Hi There, I'm new too... trying to get familiar with this si

Hi There,

I'm also new to this site and I am trying to get familiar with this site as well. My husband has Osteoarthritis, we have 5 kids and I went back to work full-time 3 years ago. Since being back to work full-time, I have gained 45 lbs. The past 2 years have been difficult with my husband and his medical diagnosis and I turned to food for comfort and control (there I said it).

I'm excited about this new journey that I am on to loose weight. I have always been able to keep my figure trim and in shape, until the past few years.

What are some "quick" foods that I can grab, which are filling and healthy?

Thanks so much!


  • Joey1380
    Joey1380 Posts: 2
    Congratulations on getting back on track!

    For "quick" foods - you could always grab an apple and string cheese, a handful of almonds, a protein bar (such as Kashi Go-Lean, etc.) or some trail mix.
  • Kamille84
    Kamille84 Posts: 32
  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    my favorite dinner which is sabotage-proof is this: I always have those steamfresh veggies in my freezer - fabulous, already seasoned and ready in minutes. I'll have 1/2 a bag and 2 scrambled eggs. It fills me up and, becaust I switch the veggies around, I don't get bored. I also keep Morningstar Farms veggie patties on hand, too and will make a sammie with whole wheat toast.

    For a treat, i eat skinny cow ice cream sandwiches - I am an ice cream junkie, and these are scrummy.

    Keep on hand fresh fruits and some fat free yogurt and you can make "fruit soup" - I like to sprinkle ground flax seeds on top.

    Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:

    Also - cooking light has great recipies with nutrition information included.
  • yessie75
    yessie75 Posts: 152
    I've been trying to include more fruits in my diet. today I went shoping and found tons of berries (some I have never tried :). Also, I love bananas for snack and a fruit and nut mix I get from Cosco.
    I am a teacher, and during the school year I tend to eat a lot, someone is alwasy bringing a treat. The last month of school, I started bringing my own lunch (usually Smart Ones or Lean Cuisine plus a Yoplait yougurt), It didn't seem like much, but it sure feels you up :)
    Good luck on your journey!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. You will love this site, I do. This site is great, it is so supportive, helpful, motivational, and easy to use.Everyone is really nice here too. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.:smile::flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Beedybee
    Beedybee Posts: 1
    Hi everyone, I new to this too. I've done so many diets in the past I can't count. I'm trying to be very honest with this one. I'm hoping everyone will help me with this. I did P90X for about a month in a half and was losing great and got sick. Well, I fell off the wagon for about a year. When I started to get back on, I broke my ankle. It's been a long hall and I'm almont there. My goal is to lose 75 pounds. Ankle is not 100 percent yet but getting there. Hope to talk to all soon.