be on weight training days aim for a protien/veggies diet, stay low carb for the whole day, especially after your workout. On your cardio days feel free to consume as you have been. Lots of water, of course! These changes should help. If it does not another thing to look at is your processed food consumption and sodium intake.