Too good to be true???

I'm at the grocery store this afternoon and all of sudden I realize that I'm craving ice cream - this is weird for me, I haven't had a craving for ice cream in a hella long time! - regardless, I figure looking down the ice cream aisle never really hurt anyone, for that matter, neither has moderation.

As I'm walking down the freezer section, I found it sitting there with a slight golden glow surrounding this amazing invention called Arctic Zero. I pick it up and look at the nutritional info (something I've been doing a lot of lately!) I say to myself, "I could eat the entire pint for 150 calories????? AND only 24 carbs?????? AND only 20 grams of sugar????????? NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" And I put it back....

That lasted for about 15 seconds until I turned around to go back to get it!

So here is my question, before I end up devouring this.... Can someone tell me if this is too good to be true?


  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    it's not too good to be true because it doesn't taste TOO GOOD. don't get be wrong, it's not BAD but it's not great and it's super expensive. I'd rather freeze a protein shake blended with 1 cup yogurt, 1 cup water...there ya go...2 pints and ~ 200 calories for less money and it's all natural.
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    Damn you Americans having such good stuff!

    Just looked on the website, does look too good to be true

    Wouldn't stop me from buying some though!
  • jwalker30
    jwalker30 Posts: 282
    I like those little Ben & Jerry's micro cups. They are really small, but i still get a good taste without eating too much. There's only about 200 calories in the little Ben & Jerry's cups.
  • karmiew
    karmiew Posts: 5 Member
    The Skinny Cow Truffle bars are great and only 100 calories.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Sounds amazing! If i ever see some in a shop il have to get it!
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I got me some blue bunny chocolate vanilla swirl low or nonfat frozen yogurt. So yummy. I would have the 1/2 serving on my 10 calories ice cream cup and it was beyond satisfying.
  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    I'll have to look up the ingredients list.. If it has more than 3 ingredients I usually won't eat it. You can make ice cream at home with some frozen banans, a blender and some chocolate chips or nutella or whatever. I use nutella and it's like 200 cals.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    ive heard good and not-so-good about it - next time i go shopping i was going to try a pint but i dont have high hopes.
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    What are the ingredients? I tend to focus on that more so than the numbers...
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Does sound very low... Glad I'm not too into ice cream as its a big craving for many people on here x
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    it isn't BAD but at $5 a freakin pint...seriously. Why not just freeze a protein shake....or blend a protein shake and a frozen banana for a high protein treat without all the chemicals?
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Mini twisters are great though! 30 cals x
  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    I loooovve ice cream! And I've found I can actually have some if I do it right.

    I wait until after dinner to see if I have the calories left. Depending on what I have left, I can often have a half cup or a cup. That's not very much, but I savor it.

    And I use my metal measuring cups to scoop it out so I know for sure how much I'm getting.

    It's saving me money, too, because that half gallon container is lasting me much, much longer than it used to!
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    I like those little Ben & Jerry's micro cups. They are really small, but i still get a good taste without eating too much. There's only about 200 calories in the little Ben & Jerry's cups.

    Mmmm, Ben & Jerry's :love:
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    I've seen many posts on here about Arctic Zero. People swear by it. Unfortunately they don't sell it where I am. Hope you like it! Their website lists where it's sold and more info.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Freeze some bananas and throw them into the food processor with some strawberries or nut butter, maybe a little chocolate and you've got a delicious frozen treat.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I keep reading about protein shakes, and how you can do loads of things with them like freeze them, for an ice-cream substitute, or add to other recipes. Question... what do you all mean by protein shake? Do you buy or make them? Are they only in America? What am I missing here?
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    I would have to agree with jwalker30. Get the good stuff, just eat less of it (I know, easier said than done!).

    That's my approach, anyway. I don't want to lose a bunch of weight eating okay-tasting (or maybe not even okay-tasting) diet food only to binge on the good stuff once I figure I've lost enough.

    I love that many companies are coming out with single-serving containers. Sure, you are going to pay a little more. But I figure you end up saving in the long run...If I buy a bag of combos, what are the chances of me stopping after that 1 serving? Zip, Zero, Zilch! Really...7 servings in that little bag? But I can buy a box of 6 single serving chips for the same price as that bag of combos (which was just one serving even though the bag said 7).

    I was in a weight-loss class one time and I remember them talking about things like ice cream. They said the average person only tastes the first couple bites and the last couple bites, everything in between is just distracted eating. So I micro cup of Ben & Jerry's should satisfy.

    Just my two cents...
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    That much sugar would bother me, but I might try it if I could stick to 1/2C serving for 5g sugar.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    it's not too good to be true because it doesn't taste TOO GOOD. don't get be wrong, it's not BAD but it's not great and it's super expensive. I'd rather freeze a protein shake blended with 1 cup yogurt, 1 cup water...there ya go...2 pints and ~ 200 calories for less money and it's all natural.
    This. It's not ice cream. Some of the flavors are pretty good, but none are creamy like ice cream, or even good frozen yogurt. I recommend the Vanilla Maple, Strawberry and Coffee flavors. I've heard Cookies and Cream is the worst of the flavors. I haven't had any in awhile. It was great when I first started MFP, though.

    As others have stated, it is an OK ice cream substitute that is pretty expensive. HOWEVER, you can sit down and plow through a pint and still stay under in calories.. So there's that...